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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. After 10 years I'm still questioning why I live here!

    Whats worsening it is that you arrive with a lack of perception to see the dangers and that this perception develops over time.

    To my personal opinion Thailand is not getting safer, over the past 10 years I've seen for example a strong increase in aggression on the roads and an increasing amount of people that are hostile to foreigners as a standard attitude.

    I agree and it seems that more and more people know the police will be on their side anyway, so it encourages them to incivilities/crimes.

    Thailand has too many farangs, what was one a novelty is now seen as a plague, and people make you feel it.

  2. it's a new thing

    Thai used to be mainly fervent Buddhist farmers, they were gentle shy and super polite. Their kids left the farm in Isan to work in BKK where there are alienated in their workplace, where western exploitation is the rule :ie putting people in direct competition with one another to avoid any group force against authority. Every one for it's own to survive.

  3. I can only say that having stayed in 3 different apartments/condos in Bangkok over a period of 3-4 years, not once have I actually had a landlord drop in unexpected, in fact the only time I see the landlord has been while signing contract and when I move out and then a few phone calls if something is broken and needs fixing or if there is some rare issue with payment or the like.

    I'd agree that it seems a bit too much and I wouldn't like it either. When I've been renting in Thailand or elsewhere I try to ask enough questions beforehand to get a feeling of what kind of person the landlord is. For example, one landlord I considered renting from used the word 'farang' speaking to me in the form 'farang like to have free wifi'. Some people might not have seen anything wrong with that, but to me, something like that is a red flag which tells me this guy and I won't get along, so I didn't rent. My other landlords have been nothing but respectful and helpful.

    Therefore, if I were in your position, I think I'd just move out. I don't like living somewhere where I don't trust the landlord.

    ive been in condos it's a totally different ball game

    1/ you have a huge choice if the landlord is not nice enough you take a right turn and rent the room next door. My landlords were really nice !

    2/ I am in a cheapish house with garden (necessary for my dogs, see avatar) in Bangkok which means a rarity these days, so tables are turned around. I have been seeking to move for a year but prices keep rising (50% in some areas) I'm stuck !

  4. When I came to Thailand to live in retirement I shipped all my furniture etc over in a large container with all the appropriate documentation showing that it was to be completely duty-free under Thai regulations. When the shipment arrived in Bangkok, I had a phone call from Customs asking for a "fee" of just under 20000 bahts if I wanted them to pass the container on to my address unopened. I was about to say that I had no objection to their breaking the seal and inspecting the contents until he added " but if we open the container, we will not be responsible if anything goes missing". A veiled threat, I think! Annoyed though I was, there are no prizes for what my next step was. What would yours have been? That was my introduction to Thailand! I will not bore you with all the other subsequent more minor incidents but annoying nevertheless!

    Keep the receipt !

    my friend came to thailand with his golf club which he paid for as import tax.

    He goes golfing in Europe, then meet his wife in Paris to wine and dine, so he send the clubs back to THL.

    When he arrived in BKK his golf clubs have been held in customs cause he need to pay import tax

    He then provides them with his receipt showing he already paid his taxes.

    Too late they say "you have to pay" they can't admit they made a mistake so he did have to pay again.

    He has now paid twice his taxes.

  5. MOE visa wait is 3 weeks wait without grease, 1 week with.

    Ministry of Immigration requires 80.000THB for a retirement visa but zero if you pay 18000THB.

    You need to earn 40.000 THB a month to get a spouse visa but nothing if your friend works there.

    You can be visited by Thai police every month but never if you give them 2000THB

    the list goes on and on...

    Why do you think we have had protesters on the streets for a year? And 4 years ago ?

    Despite their claim, they are won't manage to rid of corruption, and unfortunately neither will you.

    When asked every Thai person is against corruption, but when in need everyone forgets his principle and uses it.


  6. yes he can cut trees

    they are his trees, and unless specifically mentioned in the rental contract, they are not a substantial part of the agreement.

    then about the visits, I wonder why you insist on not letting the owner in?

    if my landlord came to my rental, I would invite him in for a drink.

    I think what you have been dong is quite impolite - no wonder he thinks you might be up for no good.

    I rented out a house to a tenant before, and my contract clearly stated I can inspect the house anytime after agreeing on a time with the tenant, and if no reasonable time can be found, I could go in when the tenant is absent.

    He is the one lying and making excuses to inspect the house, and he came uncalled which is illegal here

    And you are the one making excuses and every possible contorsion to avoid that he enters the house.

    Why talk about lying and illegality ? as I see it there hasn't been any problem, so just invite the owner for a drink, give him 3 normal time and dates, such as sunday afternoon or saturday at lunch, monday after work, whatever.

