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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. it just happened again at 19.03 again

    Yesterday my male dog started playing rough with his female companion.

    She did not like it and produced the exact same howl for 1/2 second, which made him immediately stop.

    I translated this as : "Please stop it hurts"

    And this is exactly what I've been hearing 4 times a day for the past 10 months, only it does not stop after a second but lasts 30 to 45 seconds.

    I was thinking of recording too, but as it is outside I would need some directional mike to point toward the howl which I don't have.

    But anyway I am now 99% sure it's a dog,

    1/ it sounds like the same dog, which does not make any sense unless some sick person has decided to torture his own dog 4 times a day.

    2/ the 19.03 / 20.03 / 21.03 pattern makes me think, the guy lives with the dog(s) to be tortured or is very close and he gets up from his favorite TV program to do the deed in his back garden.

    Brian: Thank you so much for your message, I have called Taiga and sent a mail already , they are the ones who said they might come to investigate, but nothing happened.

    Witawat is right no one will come and help as I have not enough elements.

    I will keep patrolling at night in search of clues, but I have a feeling it could just be a couple of chicken wire cages with a few dogs inside hidden at the back of a house and it might be impossible to see.

    How I see things now is :

    - The songtaew drivers who are patrolling the main road are in charge of getting the dogs from the street, they feed them for a while to keep them around, then sell them regularly to a guy or have their own place on the outskirt of the village and he/they found a market for dog fur (skin them alive like in Chinese fur farms) or meat (some think the more the animal is stressed the better the taste) and does this "on the side" of his/their regular job (ie small business and in the evening and mornings).

    - Or there is a lunatic that has decided to torture his dog 4 times a day, which would be very weird and would not explain the songthaew drivers and their stray dogs situation.

  2. it's just happened at 20.03 again (twice this week + 3 times at 21.03)

    I rushed out the house on the street to find where it came from, found the neighbor chatting in the street with a friend.

    I was a bit late about 20 seconds after it stopped but I went to talk to him and asked what we just heard was.

    He said it was a dog may be lonely, I said it was pain he said did not pay attention and he offered me to get him next time I hear it.

    He gave me his phone number and promised to get out of the house as soon as I call him.

    It happened a second time, so I called him, he never came sad.png

  3. Wouldn't make sense that it's some kind of dog skinning business. Why would they do it one at a time and only at night? I'm hoping it turns out to be an owl or a fruit bat or some other noisy, but not suffering, animal.

    Also it happens twice in the morning and twice in the evening

    May it's a small one man business and he tries not to attract attention, or the guy (like our truck drivers who feed soi dogs) has a day job and does that before and after work

    The sonthaew drivers look like a right doggy bunch, they regularly throw food at dogs on the main road, but don't look like pet lovers at all.The same dogs that suddenly disappear except the mangy ones

  4. Sorry for your dilemma. It appears there's little anyone can do until there is more information. No one going to come riding to your rescue because they do not want to get involved in something they know so little about (and will probably be even more reluctant if it's discovered that your problem involves something too worrying for them to deal with). Though I'm still working at the moment, I've done a cursory check on the times you mentioned in case they have some sort of significance - nothing so far, but you might want to pursue that line for likely clues. As I said before, you are just going to have to grit your teeth and be patient. And keep your bloody head down until you know what's happening.


    it happened again for 30 seconds

    Sorry I feel compelled to record this, as sign that someone is taken this pain in account, and that it did not die completely in vain.

    I had 3 times 21.03 this week, and now 22.03 it has to be a pattern.

    If it was just animals to their own device it would not happen on patterned times

    May be the guy watch the evening news or soap opera then goes to do the deed ?

    I am trying to find videos of dog slaughter to compare the sound

  5. It's ONE animal at a time and it's screaming to the top its lungs for 45 seconds and then nothing, it has to be man's inflicted.

    Nothing to do with dog fighting believe me

    If the authorities means the police I'll skip that.

    They don't give a damn about animals welfare I know that for fact.

    I am thinking more of nature protection associations, what else is there apart from Greenpeace ?

  6. Kitsune, please do not put your life at risk. You do not know what is happening and your attempts to find out could be dangerous. If there is some foul play, there's bound to be money behind it, given everyone's fear of saying anything. My guess is preparing dogs for fights - possibly beating down a weak dog to blood a fighter. If so, that's not only serious money we are talking about, but local culture as well, and the people involved are nasty scum.

    I can't think of a solution other than to say that if you are serious about doing something, then you must be prepared to move away to somewhere you are not known. I don't envy you.

    How can I just turn my back to these shouts of pain?

