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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Who knows! but one thing is for sure wearing a turban in Iran will be very dangerous 🤔
  2. But we are adding to the economy said Ivan the taxi driver and Helga the prostitute, Tatiana the hairdresser was unavailable for comment 🤔
  3. It's called "Bangkok" for a reason! two early entrants for sausage fest next week by the sound of it 🤔
  4. The officer did have the 9mm edge in any argy bargy though 🤔
  5. On the bright side Big Ballsak is offering 2/1 on Standing Jokes survival 🤔
  6. No no water pistols you moron 🤔
  7. Hands off my sausage dog who comes pre packaged 🤔
  8. Tony is 74 and has just performed a miracle that's my hot tip 🤔
  9. I can see gassing becoming the crash excuse of choice any day now 🤔
  10. It could have been a murder scene until the words no sign of disturbance was used then it automatically becomes suicide 🤔Rip
  11. Getting them puffing on the far more healthy and far more lucrative weed in this asylum 🤔
  12. All prison sentences should now be 48 hours or less after witnessing this rehabilitation phenomenon and the resurrection of Tony 🤔
  13. Nope tell me some stories I don't get out much 🤔
  14. If you have been splashing about in Chiang Mai you're sure to have had some rat polluted moat water in your boat race 🤔
  15. The red roads always end up the splashing champions here 🤔
  16. My boy wanted to go water fighting last evening in HH and we found out it as dry as a bone here not a single splasher to be found in a 14 km radius of soi 88 🤔
  17. I think oil and trade routes will be secondary, exterminating tyrannical turbans will come first hopefully 🤔
  18. It's not going anywhere is it 🤔
  19. On the laughable side my inlaws drove from the wrong side of Bangkok to Chiang Mai had a massive fall out with relations within minutes and drove back all within 21 hours 🤔
  20. Goodbye Iran it sure hasn't been nice knowing you 🤔
  21. It will all change when the rain starts Mr. deputy mayor and the beach goes on the annual voyage 🤔
  22. What could possibly go wrong 🤔
  23. Looking at that photo the only ignitions going on will happen at the crematorium ..next week🤔
  24. Sounds like he could have been aka. Jimmy Saville and no one would have noticed 🤔
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