    Comes, drinks, looks at his termites or whatever, you talk a bit, done.

    Honestly, in my case, I too could just happen to be in the neighborhood and think about checking my property. Ok, I would call first, and if the tenant tells me it's not convenient now, I'd understand, but a tenant telling me my visit is illegal rings some alarm bells.

    You wrote earlier that he tried to make appointments before - it certainly seems as if he would like to have a look at his property, but on the other hand it certainly also looks as if you try everything to avoid him entering the house.

    As the owner, I would be a bit worried about what you could possibly want to hide from me.

    Regarding maintenance and termites, yes, he can put this in the contract.

    My tenants never had a problem with me coming to fix stuff.

    You have also to see it from the owner's perspective.

    P.S. why not just buy a house?

    Plenty of landlords (me included) have had bad experiences / seriously bad experiences with tenants. I've posted several nightmare examples here before.

    Given my bad experiences I started including 60 day inspections / inspections whenever I deemed it advisable but with at least 48 hours notice to the tenant (not once a year inspections) and made sure it was noted by new tenants and I'm glad I did.

    I'm not an ogre, I just want to protect my investment.

    I'll put it another way - It's true some landlords are a'holes, and it's equally true some tenants are a'holes.

    If you were the owner of the property would you be serious about protecting your investment?

    There are laws even in THL to protect tenant peace : As a tenant, you are entitled to live in privacy. This means that during your stay at the rental premises you should not experience interruption or interference by the landlord/agent or anyone acting on the landlord's behalf.

    Anyway he came after 2 weeks, then after 1 months then 3 months under many lies.

    His mother comes and check

    The neighbors come and check and report

    I have never been so watch over in my life

    I can't scratch my bum without the all mooban knowing

  7. yes he can cut trees

    they are his trees, and unless specifically mentioned in the rental contract, they are not a substantial part of the agreement.

    then about the visits, I wonder why you insist on not letting the owner in?

    if my landlord came to my rental, I would invite him in for a drink.

    I think what you have been dong is quite impolite - no wonder he thinks you might be up for no good.

    I rented out a house to a tenant before, and my contract clearly stated I can inspect the house anytime after agreeing on a time with the tenant, and if no reasonable time can be found, I could go in when the tenant is absent.

    He is the one lying and making excuses to inspect the house, and he came uncalled which is illegal here

    And you are the one making excuses and every possible contorsion to avoid that he enters the house.

    Why talk about lying and illegality ? as I see it there hasn't been any problem, so just invite the owner for a drink, give him 3 normal time and dates, such as sunday afternoon or saturday at lunch, monday after work, whatever.

    Comes, drinks, looks at his termites or whatever, you talk a bit, done.

    Honestly, in my case, I too could just happen to be in the neighborhood and think about checking my property. Ok, I would call first, and if the tenant tells me it's not convenient now, I'd understand, but a tenant telling me my visit is illegal rings some alarm bells.

    You wrote earlier that he tried to make appointments before - it certainly seems as if he would like to have a look at his property, but on the other hand it certainly also looks as if you try everything to avoid him entering the house.

    As the owner, I would be a bit worried about what you could possibly want to hide from me.

    Regarding maintenance and termites, yes, he can put this in the contract.

    My tenants never had a problem with me coming to fix stuff.

    You have also to see it from the owner's perspective.

    P.S. why not just buy a house?

    Have you read my post ?

    He came to the house FOUR TIMES on different excuses just to look at the house

    He has the neighbor to pry on me and watch the house and make regular reports.

    He tried about TEN other times

    His mum comes and check on the house every now and then

    I am not Thai I cannot own land here

  8. Repeat after me :

    1/ In Thailand marriage is a social affair, love does not come in the equation.

    2/ It's still a developing country so girls DO see you as a ticket out of poverty.

    3/ Don't come crying afterwards, you knew 1 and 2 all along anyway.

    1 in Thailand we met, in Enlgand we married.... there will be many happily married people on here that will disagree with your thoughts to the latter

    2, Thailand is a wealthy country compared to many around the world

    3, I am not crying, just sharing my experience and hopefully getting other people a bit savvy to what could happen in any relationship and I disagree with your points 1 & 2

    4, how come you are the expert on love in Thailand and it's people if you believe number 1?

    1/ In Thailand, for Thai people, in Thai culture, (same thing ) marriage is a social affair. The primary goal of Thai wedding is not love.

    A Thai person living in UK would not necessarily adopts European values about love and marriage.

