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Sticky Rice Balls

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Everything posted by Sticky Rice Balls

  1. fool me once shame on you--fool me twice... this is why i went down south in 2008 and never had a desire to return to the jaded thais.... the coconut water from 7-11 is just fine for me and im happy to sit on the curb to drink it in CM
  2. confirmed to all above as i see them on my daily bike ride around old city---waiting to be read
  3. wrecks motorbike--drunken--laying on road thinking omg what just happ........ then comes the car that runs you over---ending it all.........smh
  4. too much sticky rice gives me soft power in the bedroom.....or no po-wah!!! mai mee!
  5. how about marketing for tourism--free soapies on arrival at swampy!!!!! freshy farangs!!!
  6. sure beats the haul to laos or mae sai.......easy peasy but $$$ ill take it!
  7. I enjoy trolling the trolls Just got one hours ago about debt cancellation on my cc Indian guy says I have a 9k debt on my discover card I dont have any debt nor do i have a discover card When i asked him how he got this info n my # he hung up I like to string them along and pretend to be an old man with hard hearing...... ????
  8. no comment on this one....a buffet brawl might break out
  9. Faster somchai! faaaaaaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! move son!!!!!!! I dropped the last banana!!!!
  10. could have done a live stream on FB and raise funds along the way and make pit stops! water and banana donations appreciated! and a bucket shower!
  11. bad news--going to the Bangkok Hilton good news--dont have to worry about the inheritance --at least for a while
  12. is what ive used since day 1......black foam and washable.....i get em for 30 bt each super lightweight....cant say for sure how protective it is..but comfy and reusable==stretchy too
  13. note to keep delicate limbs away from portal.....frank n beans
  14. i was joking---cm is already overloaded with these imo
  15. Pm me...i know where as i bought some for my hard bed in old city
  16. just talking to a aussie tonight about this..he said its a crapshoot--some are lower--some are higher---just drink more i suppose! im a sangsom guy myself --always one beat!
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