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Everything posted by donmuang37

  1. Disagree!! Got an IDP in Bangkok in the past based on a Thai driver's license. No issues or complications at all. Easy! Wait in queue about 20 minutes, submitted docs, paid 505 baht and got my IDF straightaway. It was honored by Hertz rentals at the Dulles Airport in the USA.
  2. I had a 2014 Ford Ranger which I updated to a 2018 Ford Ranger Bi-Turbo. Great truck; no problems. My brother-in-law is driving my old 2014, still with no problems. Both trucks were better than my Toyota Vigo: Better brakes, better handling/ suspension and better performance. I'm planning on buying an SUV soon and will get the Ford Everest. Test drove it. Great vehicle. Bi-Turbo model, of course. Good luck!
  3. vernment hospital would charge less, but he wanted 20,000 plus an extra 5000 for him. And he also said I needed to stay overnight. What makes cataract surgery so dangerous in Thailand that instead of going home straight away as you do in the rest of the world we have to stay in hospital overnight for observation, I wonder. I guess the answer has to begin with M or maybe B. It's the same thing. And it seems I'll have no alternative but to give in to the system. Then I have to get a third opinion, somehow, on whether I have glaucoma or not. You don't need to stay overnight in Thailand! Not sure why you are being told that. Because I need general anesthesia in order to hold still, I elected to have both eyes done at the same time by my eye doc of 20 eyes. So, she kept me overnight to ensure I didn't have any problems from the anesthesia, but that is the only reason. Excellent outcome, by the way. Good luck!
  4. You can thank Barack Obama for that. March 18, 2010: FATCA Signed President Barack Obama signs the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) into law – buried inside a domestic jobs bill known as the “HIRE Act.” No major media organizations reported this at the time, but FATCA would eventually change everything for Americans resident outside of the U.S. Because FATCA requires non-U.S. financial institutions to report to the U.S. authorities the names and taxpayer-identification numbers of all their “U.S. person” clients, it has provided the U.S. authorities with a detailed list of those who might be expected to file FBARs.
  5. Unbelievable fuss about 200 baht!! I just can't believe all the whing and sniveling over the cost of a Starbucks coffee - about US$5.65. Of course, I assume you work for free, and so you believe Thai Immigration should, too!!
  6. My mother-in-law, who is in her 90s, has total dementia, incontinence and is being fed via a tube. She stayed with my wife's brother & his wife for quite a while, but became a serious problem: Kept the up at night because she didn't sleep until 4 or 5 in the morning, periodically go angry and broke furniture, etc. We finally had to put her in a nursing home as the family couldn't care for her at home. There are 7 kids; 2 boys and 5 girls. My wife, the second oldest, and her youngest sister are the only ones supporting her. "I have no money." "I'm too busy to visit her." So, it seems to be normal in Thailand that some of the kids do nothing to support their parents. I know of other families where this is the case, too. And since my wife has a farang husband, of course she is expected to pay. Of course! 🙂
  7. If your leave, we'll all miss your trolling. Hmm... well, maybe not!! When can we look forward to your depart date??
  8. Carry cash is risky - if somebody sees you withdrawing it and follows you... you get the idea. I have bought 5 vehicles for cash here and always went to my bank and got cashier's check made out to the seller. It also provides reliable proof of payment. Small fee. Maybe 200 baht, I forget. Good luck.
  9. Hi, We have a two story house and occasionally use two showers on upper floor simultaneously when we have guests. Our house is 21 years old and we have used Mitsubishi WP-305 series (currently WP-305R) since we moved in. Provides adequate water pressure to run two showers and more. The only problem we've had is that occasionally a pump would surge. If so, not every "plumber" knows how to adjust it, so we had to find the right guy. Once adjusted, normally ran for years. Have had 3 so far, one of which was fine until destroyed by the mega-flood of 2011. I'm happy with Mitsubishi. If your house was built properly, I wouldn't worry too much about water pressure causing leaks. However, as a precaution, we shut off the water pump when we take a trip. Just in case - because with nobody home for 5 days we could get a lot of water, even from a small leak. Good luck!
  10. I you or I got caught, we'd get 3 years plus 60K baht fine. If a rich guy gets caught, he gets 60K (or less) fine. He doesnt care. Small money. Corruption appears to me to be built into the law! JMHO
  11. I recently bought a high spec 17" HP Envy from Amazon USA. Half the price of a similar 17" notebook in Thailand, prompt delivery to Bangkok, no duty to pay. (But no Thai keyboard if that is important to you.)
