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Everything posted by sammieuk1

  1. Looks like his hair got in his eyes and his face slid off enough to make anyone go crazy 🤔
  2. Good luck McChuwit the soapy girls will wear tartan skirts for you there 🤔
  3. Fear not your good friends ie Vlad the impaler or that honey loving bear Xi will protect you just say the word 🤔
  4. Let's face it we are all in the land of unexpected instant death. I'm still amazed to see an elderly Thai 🤔Rip
  5. A lot of fiddling going on none of it an improvement is my view from microscopic, text emojis doctored, and post stats missing. Here's a radical idea have a before or after poll to get the members view 🤔
  6. And the job of frisking ladyboys goes to the attention seeking farang pillock hopefully 🤔
  7. I think may have been better if he was dead before entering that water 🤔Rip
  8. I focused in on the newly minted unions efforts by the ganja baron and concluded Whisky,Tango,Foxtrot is he talking about 🤔
  9. Very good video, now where is this place with no pickups to run you down 🤔
  10. The picture paints a thousand words you will be stitched up guaranteed 🤔
  11. A bit more duel pricing! just waiting for some offsetting news as to who will makeup the losses 🤔
  12. The Thai police force, like many others around the world, has faced scrutiny for corruption, abuse of power, and a lack of accountability. The thing is the accountability are also on the take here 🤔
  13. He always looks like he has got something up his nose to me without any AI 🤔
  14. The sole reason the British Corner Shop is a non starter for me after trying it a few weeks ago, 10 items cost £2.50 each at tesco, shop price £5.50, at my door £12.50, a 500% rinsing +10 phone calls and customs apps and a small forest of delivered paperwork 🤔
  15. The exact reason I have never had a subscription android + loads of free and snide never failing stuff the way to go 🤔
  16. My sausage dog that is now 100% hers unless I'm eating bacon or greek yogurt 🤔
  17. Looks like the old geezer has something fruity on his mind 🤔
  18. The bearded turban said and quoted "Martyr" 50 times in the first 5 mins of this rambling I think he will be saying it a lot more hopefully. He also quoted brothers and sisters although there was not a single sister present 🤔
  19. Some serious handshaking from the PM is in order here followed by an invitation 🤔
  20. Two plastic individuals chewing the fat on their AI burgers riveting 🤔
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