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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. I might probably procure a prostitute next year but might probably not 🤔
  2. They want donations but do not make it easy to do, but working fine here 🤔
  3. For 300bt you can fondle my sausage .....dog 🤔
  4. My 10 year old got a one star in Thai so they can go whistle where the sun don't shine for any gratuities it would cost me a fortune🤔
  5. Hurry up and legalize it the police and army want to go legit, plus there will be an even more lucrative market in sharking when everyone losses their shirt 🤔
  6. On the bright side Mr. Ashton James Ellison your accommodation just got a whole lot cheaper🤔
  7. They must mean back pocket against the wall as all the cash will inevitably be trousered by someone or other 🤔
  8. I'm in the looking stage of a new 75 inch and Panasonic android/google standing out for me 25-35k half the price on my 6 year old 65 inch LG that's developing turning on and off +wifi issues 🤔
  9. It's very likely all supporting evidence can be found in concrete filled barrels at the bottom of the river 🤔
  10. This DPM talking about insulting to Thai people is a sure sign there is no way back 🤔
  11. A quick rendition of the corus of ringa ringa roses is in order by the sound of it 🤔
  12. Total population of Austria is 10 and 9 of them are here causing trouble 🤔
  13. Guess the people on mass will be the only way to change this neanderthal nonsense, the swamp is still full just different faces 🤔
  14. Delay due to late kick off and extra time ..must be 🤔
  15. This is the land of getting touched up by sharks so they know what they are talking about 🤔
  16. Now you mention it Tops just installed 4 of them last week and they assigned 2 members of staff to rigorously police me, even took the money from me inserted it then handed me the change after bagging my shopping ..Progress takes many forms here🤔
  17. Shocked no mention of farang involvement just a story of a dishonest Thai 🤔
  18. On the bright side they are number one, that unfortunately really means number two 🤔
  19. My local Tesco appears to have adopted a policy of 100 shelf stackers to block your progress and 1 checkout to finish you off 🤔
  20. What happened to the London holiday? ..He is now as reliable as Bob 🤔
  21. Now all you have to do is prove it ...And you spell ear with a hay 🤔
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