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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. I don't get you : The all and only point of TV is catharsis.

    ca·thar·sis [kuh-thahr-sis] Show IPA

    noun, plural ca·thar·ses [kuh-thahr-seez] Show IPA .


    the purging of the emotions or relieving of emotional tensions, especially through certain kinds of art, as tragedy or music.

    correct. TV is indeed a tragedy. and very often a tragedy engineered to happen


    Tragedy like any art help us to make this world a better place.

  2. put









    belongs .............

    Easier said than done.

    Try and find a cop who does not believe Brit1984's first and unforgivable mistake was to come to THL, let alone develop a successful business.

    never underestimate the power of jalousy

  3. It sounds like your wife has lost it.

    She has been caught in a world of pretense and lies and reached the end of her lies.

    Don't get me wrong, but, in a way it's a good thing she has no shame regarding the people she hurt.There have been some cases of pathological liars who end up killing their own family to avoid facing them with the truth.

    Also, it is good for your kids to be away from her influence.

    I think she needs therapy, big time.

    Main thing, you have your health, your kids, and are ready for a fresh start!

    Good luck with everything!

    • Like 1
  4. I think when you rent your property out, you give up certain rights. Inspecting the property is definitely one of them. You can ask the person paying money to rent the space if you can come into his dwelling, but if he denies you it should be tough luck. This is of course if we were residing in a country where logic prevailed.

    That's not how Thai law thinks

    It says you have to give notice, and it has to be in reasonable numbers which he both fails.

    But here laws means nothing

  5. All the farangs i know that went on expat contracts there with their western wives left with a Thai wife!unsure.png

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Not wanting to scare you, but there is some truth in that.

    Obviously not all expats leave their wife for a Thai one, but it does happen a lot.

    Also true is that if they don't actually leave their family, it is very easy for them to have affairs.

    THL's damage to expat families, not just wives but also kids is v underrated.

    • Like 1
  6. It really does not sound like harassment to me, just an anxious landlord wanting to ascertain that his property is not being damaged.

    Your unwillingness to let him in has probably fueled his fears. He may be convinced you are concealing something.

    If it were me, I'd let him in (at a time convenient to me, of course) , let him look around to his heart's content, after a few times of that he'd likely calm down.

    Sounds like you have read the post

    he came to the house FOUR TIMES in 5 months already.

  7. I looked at my rental agreement and it states the landlord must give a 3 day notice prior to wishing to enter the premise and do an inspection. I don't think there would ever be a problem as the landlord lives 3 houses away and is very personable and pleasant but if there were a problem the contract stipulates how it would be handled. What does your rental contract say about inspections?

    There is a simple way to handle the mail situation. Next time he comes for his mail tell him that you will deposit it outside the gate in a plastic sack each day it is delivered. If he wishes to come by and get it fine- if not, it may not be there when he decides to drop by.as you are not a postal storage facility and he needs to change his address with the post office. Then to drive the point home get some old mail, put it in a sack and add water. Let it sit for a day until it is mush then leave it outside the gate. When he gets the sack he won't know if it is his mail or not and he will certainly make the change of address.

    What about the termite, electricity checking, the "i forgot something", the "I was in the area I just dropped in", the "i got to get some kitchen utensil", the " gardening maintenance", the "i need to take picture of the house to sell it" etc ?

    All of which have absolutely no other purpose than coming to the house uninvited and check if it's still standing, this guy is a lunatic.

    I presently have NO contract, he refuses to had it to me before full inspection of his house.

    I bet if he ever gives me a contract he will stipulate that he can barge in any time to inspect my walls and ceilings

    If you sign a contract that lets him come and go as he wants then it is on you if it turns into a mess. As for living there for a year with no rental contract I would only ask if you would do that in your home country? A contract saves both you and the landlord a considerable headache as it spells out each parties responsibilities and defines acceptable and expected behavior. What would you do if the guy came to your door and said that the agreed upon rent was double what you thought it was? With no contract it is your word against his and you would have no basis to support your position.

    If he doesn't want to give you a contract then it is time to look for another place to live. You are in a tenuous position as the landlord may decide to be a pain in the ass and go after you in court for some trumped up charge and with no contract you have no basis to defend yourself. You already have a history of disagreement with this guy- time to get a contract or move on.

    There was a report on TV of a farang who got into a piss and moan with a landlord about some damage or missing furniture from an apartment. The landlord went to court and the guy was stuck in Thailand for some time trying to get it straightened out as he had some kind of restriction on his passport and could not leave- at least that is how I remember this matter. Don't let it happen to you. Get a contract or get out.

    I had a contract for one year

    It is to be renewed

    He's blackmailing me not to renew if I don't let him into the house under false excuses.

    I have now negotiated that he does not turn up uninvited, got a fixed date and also told him it's illegal to come to my house uninvited. he got really angry

    So now he's pissed off and threatens to end my stay

  8. I looked at my rental agreement and it states the landlord must give a 3 day notice prior to wishing to enter the premise and do an inspection. I don't think there would ever be a problem as the landlord lives 3 houses away and is very personable and pleasant but if there were a problem the contract stipulates how it would be handled. What does your rental contract say about inspections?