    I would not be able to face myself in the mirror

    It's been going too long it has too stop.

    Thank you for your warning, you are right, I should stop asking question around and saying who I am and giving my address to people, there is probably money involved.

    I will be more careful from now on, but I have to find a way to stop this

  7. I have no advice to offer except to continue to try to find out where it is coming from.

    Odds are the neighbors know and just don't want to say.

    I think you're right

    Or like I was, you kinda know but refuse to face it, because no one wants to get involved.

    I was thinking may be there would be some courageous animal lover member here to come with me in night hunts ?

  8. Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

    Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

    If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

    What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

    Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

    For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

    Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

    yes k.we have one ba--stard living by us [mooban] that beats hell out of the dog,i am the only one who will shout out so this person can hear me but it doesnt make one iota,if you read the post in gen.topics that i posted about having to keep my mouth shut when someone treats a dog badly[2weeks ago] as much as it hurts me to hear it i have to put up and shut up or die.

    Please Meatboy don't think like this, you can contact animal protection association like I did. Your case seems much easier, you know the owner, the dog probably has marks bruise and wounds, easy to check for anyone.

    They have been cases of people being taken to justice in this country, it's not common but does happen.

  9. Cats on heat often sound like babies crying and screaming. They are not in pain, just looking for some lovin'.

    plenty of cats on heat here, believe me I wish it was sounding like this.

    I invite anyone who wants to help to my house and check it.

    My goal is to get photographic evidences to send to pet protection association so they finally decide to come.

    Alternatively anyone that know another pet protection association less busy than taiga in Bangkok please give me their contact

    Time are mornings : between 7am to 9-10 am and evening 7pm to 10.30

    Yesterday evening was 22.15

    This morning 7.30

    There is not a single morning or evening that it did not happen, and every time I feel more upset helpless and angry.

    As I said it's no picnic: it's happening in the jungle, at night mostly, or early morning, near a Muslim slum and the screams only last 30 seconds to a minute, so very little time to locate the place.

    I think it's happening in what my neighbor call the "Jungle" which is actually a big property with a house surrounded by a big land and walled. It has loads of high grasses and trees and is located between the Muslim slum and my mooban. I have noticed some illegal pathways made inside the property. People have jumped the wall and the grass is down from frequent passages going into the jungle.

    To get to the place where the screams come from, It would mean entering private property ie trespassing at night.

    I am a farang girl on my own and yes I am scared to go out at night in the jungle to meet possible torturers.

    Please help

  10. Kitsune, your fear is that dogs are being skinned alive right next door, and your response is to post it on TV (after a year?). I really hope that you are mistaken or you have some blood on your conscience after all this time.

    Like I said like everyone in the mooban I thought it was Muslims killing animals.

    If you read the post it tells you how I slowly came to that conclusion.

    What's interesting is that it is coming from someone who comes here to make jokes on a post about animal torture.

    Everyone hears it in the mooban no one wants to do anything, they just lie and say they don't hear anything.

    For Thaivisa I hope the pets section would have some good souls willing to help.

    Apparently I was wrong animal torture is nothing else than a pretext to make jokes, I am not the one with blood on my hands

  11. Not pigs.... and anyway they're normally slaughtered in the mornings.

    Dogs.... but they're unlikely to be slaughtered regularly

    Which part of Thailand you live in might give some clue... and also enable TV members to suggest someone you could ask to help.

    I live in Bangkok

    The only thing that make sense to me so far is dog skinned alive for fur

    i have been walking up the area and there are no catlle, no pig farm

    The screams of one animal at a time, an animal that does sound like a dog

    Plus other clues like

    - a constant "renewal " of stray dogs in the area.

    - at the end of my mooban, there is a place where the sonthaew drivers have their resting area, they have a small grass area where they feed stray dogs, around 10-15 dogs YET there is no overpopulation, always a nice steady number of ten or so.

    - Anyone that finds a stray dog here, give it to them, they take them on

    - The way they act around dogs unnecessary violence and avoidance of any relation with them, make you think they must have other agenda than just pet caring.

    - The fact that the very dogs they fed mysteriously disappear regularly.

    Putting the puzzle together is scary and I hope I'm wrong but nothing else makes sense.

    They probably can not do it right in the mooban and there is a woody no man's land between my mooban and the next one, that's where the screams come from. Scary to access at night, it's right next to a slum.

    Every night I think I should go and wait for the scream to begin but I'm scared

    I can understand you would be disturbed at these incidents OP.

    Was there a specific reason you waited almost 2 years before investigating this?

    One year, more like 10 months.

