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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. My friend and I thought it was dog being tortured.

    My next door neighbor says it's dog being lonely.

    A solitude that is expressed mostly at 3 minutes past the hours in the evening and morning except on public holidays ...

    Also has someone has answers as to

    - why Songthaew drivers feed stray dogs (throw bags of chicken & rice at them when passing en route) when they definitely don't like them as pet ?

    - why only the non-mangy ones ?

    - why are there only few mangy dogs left on the main road and where are all the other ones disapeared ?

    Well there you have your answer...lonely dog...owner comes home, not lonely anymore.

    Perhaps it is the owner making the noise.

    Or the dog, after being kicked...yet again...for humping owners leg like there's no tomorrow.

    A dog suffering from solitude

    - howls doesn't scream

    - does it 20 to up to 50 times a day every day repeatedly , not 4 times a day at precise times.

    - does it more for a few minutes not precisely between 30 and 45 seconds

  2. My friend and I thought it was dog being tortured.

    My next door neighbor says it's dog being lonely.

    A solitude that is expressed mostly at 3 minutes past the hours in the evening and morning except on public holidays ...

    Also has someone has answers as to

    - why Songthaew drivers feed stray dogs (throw bags of chicken & rice at them when passing en route) when they definitely don't like them as pet ?

    - why only the non-mangy ones ?

    - why are there only few mangy dogs left on the main road and where are all the other ones disapeared ?

  3. Do you live all alone by yourself? If not, then what do the others at home have to say? Piercing howling screams of dogs being skinned alive everyday for a year and nobody else in your mooban is concerned except you because they are all Thais? You have not reported to police bcos you assume they will not care...you have e-mailed animal protection groups but no response...You mentioned that your neighbors are addicted to the telly. Maybe it is some theme song of a thai soap or a commercial?

    I live alone yes but had a friend who stayed over for a week, a week ago.He said it was dogs too.

    For 10 months I thought

    1/a dog hurt itself

    2/ as it happened regularly, I thought Muslims were killing animals (cattle) near by

    3/ I only start thinking about dogs being hurt when my friend came.

    4/ I then started recording times and loads of time it happened at 3 past 7, 8 or 9 . So I started thinking it' man's inflicted.

    5/ It did not happened on Loy Kratong but happened more times the next day. So now I am starting to think it's a side job for someone

    My neighbors are Thai people and yes animal welfare is not a priority to them. Also they are probably not paying attention like I am now since I had someone else (my friend) listening to it an telling me it was dogs being tortured.

    My neighbors either say they don't hear it or and are thinking it's 1/ or 2/ case scenario

  4. Got held back with a neighbor so could not make it for the 7.03

    But it happened 3 times in less than an hour 6.40, 6.55 and 7.02

    I guess there is catching since Loy Kratong ...

    Is his clock slow?

    Is your neighbour Thai?

    Given that you were with your neighbour and you heard it at 6.40, 6.55 and 7.02 ... what was your neighbour's opinion?


    The 6.40 one was when I left to walk my dogs to the park

    I then talked to that woman at her house by the park

    left her, went back to the park to walk the dogs I heard it again at 6.55

    and once more at the house at 7.02

  5. Recent history has shown that he protests are just pressure movements to attempt to raise awareness.

    Governments themselves have gone down this way ...

    Thaksin calls a snap election that is voided. Fails to get a valid election in time and his caretaker government becomes extra-constitutional. -- result -- bloodless coup

    a year later democracy is restored ... PPP wins ... protesters on the streets again. Samak gets busted for lying about income for an outside source (cooking show) while PM. He is removed from office. (note -- he could have been re-elected immediately) Thaksin's B-I-L steps in. Protests continue. Court dissolves PPP due to taped evidence of a PPP exec making payoffs. Party dissolved BUT not parliament. and a new parliamentary vote is held resulting in Abhisit as PM. (some say the military were directly involved)

    later the reds occupy BKK and use violence as a method of protest ... eventually after loss of life on both sides .. Abhisit calls for elections early. PTP wins less than 50% of the popular vote but 53% of seats in the house.