    There is a simple way to handle the mail situation. Next time he comes for his mail tell him that you will deposit it outside the gate in a plastic sack each day it is delivered. If he wishes to come by and get it fine- if not, it may not be there when he decides to drop by.as you are not a postal storage facility and he needs to change his address with the post office. Then to drive the point home get some old mail, put it in a sack and add water. Let it sit for a day until it is mush then leave it outside the gate. When he gets the sack he won't know if it is his mail or not and he will certainly make the change of address.

    What about the termite, electricity checking, the "i forgot something", the "I was in the area I just dropped in", the "i got to get some kitchen utensil", the " gardening maintenance", the "i need to take picture of the house to sell it" etc ?

    All of which have absolutely no other purpose than coming to the house uninvited and check if it's still standing, this guy is a lunatic.

    I presently have NO contract, he refuses to had it to me before full inspection of his house.

    I bet if he ever gives me a contract he will stipulate that he can barge in any time to inspect my walls and ceilings

  9. she did talk about joint bank accounts once as her work friends had them with their husbands and I responded with 'ok we both get our salaries paid into the joint account, pay the mortgage and all the bills together and whatever we have left we can share' she didn't like what she heard and never pushed for it again

    And that, of course, never made you hear bells?

    No it didn't, why should it? She was married to me & didn't push or anything just said why don't we same as her co-workers have joint accounts & I explained how it would work!

    By all means focus on 1 thing out of what's posted & pull it apart but please don't give it the know it all expert to me, as I have said I thought after my experiences I knew it allay one point, look where that got me!

    I'm not pulling anything apart, it's just that, that day, she showed you she was not interested in investing in a common future and was making plans for herself alone.

    You just chose to ignored it.

  10. P.S. Next time this happens, welcome him in, let him look around to his satisfaction and while he does make various requests: a new/better a/c unit/water heater; new paint job, appliance repair etc etc. This will generally trigger a flight response in landlords.

    Perfect, everytime he shows up give him a list of "to do". He'll stop coming around right quick.

    I'm on thin ice already, he got me by the short and curly.

    Plus seriously, you don't want him to come. EVER

    I had a toilet leaking for a while but I preferred to fix it myself than having to call him to come.

    You have to imagine the guy: you let him come to pick up his old blender and he is turning lights on, checking walls and surfaces, closing/ opening doors as if it was its home while talking to you as if it was normal thing to do.

  11. I knew it the termite thing was AGAIN an excuse to make an inspection

    he absolutely wants to take me by surprise, he's not happy with coming with authorization to the house.

    He thinks I am hiding things lol

    Just got him on the phone :That's it he's pissed off

    I told him to stop coming under false pretense he got angry and wanted to terminated the contract at the end of the month of Feb.

    I told him I had nowhere else to go so he back down and said he wants a full inspection on the 22nd of Feb which I'm OK with, at last he's coming clean and honest about it, no more BS excuses.

    He's really angry and scared that his house is in shamble, but that's his pathological angst.

    It's going to be a nightmare: he will probably come with the all family, plus the decontamination anti-termite team which he will be "supervising" (his words), they will open every draw, look under beds, carpets, count cups, saucers and spoons and he possibly will piss around his own and so cherished territory.

    As he said it is "only" going to be 2 HOURS of my time : TWO HOURS for a 2 bedrooms house !

  12. I have rented about 4times in Thailand and never had a problem with the land lords.

    They never came in to my unit unless I asked them to.

    Same as in he west they do nt have the right to enter with out your permission unless it is an emergencie like broken pipes , fire etc

    Good luck

    Yeah me too, when I was in CONDO world, where tenants are kings and landlord are super nice.

    If you're not happy you walk down the corridor and change unit in 20 seconds. Landlords get that.

    Or in Farang land like Nichada where houses start from 80.000 THB a month, they don't get hassled much.

    As previously said with 3 dogs and limited budget I cannot do any of these

  13. Now I accepted to have the house checked for termites by professionals but he refuses to give me the phone number.

    I don't think there is any termites worry, nor does he care about his old blender, nor does he actually cares about the garden (he has dropped the garden issue), nor does he care about his post.

    he's like my previous landlord and the one from my friend; he cannot bear the idea of having a farang living in his house and believe we are savages without taste and need doing inspection every 5 minutes especially with the witches feeding gossips about me.

  14. Sounds like your Landlord doesn't trust you for some reason. Maybe it is time to move. As you point out you aren't Thai, maybe he is trying to tell you he doesn't want non-Thai renters. Maybe you need to ask for someone to find out what his act is about. Remember Thais don't do direct confrontation, so perhaps you need to engage a proxy of some sort to get to what is up for him.

    Does he have dogs? maybe there is something going on there.

    Oh yeah there is definitely something going on, and I know what it is : The neighbors are pissed to have a farang living near by, old ladies who have nothing else to do than spreading hatred gossip all day, they were friends with my landlord's mum, before his family moved the house. They keep spreading horror gossip about me in the mooban. That happened in the previous house as well, only the landlord did not listen to these crap. It's everywhere in Thai neighborhood and I cannot afford farang moobans

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