    2/ Thailand is still very poor compared to UK, by any standard. And yes it's richer than other Asian countries, but I doubt somewhat that she would have fallen in "love" for a Cambodian lol

    3/ We have ALL read the same exact stories here for many years, on this very same forum, it's no expertise, it's just compilation! there used to have much more, and they were very inflammatory, with a lot of "B*tch" and W*** words, very degrading for women, but it looked bad at some point, so they stopped, now it's much more civilized...

    your opinion and you are entitled to it...i've read the stories as well but not many like mine!

    notice you didn't answer number 4..... I still think there will be many that disagree with you on your points though...

    I grant you that the lesbian twist is not common, the rest is textbook for anyone familiar with this forum.

    Number 4 was included in 3: I am no expert I just compile ALL the stories read here, they all say the same thing. Join the queue take a ticket, wait for your number.

  9. Repeat after me :

    1/ In Thailand marriage is a social affair, love does not come in the equation.

    2/ It's still a developing country so girls DO see you as a ticket out of poverty.

    3/ Don't come crying afterwards, you knew 1 and 2 all along anyway.

    1 in Thailand we met, in Enlgand we married.... there will be many happily married people on here that will disagree with your thoughts to the latter

    2, Thailand is a wealthy country compared to many around the world

    3, I am not crying, just sharing my experience and hopefully getting other people a bit savvy to what could happen in any relationship and I disagree with your points 1 & 2

    4, how come you are the expert on love in Thailand and it's people if you believe number 1?

    1/ In Thailand, for Thai people, in Thai culture, (same thing ) marriage is a social affair. The primary goal of Thai wedding is not love.

    A Thai person living in UK would not necessarily adopts European values about love and marriage.

    2/ Thailand is still very poor compared to UK, by any standard. And yes it's richer than other Asian countries, but I doubt somewhat that she would have fallen in "love" for a Cambodian lol

    3/ We have ALL read the same exact stories here for many years, on this very same forum, it's no expertise, it's just compilation! there used to have much more, and they were very inflammatory, with a lot of "B*tch" and W*** words, very degrading for women, but it looked bad at some point, so they stopped, now it's much more civilized...

  10. One of my dads best friends in Eastbourne was married to an english woman for 45 years he was 72 and she was 67 , one night she just said ''i am a lesbian and i am divorcing you'' he was shocked as were the 3 grownup kids , she took him for every penny and basicly made the poor bloke destitute at 72 , her kids have disowned her and looked after him until he passed away 3 years later she moved in with her 59 year old dyke lover .

    the moral is its not only Thai women that are barmy Tink Tonk

    Not the same at all, no visa / gain involved

  11. yes he can cut trees

    they are his trees, and unless specifically mentioned in the rental contract, they are not a substantial part of the agreement.

    then about the visits, I wonder why you insist on not letting the owner in?

    if my landlord came to my rental, I would invite him in for a drink.

    I think what you have been dong is quite impolite - no wonder he thinks you might be up for no good.

    I rented out a house to a tenant before, and my contract clearly stated I can inspect the house anytime after agreeing on a time with the tenant, and if no reasonable time can be found, I could go in when the tenant is absent.

    He is the one lying and making excuses to inspect the house, and he came uncalled which is illegal here

  12. Just a quick thought.

    Do you think the landlord has the right to inspect his property once in a while?

    If yes, how often do you think?

    If no, why would you think so?

    Do you think in a normally landlords would need to have tricks to make an inspection time to time, or are entitled/obliged to do so, as you would expect them for some maintenance too.

    Do you think renting a property would automatically justify the landlord to change his/her address?

    Do you think landlords has to automatically go along with permanent modifications to the property, inside, or in the garden?

    As some said, coins has 2 sides.

    Of course if unhappy, or feel harassed, there is many property to rent, as well always the option to buy your own place, thus no one would be there to say what to do or dont do.

    As a tenant, you are entitled to live in privacy. This means that during your stay at the rental premises you should not experience interruption or interference by the landlord/agent or anyone acting on the landlord's behalf.
    To ensure this occurs, the landlord/agent is required to obtain agreement from the tenants prior to visiting the property.
    Legitimate reasons for the landlord/agent to enter the premises include:
    • General inspections. There is a limit to how frequently property inspections can be performed.
    • Performance of duties defined in the lease, e.g. maintenance.
    • Valuation of the property.
    • To show prospective buyers through the property.
    • To show prospective tenants through the property if the current tenant has been given written notice to move out.
  13. landlords are within their rights to inspect the house evry 12 months and the garden as well. If they are not living there they should change their address as it is no longer where they live(it is law in some countries as it is a way to get around corruption etc) or you could just go to the post office and tell them that tis person no longer lives there so you want his mail stopped, I would be disposing of his mail rather than collecting it and telling him nothing is arriving and to change it to his address so that you are not responsible for it. You are within your rights to have privacy and hang pictures etc on the walls as long as you do not change or make modifications with written approval.