    That brings us to today .... the odds that protests bring down the government are small. The odds that the government must either call snap elections OR be disbanded are very high due to the government's actions and policy failures.

    Thanks for the recap, did not get everything, but got the gist.. I think....though no idea who is PPP or Samak, or what's with the cooking show... that tells you how clueless I am, and also don't really care.

    Anyways.... back to my time-frame question: so government should change ... would you say, in the next 3 months ? 6 months ? year ??

    Of course if you 're wrong I will pursue you for ever with my wrath ;)

    Thank you ! :)

  6. Thank you for taking the time to give a suggestion, but since I had heard my own dog howl of pain and it does sound exactly like that.

    Also at the end of the 45 seconds when the voice finally gives up and it's less of scream less loud it really just sounds like a dog crying.

    BTW it happened twice this morning so far 9.40 and just now 10.22.

    Mornings don't really have a pattern.

    I am going to be in the back alley at 7.03 tonight, keep you posted !

  7. Mea culpa for worrying you about the white dog with black eye patch, i saw him alive this moning ! Phew

    Still on the main road many dogs are missing and the ones left are all devored by mange (no /patchy fur) and guess what, these ones don't get fed (thrown bags of chicken & rice) by the songtwaew drivers when we pass them by ...

    Why are they only feeding the mange free ones?

  8. I dont mean like china. I mean that in the street they offer you grill pork or beef but in reality it is dogs meat.

    I am thinking of asking the local vet

    At least she might have a slight interest in animal welfare.

    Also if it's not dogs slaughtering, that leaves me with the question of what becomes of all these stray dogs fed by the songthaew crew and mysteriously disappearing.

    I particualrly remember one white one with a round black patch around his eye, a friendly fellow, he looked lost for a couple of weeks in the mooban. He seemed as if he was recently abandoned as he kept looking at every people in search of his owner, a heart breaker really.

    Every day or so I would see him wondering aound. Once he came into the songthaew with us passagengers at the back, he was nice, not bothering us at all. Once told, the lady driver stopped the car, got off her seat and came into the back with us.. She got extremely mad at him shouting very loud. That was really unecessary as he was only cuddlying up for a snooze or probably trying to get back where they snatched him from the street still in search of his owner.

    Any way a couple of weeks after this I saw him at the back of the mooban with the packs of other dogs where the drivers have their area and keep the dogs, he kinda recognised me and went to sniff/greet me waging his tail. Never saw him again since ! crying.gif

  9. I doubt my theory too..just trying to be positive..unfortunately there is no way i can help here at least i have no idea what i can do(

    Talked with my thai friend..she confirmed it can be for meet..

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Meat if they believe like in China that the more stress/pain the animal endures the better the taste (which is rubbish)

    Or fur, also like in China where animals (dogs cats, rabbits foxes ..) are skinned alive in fur farms to keep the fur intact and sell it full price.

    I came home late today so I missed it.

    You're right it's creepy. I now come home with apprehension and I do feel tense in the house, nervous and in alert of every noise.

    Each time I hear it I run outside my house to try to locate it as best as possible, the sound does not come from far but there is a big detour to get to it and by then obviously it would be finished as it last less than a minute ...so frustrating !

    I have been now 6 or 7 times out at night in a back alley along a khlong waiting to hear it, but each time to no avail...

    I will try tomorrow again ...

  10. For those out there who still believe it's dog fights; Last night for the first time in months there were no howls of pains and the day before that it happened at noon, which again has never happened.

    I have not met dogs that stop fighting because they want celebrate Loy Kratong and schedule their fighting at exactly 3 minutes past the hours in the evening

  11. Tanks ? Is that not a bit too much for peaceful protest ?

    So if the coup should have been in Sept/Oct is this going to drag for months ?