  12. I agree with scubascuba3 that good quality over the ear headphones can make speech much cleared. My hearing is deteriorating (worked around aircraft for 23 years) and it has become hard for me to understand dialogue on some TV shows. Furthermore, while my wife and I like to be in the same room in the evening, she isn't interested in TV. So, I can watch the show that I like (mostly documentaries, travel shows, etc.) and she can talk to her daughters who living in Germany while we are in the same room and at the same time. Note, that on my Samsung TV, I can only get headsets from Samsung sub-brands (AKG and JBL) to connect via Bluetooth. The TV won't recognize other brands. Not sure if it is just this model or all Samsung TVs, but I suggest you try to connect headphones to your brand of TV before you buy the headphones.
  13. They required you to provide a hand drawn map so that you cannot later complain that the Google maps was submitted in error, should that situation arise. It's all about fraud prevention, like many things in this fraud prone country.
  14. We married in the USA. We moved here in 2002, and got a KR22. Have used the same one every year since.
  15. Not correct. We married in the USA, but we've been living in Bangkok for 21 years. The first year we had to have our marriage certificate translated into Thai and then get a Thai marriage certificate. Since then we've used those same docs every time. No problems; no hassle.
  16. I use Citibank/SWIFT and have transferred large sums whenever I bought a new vehicle for the past 20 years. It has been 100% reliable. Have transferred to K Bank and SCB in Thailand.
  17. When we bought our house in 2002, my wife gave me a 30 year prepaid lease which was registered on the chanote (deed) at the Land Office. The lady who register it spoke good English and told me that I was covered since in was on the deed. If my wife were to die before me, it would go to her daughter who would have to honor the lease. I have good relations with her, my stepdaughter, an so I'm not worried. Maybe that would work for you. Good luck!
  18. I've been doing my own extensions of stay for 21 years at Chiang Wattana with the assistance of my Thai wife. The first two years, retirement so I couldn't work. Changed to supporting Thai wife since then. Sometimes the queues are fairly long and occasionally we have to run and make an extra copy of something. Parking can be a little difficult. But, overall, the Immigration Officers have been fair and polite. No problems in 21 years. None! Happy with the service. Why should I pay an agent??
  19. I was in a similar situation. Renewed my extension of stay for 11 months, and then applied for a new passport which was received in 5 weeks. Good luck.
  20. The Thammasat University Hospital Skin Clinic in Rangsit is headed by Dr. Padcha who is an expert with Western, as well as Thai, skin. She did research and participated in skin clinics for a year at major US universities on two occasions. She understands Western skin and is the best dermatologist that I have encountered anywhere in the world. She has removed two skin cancers from me. She has my highest recommendation. Good luck, Don
  21. Jingthing, I strongly recommend against taking SS pension early - you'll regret it later. I took mine at full retirement age - 65 in my case. Have been receiving it for 21 years. Taking it at 70 would have been better. Good luck
  22. I bought a new HP 17" top end notebook computer from Amazon. They shipped it free with SF Express. Had to pay 7% sales tax, but no duty. Arrived in about 2 weeks, and delivered with no hassles or extra charges. Cost about one half the price of a 17" notebook here in Thailand.
  23. My opinion is he's telling a truth that a lot of politicians don't want to hear or acknowledge. Before I retired, I worked for a telecom manufacturing company, When I first joined it, 40% of the staff had an earned Ph.D. You didn't have to tell them the same thing twice!! People were supersmart and it was a joy to work there. My first career was in the military where I worked with both very high IQ people and very low IQ people. As Peterson indicated, it is very difficult to teach complex tasks to people with low IQs. If anyone believes we are "all the same." they should pick a surgeon with a low IQ when the need treatment. But only a fool would do that! I rest my case. JMHO
  24. My Thai wife and I shipped a 20 foot container from Baltimore, MD, USA. We shipped furniture, China, crystal, clothes, books, etc. Returning Thai wife paid zero duty. Bought a house that fit furniture measurements. For some, things have senimental value. It was expensive, but worth it for us. If we had it to do over again, we would do the same thing. Your mileage may vary!
  25. Bob, Good luck on your withdrawal. I was essentially a still functioning alcoholic at age 36. I couldn't ask for help or I would lose my security clearance and my career would have been over. So, I just quit cold turkey. After a couple of months I was OK, except when I went to a party, in which case I wanted a drink, but I stayed the course. After about 2 years, I no longer had a desire for alcohol. That was 50 years ago and I'm still sober. I'm so happy not to be a slave to booze. I'm 86 and had 3 successful careers. I retired for the 3rd time in October 2021. Hang in there baby, Don
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