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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Acne is symptom, it's your body telling you, you're eating way too much fat (animal products, oils).

    Don't think of your body as compartmentalized, if it's wrong for your skin it's wrong for your blood vessels, arteries, digestive system, and heart.

    Listen to what your body is telling you :Stick to that diet

  2. Hello

    I am looking for these two items in BKK/Thailand, any help would be greatly appreciated.

    So far I have been to:

    - Main BKK Malls

    - Chatuchak and next door plant market

    - Shanti Asoke

    - Royal Project shop

    - Online

    Thank you in advance for your help


    PS : I know I can naturally dehydrate food by exposing it on the sun for a day like Thai people do.

    Unfortunately I cannot watch it to keep birds away and need to be able to leave the house



  3. If you think a sauce is a herb, you might be the one in need of growing up.

    Nampla has not have any particular benefits itself apart from the fact that it contains chillies and it would be more relevant to state their use in food preservation in hot climate, and ward off bacterial, fungal and viral illnesses, than speculate about the age of posters.

    and if you think i said nam pla is a herb you have to brush up your reading capabilities. that notwithstanding the fact that i mentioned "prik nam pla" which is as justified as the things other posters mentioned such as turmeric, garlic, whole milk, Moringa Leaf Powder, ginseng, fish oil capsules, aspirin, multivitamins, green tea, black coffee, sator beans, bitter melon, spinach, avocado, calcium tablets, Green Herbal Smoking Stuff, Pandanus, Bael fruit, Chrysanthemums, Roselle, Bai Bobo chlorophyll and Moringa oleifera.

    to get rid of your frustration i suggest to beat up your neighbour before you retire again to your dark corner.

    p.s. make sure the neighbour does not treat you with


    Wow so much tension!

    Be assured I have no frustration to get rid of, just enjoying a healthy debate about health on these first days of a new year, if I may.

    May I suggest Mulberry tea, neem and peppermint tea ?

    It's brilliant for stress, anxiety and nervousness.

    It's only a discussion about Thai remedies. Relax !

    Is this OK to say you are still wrong or are you going to get angry again?

    Anyway, let's try... According to the China Study, any animal protein is toxic for human consumption, so a fish being an animal I don't see how Namplaa could be beneficial for any human.

    Lastly as you so elegantly and eloquently mentioned masturbation, can I point out it has been proven to prevent cystitis, diabetes and cancer, without aggravation on your part?

    Happy New Year !

    • Like 1
  4. yes i've heard that mental deficencies/reading deficencies are caused by a lack of chilies, you obviously aren't eating enough priknamplaa. quite common among farang women though so nothing unusual

    Where does this hilarious info come from ?

    Thai soaps?

    Sorry fungus, viruses or bacterias don't trigger mental illness, but Thai soaps do smile.png

    i am not going to tell you. you are obviously quite content with your soaps,

    i am outta 'ere

    Oh please do share this vital important health news.

    I am sure alot of posters are interested in knowing more on how "Nampla combat mental deficiencies".

    My bible in terms of Thai herbal remedies is "Thai Herbal" by C Pierce Salguero, a wonderful useful book to have here.

    What's yours ?

  5. my favourite Thai health food which i take combined with nearly every other food is (very fine cut) "prik nam pla":


    Topic is about HERBS, pla = fish, not a herb

    yada yada yakety yak! nam pla is not fish but fermented fish sauce. the main ingredients in "prik nam pla" are red and green chilis. they have a right to exist next to ginger and all the other stuff which was posted.

    now go back to your dark corner, repent and don't talk without being asked when grown-ups discuss their "dietary add-ons" laugh.png

    If you think a sauce is a herb, you might be the one in need of growing up.

    Nampla has not have any particular benefits itself apart from the fact that it contains chillies and it would be more relevant to state their use in food preservation in hot climate, and ward off bacterial, fungal and viral illnesses, than speculate about the age of posters.

  6. Thai pesticides are not only used in much higher concentration ( 200 times the level allowed in Europe/US) but also products which have never been allowed in the West are freely used and abused here.

    Regularly you see in the news countries stopping fruits and veg imports because of their toxicity, but here no one gives a hoot about that.

    I would personally be more worried about what she eats here everyday, more than one time intoxication

    If anything, fumigators under dose the product because it costs money.

    The high levels in food are completely unrelated to the levels used in fumigating for pests in buildings.

    Expensive in the West where the cheap and nasty stuff is not allowed, here there is no regulation...

    The topic is about the OP's daughter's intoxication.

    My opinion is that she gets intoxicated far more on a daily basis eating poisoned Thai food, or breathing polluted air than a one time exposure.

  7. Thai pesticides are not only used in much higher concentration ( 200 times the level allowed in Europe/US) but also products which have never been allowed in the West are freely used and abused here.

    Regularly you see in the news countries stopping fruits and veg imports because of their toxicity, but here no one gives a hoot about that.

    I would personally be more worried about what she eats here everyday, more than one time intoxication

  8. My juices vary according to the season and what I find in my organic coop.

    Also I try to add variety and pleasure to it but put some sweet vegetable/fruits so it does not taste too bad

    these days it's :

    - 5/6 Lotus sticks

    - 1 small head of oak leaves salad

    - 1/2 bunch of spinach

    - 1/2 Grapefruit (some of the white stuff included)

    - 2 small Turnips (they are actually fruits that look like turnips, sweet and crunchy, like apples but much cheaper)

    - 1 small Bottle Gourd or Mara (quiet sweet also)

    - 1 beetroot (so it's not always a green liquid)

    - ginger

  9. Not everybody have English as their first language (included me:-).

    One "grammar police" post deleted

    To the OP, as many people say, get a flight ticket, 20.000, nice dress and don't worry

    It certainly sounds like a simple process according to you. Whether it be 4.5 yrs or 9 yrs overstay and you can get to the airport 'in time' before you are caught with having no valid visa. Certainly a risky business prolonging your overstay, would you not agree?

    The guy's lived here for 4.5 years without a valid visa. How likely is it that he'll suddenly get caught on the way to the airport?
    Near to zero realistically? But is a ritual scaremonging sentence here and no thred would taste the same without.

    You mean it would not be politically correct without it.

  10. What if you use your home bank account and don't have a Thai one?

    Can you show your statement with regular ATM withdrawals

    Keep also the slips the Thai ATMs give you with every cash withdrawal. The MoE officials will probably find them easier to read and interpret than a foreign bank's list of transactions. I see no reason why this should not be acceptable evidence of the source of the money you use for your studying and living expenses in Thailand.

    Everything seems vague, answers are always like "this should be OK".

    could we have the police order ?

    Police orders of visas usually indicates exactly what documents to provide, why do you keep referring us to our school, as if it our change from one school to another ? Is law not the same for everyone ?

    When would it come in application?

    Thanks :)

  11. Income from who? Their parents? I still can't imagine how a full time student is expected to have an income from a foreign job, while studying full time in Thailand.

    In this particular case, ie the forms of the MoE, income does not mean earnings, but means the source of money used for living and studying expenses in Thailand. The purpose of this exercise is to deny an ED visa to foreigners who live in Thailand on income derived from illegally working in Thailand. Therefore, showing evidence that you live on savings you have abroad and transfer to Thailand or from which you make ATM withdrawals in Thailand should be acceptable without a problem. Of course, in addition your school will have to confirm that you are in fact attending classes.

    What if you use your home bank account and don't have a Thai one?

    Can you show your statement with regular ATM withdrawals

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