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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. Maybe this sort of action should be encouraged... rid the kingdom of these pathetic types! Over talking with a man while taking clothes to wash?
  2. I saw no stats or other numbers regarding Thailand DV in the article you cite. Can you help this ignorant person out and show where it is hidden? Much of what I have heard is anecdotal or from the news, but my perception is that Thailand has more than its share of domestic violence, tho no where near as high as the middle east
  3. Just to be sure, use a condom when you beat your bishop. "You can never be too safe. Think of where that hand has been."
  4. The WHO "safe" levels of PM 2.5 are set at 25 for one day (lowered to 15 in 2021), or average of 10 per year. The level of 50 is something the Thai government cooked up... still can't meet even those numbers huge percentage of the time... (this from IQ air site)
  5. "Thailand, like numerous other countries, has witnessed instances of police corruption and abuse of power." This is news? since when? Not just "witnessed": part of day to day operating expenses of businesses.... a "tax" without benefit to the public that drags down economy
  6. At age 43 I reckon he's probably spread his DNA about enough to ensure his sort of intelligence didn't die with him
  7. it is a good idea to send a pen along with paperwork: in my experience the ink often coagulates and makes them unusable. "My pen's dry"
  8. “The army is using them as forced labor to build bunkers, dig trenches, and carry timber. They are practically human shields.” said who? They apparently have no understanding of the concept of "human shields"... Burma and Thailand should understand slave labor, what with death railway of WW2
  9. Regarding "sun never sets", was referring to very long history of Britain and it's colonies all over the world that were manned by a large number of British citizens (I reckon); whom I assume would have wanted to vote, and I wonder why that whole issue of absentee voting wasn't solved at least a century ago (dang, long sentence!)
  10. Just checked the air quality for Bangkok: 82, which is 2.8 times WHO health guidelines, which has cost 7,900 deaths in Bangkok in 2023. I suppose one could take the attitude that the air will kill ya no matter what you do, so might as well jog.... https://www.iqair.com/th-en/thailand/bangkok
  11. Do they still pay taxes? being a Yank, I'm partial to the "no taxation without representation" viewpoint. And let us not forget the old empire boast that "the sun never sets on the British flag"... "Why should non-residents influence domestic policy...." I assume MPs might also vote on items involving international news. maybe take away votes of Britons who have never been out of the country...
  12. Thai ministry ought to condemn the actions and perps shown in the video, rather than the showing of the video. But this is Thailand
  13. It does not matter what party, if any, a judge may be affiliated with if the judge is an honest judge. He has been lenient, maybe too much, regarding Trump's outrageous behavior. ANy other defendant would be in the slammer for contempt. To somehow imply "he's a democrat" is any sort of rebuttal, ignoring all facts, incidents and behaviors towards the court and "the democrat" show a limited understanding of who is in charge in courts and what sort of sanctions they can apply to disruptive abusers of the system
  14. The Republicans don't have to worry about cognitive decline in their ranks when they have no cognition worth a darn to decline. Peeled zeros.
  15. from my own limited experience, I'd say Thais would rather give up their mamas than their phones.
  16. "Engoron is a Democrat." you've got to do better than that lame accusation if you want any traction at all
  17. Might want to screen the Russian tourists coming in. TB quite common there, esp in prisons
  18. maybe because they have no marketable skills, thanks to awful ed system, so best they can do is farming? And let us not forget that the powerful like to import workers from Myanmar and Cambodia who work for peanuts in order to keep wages down overall, This ain't the EU
  19. I'd also want to know why there is an army channel, a police channel: has NOTHING to do with what should be their primary duties, none. Same goes for "police resorts" and such "...causing losses to the television station estimated at about 2.8 billion baht." How is it a loss if their bogus channel wasn't supplying their content overseas? Someone stealing their stolen content?
  20. so you are saying it is great medicine when you don't need any...... there is not cure in the absurd levels of ingredients in the so called medicine. Take homeopathic meds and be cured in a week or take nothing and be cured in 7 days. I made no mention of antibiotics & agree they are insanely overprescribed. "...the correct type and the dillution that suits you" The whole "dilution" theory is a scam of the first order. "Many homeopathic remedies come in 30X or 200C dilutions. A substance diluted to 30X contains 1 part of the substance in 10 to the 29th parts water. A very important ..." Can't get more gullible than this. One drop of something in a swimming pool amount of water is not going to matter. At one time doing nothing (which is what those "medicines" do) was a better choice than being bled by a barber or given all sorts of nasty questionable procedures. But that was hundreds of years ago. There has never been any scientific medical trial level proof that any of this grift works.
  21. My take is that it is not an "end" but more like hitting the "pause" button.... take a breath for a minute or two and then go on with agenda of Saying the government doesn't work and then proving it by Republican actions. They really have no agenda other than demolish government. Really.
  22. I recall a bit of "wisdom" along the lines of Borrow 20,000 from a bank & can't pay it back: you've got a problem borrow 100 million from a bank & can't pay it back: the bank has a problem Remember Trump burned so many bridges with US based finance orgs that he had to go to Deutsche Bank for loans, and their operations were "shady" or "aggressive" depending on your view. Lots of finance from (guess who) Russia
  23. Romantic, my backside. Quite possibly the woman he stole it from received the necklace as a "romantic present". Send him to romance some other prisoner in the big house
  24. Those other dangers you mention are personal choices: deciding to ride a motorbike or car, walking down the sidewalk I never drive anything here & sidewalks are free fire zones That's why I built a concrete bunker (above ground, have to consider floods and all), use 12 volt solar cell juice, have everything delivered. I've had dengue twice. Not a picnic by any means. It was your choice to read this posting about Dengue. Nobody did it specifically to "talk to you about Dengue". All the posting are not put on this site just to reach you. Ignorance isn't bliss, at least for most people.
  25. "homeopathy" and "therapies" should not be used in the same sentence. Homeopathy is the biggest scam of totally worthless junk misnamed as medicine ever
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