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Posts posted by MadMac

  1. Question: is a TM30 required to apply for an extension of stay based on marriage in Chiang Mai? These applications are sent to Bangkok for approval and it is not a requirement there. Any experience? In worst case one could now go to building 3 at the airport immi and pay some fine, but why if not required....

  2. Got my 2 plastic cards today renewed and scored almost 6 years again, about a week after birthday and expiry. This took however almost the whole afternoon, more than 4 hours.

    Arrived at 12:45, went to the information at second floor, application, scanned pass and yellow book + pink ID printed and copied. Lady at the information desk sent me straight to counter 23 without queue number, the lady there after shortly checking the papers to 28 and I got a number on a small blue card, C 2xx. Waited till 13:15 when they did that ridiculous test with the colors and reaction. Surprisingly some really failed that. Afterwards the big cinema event, went to the wrong room and was redirected to room 3, where they have some training PCs and the video in English, grosses Kino smile.png. I learnt that it is left before right, but only if not entering a roundabout the same time. Technically not possible but something like that....nevermind, having never seen such video it was actually interesting.

    One our later had to go back to the other Thai video room to get my application papers handed back (they keep that for the time of the video so nobody can run away). And then my mistake, under the false assumption of same number for all I waited 30 mins only to realize I had to go to the information desk again to get another one. Complete waste of time and another 1 hour in the queue.

    Finally time to pay, ended up with 1060B, including 2x 50B for address change, 2x 5B for I don't know and 2x100B for the photo service. The latter is ridiculous, she tried however (not so hard), made two shots and just used the first one. Such thing did not happen in Bangkok before, small extra money, but I got a tax deductible receipt, great. I skipped the plastic pouches and saved 20B after all.

    Perhaps interesting to know as I also was not sure before.

    They asked for a work permit, but yellow house book is accepted equally.

    My house book has my BKK address and I got my DL with that address. No problem at all.

    Tried to get the 13 digits Thai ID on the DL card (as that was the check criteria for national park ripoffs), showed them the pink ID. It would probably have been possible to use that but she said they would only issue 2 years DLs with pink ID cards, a passport gets 5.

    Was out at 16:40.

  3. Gunter, Villa Germania Jomtien best snitzel s money can buy.

    Did they actually produce season 2? I really liked the first part. Was a great show for german Blutfernsehen. And they probably were the only ones who could gain from it. Never tried the Schnitzel though.... smile.png

    Having said that I nominate Udo and their Schnitzel on Mondays + buffet @ Auf der Au.

  4. You don't need a lawyer for this, these are all standard things the land office will have standard documents for. And they will be happy to help you, unlike you bring some weird contractual masterpieces from a pampa lawyer that nobody understands and does not want to understand.

  5. It says "General Alien", alone that is worth it smile.png

    I don't want the responsibility of a General. Could I get the rank of Captain?

    Nothing wrong with it. Wear a Darth Vader outfit next time you apply for an extension.

  6. If you want to go for a cheap ride, buy Samsung. The "old" models that are on promotion everywhere for below 10kTHB. Staff at Global told us they just changed the design and look, inside all the same with the current models. Will cost you half of a Mr. Slim, may also last only half the time. But who knows.

  7. 1 BTU does not make a difference. HomePro calculate something double the size you need. They have usually a table hanging out for a rough estimation, at least I saw in BKK. If you come along one make a photo and compare it to a proper calculation. IIRC it was 600BTU per sqm instead of more realistic 300BTU.

    Keep in mind that we talk here about 1000s of BTU. Example, for a 30sqm room you could roughly estimate 9000BTU, which is usually called 9BTU. HomePro would sell you 18000BTU for the same space, or in short 18. The price difference is likely also be double, if not more, and you will live in a freezer from then on. Of course more BTU may make sense if you want to let it run without any insulation or with open windows or with high ceiling ( <= guess there HomePro got their formula from biggrin.png )

  8. Don't listen to what lawyers tell you. I wrote already what you need to do. Go to the land office and use the standard form. No questions asked.

    If you have a lease agreement, it will be taxable. Usufructs not. Adding more complications. Lawyers and their wallets love that &lt;deleted&gt;.

  9. LG and Samsung are the worst, only topped by Haier. Plastic parts will break away easily and maintenance over the lifetime will become more costly. Had the same discussion recently with an aircon guy in BKK (independent one, did not want to sell anything.

    He recommended Mitsubishi, Daikin or Panasonic. Note that there are 2 different Mistsubishi companies making complete different products, Mitsu Electric (Mr. Slim) and Mitsu Heavy Industries (making heavy duty). Mr. Slim you can often get as promotion not much more than Samsung or LG, way better product. Check out Thai Watsadu, stay away from Home Pro, they use a wrong calculation to sell you over-dimensioned units you don't need.

  10. Have to do the 5 years renewal end of this month. I have a yellow tabien baan with Bangkok address as well as that pink ID card. Will try the latter first, then the yellow book, if they still insist on the residence cert, well, that can be done as well

    Anyone tried to get a CNX DL with a registered address elsewhere? I know some went to Lamphun, but that belongs to CNX immigration area. For Thais it should be no problem as they can be registered anywhere.

  11. Singapore banks send CCs and ATM cards abroad. Not of any use to anyone as you have to activate them first through different possible channels. If someone steals it it's just a useless piece of plastic. Don't know why it should be different for american or any other cards.

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