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Everything posted by Emdog

  1. As many can attest, Police Generals have extensive training in managing airports and transportation hubs
  2. More like the people have been beaten into submission... conclude "What's the point?" They've protested, often being shot by the army in large numbers. They've tried elections: both Tak and his daughter were elected but that didn't shield them from being overthrown by the army and big money. The last election should have (in a democracy) resulted in a meaningful change, but you see how the will of the people was firmly ground down. Why stick your neck out if it's just going to get chopped? The people aren't stupid
  3. Police were tearing their hair out trying to find this gang
  4. Wife and I like to go to Japanese food chain here... they got similar robots to deliver food near the table. But still need a waitperson to take it out and place in front of customer. Total waste of resources at restaurant and at this hospital. But someone got a kickback, so....
  5. How long and how much would alternatives cost? Say a taxi: could it do the trip quicker? and for less? "Time is money" If you took regular bus, again how much and how long would it take? I don't see many Americans who make minimum wage taking taxis and such in US..... skytrains etc here were not built for the masses, plain and simple
  6. I guess I wasn't clear: I want to move my assets as far from US as possible (aka a foreign country) and to a place that will suffer minimal economic damage from et al.
  7. "...the RTAF is utilising every available resource, including water-dumping aircraft, to combat the haze." Dumb as a bag of hammers... so this means (maybe) they are going to treat the country as if it were all on fire? Lots of luck. Better to have everyone go outside with a glass of water and throw the water up in the air at noon and 6 pm
  8. The example of the US during pandemic has no relation to this vote buying scheme. The closest would be the trillion dollar tax cut given to the wealthy and corporations that did not need it. Sort of a "thank you" package. Similar to here in many ways
  9. Thailand should be able to leap to the front on "artificial intelligence" as they are not encumbered by systems involving "real intelligence"
  10. I'm going to USA in a couple of months: anyone have suggestions as to where I might move all my money to that might weather the least damage if Trump becomes president. They say "people get the governments they deserve"... but Trump? I think we've done a bit less genocide than the Nazis (at least in the last 50 years)... so how do we wind up with the most execrable wanna be human (maybe...)
  11. Part of his joy may have to do with having all his phone numbers, photos, maybe emails, etc. back in his possession
  12. work remotely. Other day using AQI site, saw Bangkok at 150+ while my home town of Portland Oregon was at 3. And just how are schools to make "dust free rooms"? Seal them off and pump all the air out?
  13. Note time of the crash: 2:30 in the morning. I don't even walk to local 7/11 after midnight. Too many doped/drunk types out in the wee hours Woodwork squeaks and out come the freaks
  14. Good for the Chinese wanting to go in smaller groups or independently. The faces in the photo seem to indicate that maybe those big group fests just aren't worth the savings. I've met many Chinese and never had any sort of problem with them, less than with the drunk westerners here. Lived in Thailand last 20 years or so either Bangkok or Jomtien, but do avoid tourist spots if I can. If I may hazard a guess, it would be that the sorts of people attracted to large cheap group tours are similar regardless of cultural background: lack basic manners, pig out at buffets, etc that are so complained about
  15. "Emerging"? That usually implies some sort of recent rise to prominence, Pattaya has been a tourist trap at least since the Viet Nam war....
  16. They argued that the phrase “same same but different” ridicules the way Thai people speak English,"...In my 20+ years here I have never heard that sort of interpretation.
  17. and let us not forget that the poor drainage even makes lit up signs (with electric trip wires) glide into the pathways, and scooters too. I'd ask "where are the useless cops to get rid of those hazards" but better question might be "Where are the useful cops? We already know where the useless ones are....."
  18. Back in the 80's wasn't Bangkok a major hub and Dubai was a pile of sand? But then all the commie countries east of here opened up so BKK lost it's "our way or the highway" status. I could be wrong. Wouldn't be first or last time...
  19. Restrictions were put on what Trump could say, including not making a campaign speech, not bringing up irrelevant items, sticking to subject and perhaps even speaking some factual truth. Trump would have had literally nothing to say.... restricted items are bread and butter of his blatherings. He was left speechless
  20. Looking at photos, doesn't look like usual high speed mayhem, which makes me wonder "Was she wearing her seat belt?"
  21. Considering pollution level has been up around 150 in many places, one would think just the natural reaction to that poisoning would sufficiently mask any covid infection, making accurate data very hard to come by
  22. Dumber than a bag of rocks. Even in 5th grade we had heard of and knew of "the Missouri compromise" and other attempts to "negotiate" a way to avoid the civil war. And Trump supposedly went to an Ivy League school. How can a person do that and still come out more ignorant than a 11 year old?
  23. "Onlookers had detained the alleged 28 year old perpetrator, identified as Peeranat, preventing him from fleeing the scene." Good for them. Imagine took some courage if perp still had the knife
  24. with air pollution levels around here up in the 150's, they should learn proper spelling of the word "cough"
  25. "The EOC’s objective is to collaborate with other agencies to keep a close watch on environmental conditions and health repercussions." As we all know, simply looking at a problem is enough to solve it.... not! "Dr Opas emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of PM2.5 pollution, which are primarily linked to vehicle emissions and industrial activities" The AQI for Bangkok right now is 112. At Lovell school in Pattaya it is 153. Half of Pattaya is seashore, so little air pollution should come from the sea.... levels around Laem Chabang industrial are lower. Are there really more vehicles here than in Bangkok? Hmm air flow from field burning? You tell me "... Ministry is moving towards renewable energy solutions, including the installation of solar panels and the future deployment of electric vehicles..." Such a pile of BS: why not simply say "We are going to do nothing"? California used to have abysmal smog & then got the political will to pass laws AND enforce them... Vehicle inspections and going after major polluters agricultural or industrial could make a difference. Gov is soooo pathetic and spineless. I guess saying "People get the governments they deserve" applies here
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