    Well like everyone I think I just did not want to believe it

    I kept putting it at the back of my mind because it's just too horrible to be true, not right there next to where I live.

    When face with such horror, your mind just avoids it

    I hope I'm wrong... tonight I will have a walk in the mooban NOT in the back of the mooban where the screams come from -too scary-

    But I might have an idea of where they are and where they access it, just an idea. May be I could see them bringing the dogs there.

  12. Not pigs.... and anyway they're normally slaughtered in the mornings.

    Dogs.... but they're unlikely to be slaughtered regularly

    Which part of Thailand you live in might give some clue... and also enable TV members to suggest someone you could ask to help.

    I live in Bangkok

    The only thing that make sense to me so far is dog skinned alive for fur

    i have been walking up the area and there are no catlle, no pig farm

    The screams of one animal at a time, an animal that does sound like a dog

    Plus other clues like

    - a constant "renewal " of stray dogs in the area.

    - at the end of my mooban, there is a place where the sonthaew drivers have their resting area, they have a small grass area where they feed stray dogs, around 10-15 dogs YET there is no overpopulation, always a nice steady number of ten or so.

    - Anyone that finds a stray dog here, give it to them, they take them on

    - The way they act around dogs unnecessary violence and avoidance of any relation with them, make you think they must have other agenda than just pet caring.

    - The fact that the very dogs they fed mysteriously disappear regularly.

    Putting the puzzle together is scary and I hope I'm wrong but nothing else makes sense.

    They probably can not do it right in the mooban and there is a woody no man's land between my mooban and the next one, that's where the screams come from. Scary to access at night, it's right next to a slum.

    Every night I think I should go and wait for the scream to begin but I'm scared

  13. Sorry ... from your OP ... when you write ...

    I have been living in this Mooban since January 2012 and every each morning and evening I have been hearing horrible screams of what I can only describe as pain from animals next to my house.

    ... it's a fair assumption from your opening comment that the sound comes from within your Moo Bahn.

    Unless you have witnessed it ... just how do you know it comes from outside your Moo Bahn and not within it?

    If you have witnessed it ... what have you seen?

    It's an important detail ... rolleyes.gif

    If it has occurred at a regular time every day and night ... what has your detective scouts revealed?

    1/ No your assumption is totally not justified as I mentioned clearly that it comes from outside the mooban

    2/ I know it comes from outside because I precisely live on the end of the mooban and the scream comes from the other side.

    3/ please don't pollute my post with unhelpful comments as you obviously can't be bothered to read it and just want to discredit it because you think you "know" me

    4/ Animal torture is no laughing matter

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  14. So ... just for clarification ...

    So I thought it was may be some type of ritual of animal killing, may be a Muslim practice to kill cattle.

    You are seriously say that there are cattle in your Moo-Bahn ... and they are being slaughtered inhumanely ?

    In Thailand ... facepalm.gif

    Kitsune ... I like your stuff ... reminds me of a previous poster ... but this is honestly out there.

    Cheers and Good Luck.

    How is the Teaching going?


    You misread

    1/ the scream come from outside the mooban

    2/ I thought it could be cattle, but it's not

    3/ I am not a teacher

  15. I have been living in this Mooban since January 2012 and every each morning and evening I have been hearing horrible screams of what I can only describe as pain from animals next to my house. It last every time 20 to 30 seconds.

    First I thought it was just a accident and some dog had been hurt.

    Then as I noticed it was regular. So I thought it was may be some type of ritual of animal killing, may be a Muslim practice to kill cattle.

    It was quite unsettling but I could kinda live with it.

    Last week a friend of mine from Australia, stayed with me. He too heard the screaming everyday evening and mornings; He used to be a farmer so he told me, it was definitely no cattle and anyway when Muslims cut throats the animal's vocal cords are also cut and the animal is therefore silent. He also said he was pretty sure it was dogs screams, and that the endured torture was not stopped until the animal was dead or had passed out.

    It seems to come from just outside the mooban where it is mainly sois and back alleys which are difficult to access, I have been walking around and tried to find out where it could come from to no avail

    I have contacted an animal protection association, they say they will send someone to investigate but nothing happened.

    I feel really upset now that I know there is intense suffering and I cannot do anything to stop it and think of moving out, but also it will like abandoning the poor thing to its fate.

    I tried to ask the neighbors and they just pretend they don't hear anything.

    I am now monitoring times and there seems to be a pattern, like every other day it's at 21.03 exactly (4 times).

    It never happens before night time which makes it even more difficult to go and rush to try to find the place, especially that it seems to come from behind a wood.

    Please help

    Thank you

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