    If they want to rent then they have rules to obey as well and cant just walk over you, I would move out after telling him where to stick his house.

    Every 12 months right, but he came on BS excuses many times.

    But can they cut trees against my will ?

    I paid for the coming month (have proof), does not he have to provide a contract ?

  14. I have been living in this house for a year and my landlord has been strange: He has been trying every tricks in the book to come and inspect the house every time he could.

    - First he said he had to pick up something, when I offered him to tell me what it was so I could give it to him, he dropped the case

    - Secondly he wanted to do electricity maintenance, my busy schedule his busy schedule and the imaginary electrician guy schedule had to agree, so to make things easier I asked him the number of his electrician, so I could deal with him directly, he never gave me anything and forgot the all thing

    - Then he forgot something (again) I asked him what it was, he said a brown blender. There was no brown blender in the cupboard, he came to the house and made me take 5 different appliances and each time he would say no it's not the one, but kept it anyway. It got ridiculous so I offered him to come and check the cupboard himself and just take any of his junk (more room for me), and once in the house he looked around and turned the lights on in all the rooms and looked at the walls as if he was expecting me to have it painted them (while it's stipulated as forbidden in the contract). After looking around he seemed reassured and left without being bothered about his imaginary missing appliance.

    - he also came to pick up post (twice) although I already had gather a first lot asking him to change his address, which he never did.

    He came to the house but I came out and handed him his mail, so had a look around the garden and he seemed frustrated not to have access to the rest, but left anyway.

    - Then came other BS excuses I can't remember all of them and in what order, among garden maintenance, termites check, and finally just making an uncalled house visit (he must had run out of excuses) fortunately I was out so, again he could not access the house.

    He is now renewing the contract but wants AGAIN to come in the house, this time it's gardening maintenance and termites again.This is harassment.

    I already paid my first month contract (including raise) but he's not sending me the contract.

    1/ he's making this (garden/termite maintenance) as a condition of renewal, is he in his right ?

    2/ Also he mentioned sending people to do the gardening, so this one might be real, but when I arrived the trees have just been massacred and the house looked like a bunker (their liking not mine), now the trees after my caring and watering for a year, are giving privacy, much needed sun protection, noise reduction, the mango tree is finally covered with flowers after one year of waiting, and the house looks much better.

    I am the one living there and I cared for all these trees to grow, is that his right to come and cut it all off just because he likes it so ?

  15. What is the difference between natto and dtao jiao? Both are fermented soy beans?

    The problem is the same with every Thai product: Salt Sugar and MSG

    Ingredient of Dao jiao (healthy boy) : Ingredients: yellow bean (soy bean), wheat flour, salt water, sugar, msg, preservative. Product of Thailand.

    1/ they add salt to something naturally salty by fermentation

    2/ they add sugar msg and preservative

    3/ wheat flour refined /processed food

    Ingredients of natto; Ingredients: Soybeans and Bacillus Natto


  16. I use my oven on defrost mode, I can control the temp up to 150 deg C. I have sprouted wheat grass many times out doors and the birds dont touch it. I supose you could cover it with plastic wrap if you feel the need.

    I don't have an oven and I really don't need one except for doing what you mention, which is a misuse, but i might just do that yes if the natt thing fails

    I am thinking of afalfa /lentils/ beans

    Ive tried chick peas and lentils in jar they get moldy.... it's too humid here.

    The birds worry is more for the drying: having things like tomatoes (to make sundries ) aubergines (to make crackers) on one of these drying natt might attract them, plus right now the sun is not that hot.Plus my only stable and flat surface is on my table where my doggies (in avatar) loves to sunbath smile.png


  17. Hello

    Does anyone know a local producer of Natto here?

    Preferably organic ?

    The one I get is imported and as you all know it looses a lot of its goodness by being exposed to low temp.


  18. My friend is flying to Singapore to have laser surgery on his eyes.

    He works for Chevron which runs an excellent medical audit regarding all treatments available for their employees and in this instance, they advised them to go to Singapore as they could not refer them to any quality treatment here.

  19. Telling people to discontinue their medication without a professional advise is so very dangerous. Like many other said it could lead to a cardiovascular event! You off course can do diet and exercise and perhaps can reduce the meds dosage to the point where you might be able to stop them but must be under professional monitor and tapering the dosage gradually.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    No one is telling him to stop the meds this second, it takes a couple of weeks

    FIRST you eat the proper food

    THEN when your numbers are down you drop the meds

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