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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. I admit to doing this in my 20s..id even wear them to happy hour and i started to work as a DJ there and id wear my paisley pants....and a turtleneck...so just the flannel pants I got yelled at by the manager---I also wore my flannel chili pepper pj pants when i was working as a Chef as they looked like chef pants----got away with that one!!! Comfy and cozy!
  2. lots of reports of these guys being tossed off these boats....floating prisons https://borgenproject.org/slavery-in-the-thai-fishing-industry/
  3. guy getting the item---but i ordered the cheeseburger!!!!! guy in yellow shirt.......yawn.... all the other thai ladies--panic grasping for phones to record and post im assuming when thais die they will request to be buried with their phones...
  4. just another day for those of us who have been here awhile....at least he didnt fall off a balcony
  5. Reminds me of an old buddy that worked drive thru at Burger King as a teen He would charge people and extra 5 cents per order and then go buy beer with his fake ID married with kids now and bunch of yappy dogs...karma perhaps?
  6. The older the wine the sweeter the grape---Hello Teerak!(hack--cough--wheezing) Seems like that kind of job gets in deep and turns into a career--like it or not.....
  7. thats the tourist farang price--30 for local thais---free for chinese if buy a mama cup
  8. Ive come to find when traveling the constellations the ladyboys prefer Uranus the most....
  9. ive been coming here yearly since 2008 always one way and never with a visa.. If you have a tourist visa you go to Immig and extend that for another 30 day--1900 bt After that you could go for a covid ext as long as borders are closed and they just extended these longer to late july...i could go and apply again for my 4th.. So i got 30 days on arrival-free --visa exempt-USA then extended it for 30 days 1900 then covid exts basically the same thing and same price 30 days more for 1900 each time So yes--extend your tourist visa with standard 30 days for 1900 and then repeat if needed with the covid exts--while they last and are in effect....saves me the border run hassles...
  10. As when a farang passes its always the story of some thai going to check on them......... and yet this poor guy whos job was security and how long had he been dead..yikes..
  11. agreed my last place the water pump was thunking..luckily got fixed--no elevator here but always stay far from those too......also check for bars-clubs-dogs--construction..traffic--motorbikes(teens) parked in apt lot....get a room next to a single person not a couple--etc
  12. just asked for the $$$ amount..sounds pricey imo...ive become very attached to my hand ????
  13. confirmed---just got my 3rd covid ext few days ago.....maybe a 4th!!!!!
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