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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. It would take about 15 minutes to find if credentials are legit or not, and that includes time for coffee. Also not uncommon for rich and powerful just to hire someone to do all the course work for sponsor
  2. "Ignite finance".... maybe if you've got money to burn
  3. The national archives tried for months and months to get those records from Trump: they are NOT his. Plus no top secret files should leave the safe rooms where they can be read. Trump was showing them to reporters... have that on audio tape. Biden returned docs, allowed FBI full access to his home. Trump refused to return all those documents, plain and simple. That is when FBI and Justice department were brought in to apply pressure, which Trump (and his hoodwinked lawyers) denied having... plenty of CCTV showing moving boxes about, hiding and otherwise obstructing FBI, lying to them, etc etc Then when FBI finally went to retrieve stolen items, Trump claims they went there to kill him. Moron, as are his followers who believe that. They timed the search to be when he was not in Florida.
  4. Makes me think of the Yogi Berra quote, modified: "No one wants to go to the Paris Olympics.... too many people there"
  5. On plus side, should be easier to find the bodies, or what once were bodies. "expect the unexpected": I imagine most on the big implosion didn't expect to be mashed to tiny bits.... I could be wrong, but....
  6. Was there article last month about draftee having assignment of washing wife's "delicates"? No way wife of high up military is going to do anything that may be considered "work". That's what peasants and draftees are for
  7. So... instead of getting stiff, you might become one?
  8. Who's gonna wash their cars, clean their houses, cut the lawn? Or maybe deal includes X cadets as part of golden parachute package
  9. "...significant cash handouts in a bid to alleviate poverty...' Well if 10k does such wonders to alleviate poverty, why stop there? 20K? 30k? 10k a month? Let the next government worry (or not) about how to pay off that massive debt
  10. "...the role has gained appeal in recent years due to a monthly allowance of 2,000 baht..." Yeah, they be rollin in the dough, party every night of the week... maybe you should volunteer? If they really want to make some serious cash, all they need to do is die. Small sacrifice.
  11. "To reach the 8 million mark, we need more seats on flights from China." Huh. I would have guessed you need more people IN the seats.... Not in article, but how close to full capacity are the planes? They are not going to add seats if they already have a surplus of empty ones. China ain't Thailand
  12. You simply are ignorant. Do some research outside of Breitbart. Illegals have taxes with held, social security, sales taxes, etc etc. Being illegals, they can't apply for refunds. Duh. "Undocumented immigrants pay an estimated $11.6 billion a year in taxes. Immigrants are also less likely to take public benefits than the native-born population for two reasons. First, to receive most public benefits under the social safety net, immigrants must be lawful permanent residents for at least five years." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/economy/making-sense/4-myths-about-how-immigrants-affect-the-u-s-economy
  13. Tip off the police that 100's of motorcycles are illegally parked. Tip the police off that farm fields are illegally being burnt. Be sure to provide a map to aid in finding... Tip off the police that structures are illegally built on the sea side of walking street.... Tip off the police that they are supposed to enforce laws....
  14. and then there way the Chevy Nova. "No va" in Spanish means "Doesn't go"
  15. Junior: "Don't bother me with facts, doctor. I've already got my opinions."
  16. spray a couple hundred bullets at a small area for a minute ought to hit something critical. Kinda like monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare
  17. get an assault rifle with a bump stock. Accuracy problem solved
  18. Given this ruling, that if actions were done with intent of part of pres duty, Biden could have Trump and half the court "eliminated". Biden swore to protect and defend the constitution. Trump and Scotus are a direct threat to Constitution. They must "go". What's good for the goose etc
  19. "Now that he had been defrocked, he was unsure what to do next and planned to drive back to his hometown. " Have a "come to Jesus" moment and become a preacher man grifting the gullible Christians. No license or qualifications needed
  20. How about giving the public the license plate number???
  21. crosswalk 2nd rd Jomtien near my condo. Perhaps 2/3's of vehicles stop (such a high number!) I have never seen a mototaxi driver stop or even slow down at the lit crosswalks here Maybe cops should go over drivers manual page by page?
  22. "The incident is reminiscent of a recent attack involving three Vietnamese loan sharks who severely injured a debtor in Pattaya's city centre." not reminiscent at all, other than violence: Indian tourist brawl equal to shake down by loan sharks? What AI writes this stuff?
  23. Rather than returning it to earth and having it burn up (hopefully) in atmosphere, how about slapping some boosters on it and sending it far, far away from earth orbit? Some of you wiser can explain why can't be done, but would be nice to have some space junk out in distant space to prove their was once almost intelligent life on earth
  24. "specifies penalties for anyone who "alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object," and also for those who "otherwise obstruct, influence, or impede any official proceeding." Jan 6 storming of capitol was not just a random date pick. They went there to stop Congress from doing it's constitutional duty, full stop. "...specifies penalties for anyone who "alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object,.." Documents and laptops were stolen.... seems a stolen laptop would qualify as concealing.... "Now where did I put that? Oh, the patriots took my laptop so they could clean it up". Rioters also smeared their own sh*t on the walls (class patriots all the way)... did any get on the paper copies of bills etc in offices. Wouldn't that qualify as destroying or mutilating? at a minimum would be altering.. Those people were trying to over throw the US government... anyone thinking differently isn't playing with a full deck
  25. dang! getting so you'e never quite sure who to stab in the back!
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