    What's in 2016 ?

    In the May 92 uprising against the Suchinda govt, I stood on the Bangna highway and watched the tanks and the troops roll into the city from Chonburi. In 2006, there were lots of reports of tanks being mobilised around the city. Same in 2010. They're there for effect and to show everyone that the military is the real boss. And as for peaceful protest, your guess is as good as mine as to how long the protest is going to remain peaceful, especially now that some Dem heavyweights have decided on an all-or-nothing approach.

    2016? Just a figure plucked out of the air to indicate the cyclical nature of coups in this country.

    OK thank you very much for this answer Wita, so basically every 3/4 for years Thailand is in political protest for half a year though nothing ever changes.

    It seems pointless especially that the next election will be subject to fraudes and no one will say anything.

  12. Pardon my total lack of knowledge in Thai politics /naive/ stupid question but until a couple of days I had no interest in it.

    All that has changed now : My favorite food supply franchise has decided to close all its shops to join the fight against the government.

    They will only resume business when the government is thrown over.

    In other words I'm in trouble.

    I talked to them, told them the whole world is corrupted and even more so in Thailand, where everyone is against corruption until they need a favor :)

    In a country where voters received money, what's the point of demanding a new election ?

    They have no idea how it will take but are determined to go all the way. Apparently the red shirts and Yinluck are now the baddies and corrupted (what a shock :) ) and need to be dismissed, for having stolen too much money.

    I read Yinluck is on "shaky grounds", she had some set backs, she just lost the "amnesty gambit", a "huge price for her and her brother", but she had "survived the flood and bounced back", so she's a toughie ?

    Can this last for months ? year ?

    Thank you :)

    • Like 1
  13. Op: I say this with the best of intentions... I've avoided commenting on this thread up until now because quite frankly you come across as a bit of a whack-job...

    When you voice your concerns to Thai's (and most other people) you run the risk of not being taken seriously unless you calm down on the hysteria.

    Suggestions to approach the neighbour may not be the safest course of action.

    Have any of your friends / colleagues visited your house and heard the same noises ?

    You mention a directional microphone in one of your posts, IF the noise is so loud could any normal microphone pick up the sound?.

    Posting the sound on here may give better opportunity to identify the sound.

    It seems that you have convinced yourself that these sounds are dogs being skinned alive (or something similar), rather an extreme conclusion, nevertheless a possibility. There may be other rational explanations, don't close off your mind to other possibilities.

    Best of luck getting to the bottom of this. I hope you are wrong about the animal torture.

    I understand you think I am crazy mostly because the thread is long and you've missed quite a bit of clues. I don't blame you it's no literature.

    Example: The part when I say I had a friend staying from Australia last week. He was an Afrikaner racist conservative very macho guy who used to live in the wild in Africa running 3 farms; Anyway my friend told me he did not know how I could carry on living hearing those dogs being tortured several times a day. when he came I told him I thought it was cattle, being slaughtered may be by Muslims. He told me, Muslims kills are silent and he was pretty sure it was dogs. He lived all his life in the bush and had killed dozen of animals with his bare hands and he KNEW what they sounded like.

    Sound wise: I have worked in recording for radio and TV believe me you need a decent mike to record outside noise.

    When you hear something like this for so long you start trying to make sense of it.

    Yes I am convinced these are dogs (because I recognized it from my own dogs same howl when pain, and because of what my friend and the neighbor said), and I THINK (not sure just an assumption which at the moment is the only one that makes sense) they are been skinned alive.

    I hope I am wrong too, I called my dad who is a farmer/hunter beside from obviously concerned for my safety, he said it could also be that someone has a dog which is sick and in pain and has to give regular care that might cause pain to the animal.

    I am bringing you this as no one has suggested and to prove you that I am not hysterically focused on a dramatic outcome.

