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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. What could possibly have happened prior to it falling into rebel hands .. Oh yes a murderous coup and executions🤔
  2. Sounds like surf dogging hope it catches on 🤔
  3. Unfortunately Ivan you are now poor and will be expunged goodbye 🤔
  4. The islamification of Great Britain is a ticking time bomb literally 🤔
  5. In my twenties I spent 4 years stripping "blue asbestos" out of train carriages, up until 3 years ago I spent 10 years living in Chiang Mai, and looking back the soot city was by far more of health risk and would advise anyone if possible to leave asap 🤔
  6. I'm full of 89bt heinz beans today unluckily for the Mrs. tonight 🤔
  7. The whole investigation is now wrapped up with a might be no foul play possibly might not 🤔
  8. They may well raid my phone next when it's found I play cribb every night 🤔
  9. There will now be a stampede of little jokes jostling for a cut of a very lucrative pie 🤔
  10. Let the barking commence 🤔
  11. I will send my Mrs. round she will be sure to find a way of turning it off 🤔
  12. Then there will be another grey list of generals, ex-generals and police of all ranks plus a bunch of DPM's🤔
  13. You must be clairvoyant 🤔
  14. If you like walking not parking whilst boiling alive looking at Tat then it's a must. Try by scooter then you boil on the way there to🤔
  15. Doubt if he would have seen it wide awake, the killing season is nearly upon us 🤔
  16. She sounds a bit of a dried up Kazakh 🤔
  17. Fritz put your chopper away your on overstay🤔
  18. I might probably procure a prostitute next year but might probably not 🤔
  19. They want donations but do not make it easy to do, but working fine here 🤔
  20. For 300bt you can fondle my sausage .....dog 🤔
  21. My 10 year old got a one star in Thai so they can go whistle where the sun don't shine for any gratuities it would cost me a fortune🤔
  22. Hurry up and legalize it the police and army want to go legit, plus there will be an even more lucrative market in sharking when everyone losses their shirt 🤔
  23. On the bright side Mr. Ashton James Ellison your accommodation just got a whole lot cheaper🤔
  24. They must mean back pocket against the wall as all the cash will inevitably be trousered by someone or other 🤔
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