    I personally think that 10 months (or more since I only came to this village 10 months ago) is a very long time to have that much pain, either the animal gets better either he dies, also and most importantly why would I never have seen that sick dog, I see his 6 other dogs?

    Why did your racist conservative Afrikaner macho friend from Australia have to kill dozens of animals with his bare hands?

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Did not asked sorry, I guess that's life in the bush

  14. Op: I say this with the best of intentions... I've avoided commenting on this thread up until now because quite frankly you come across as a bit of a whack-job...

    When you voice your concerns to Thai's (and most other people) you run the risk of not being taken seriously unless you calm down on the hysteria.

    Suggestions to approach the neighbour may not be the safest course of action.

    Have any of your friends / colleagues visited your house and heard the same noises ?

    You mention a directional microphone in one of your posts, IF the noise is so loud could any normal microphone pick up the sound?.

    Posting the sound on here may give better opportunity to identify the sound.

    It seems that you have convinced yourself that these sounds are dogs being skinned alive (or something similar), rather an extreme conclusion, nevertheless a possibility. There may be other rational explanations, don't close off your mind to other possibilities.

    Best of luck getting to the bottom of this. I hope you are wrong about the animal torture.

    I understand you think I am crazy mostly because the thread is long and you've missed quite a bit of clues.

    Example: The part when I say I had a friend staying from Australia last week. He was an Afrikaner racist conservative very macho guy who used to live in the wild in Africa running 3 farms; Anyway my friend told me he did not know how I could carry on living hearing those dogs being tortured several times a day. when he came I told him I thought it was cattle, being slaughtered may be by Muslims. He told me, Muslims kills are silent and he was pretty sure it was dogs. He lived all his life in the bush and had killed dozen of animals with his bare hands and he KNEW what they sounded like.

    Sound wise: I have worked in recording for radio and TV believe me you need a decent mike to record outside noise.

    When you hear something like this for so long you start trying to make sense of it.

    Yes I am convinced these are dogs (because I recognized it from my own dogs same howl when pain, and because of what my friend and the neighbor said), and I THINK (not sure just an assumption which at the moment is the only one that makes sense) they are been skinned alive.

    I hope I am wrong too, I called my dad who is a farmer/hunter beside from obviously concerned for my safety, he said it could also be that someone has a dog which is sick and in pain and has to give regular care that might cause pain to the animal.

    I am bringing you this as no one has suggested and to prove you that I am not hysterically focused on a dramatic outcome.

    I personally think that 10 months (or more since I only came to this village 10 months ago) is a very long time to have that much pain, either the animal gets better either he dies, also and most importantly why would I never have seen that sick dog, I see his 6 other dogs?

  15. Why don't you and some of your friends just go over there and confront him. Take a few beers and be friendly and have a look see if anything is out of the ordinary. I would not have been hearing that for 10 months from my neighbours i would have acted on it after the second time.

    Great to write about it here, if you are so concerned - do something about it. Instead of getting microphones and binoulars and acting all FBI undercover cop.

    Call the cops, call the Animal Rescue places etc.

    Hello super unfriendly neighbor who tries to avoid me at all cost !

    Hey do you want a beer ?

    By the way I was wondering if you were into torturing dogs at all?

    - Yes of course it's my passion, I do it 4 times a day, come along I'll show you my back garden, it's the best torture camp ever!

    Animal rescue : called and emailed

    cops ; they don't care

    I NEVER suspected my neighbor before 2 days

  16. I am going to get some binoculars and see when he gets up from his telly, if it matches the screams;I can see his lounge from my house

    The noise always had been pointing at his house but I ruled it out because he had dogs and thought it was BEHIND his house. It might have been staring at me the whole time, but I did not want to admit it.

    My australian friend pointed to his house when he said it was coming from

    The other neighbor I asked when the screams happened did also did pointed at his house, when I asked him where he thought it came from.

    I just saw a documentary on youtube about dog industry in Vietnam, some of the slaughters have dogs as pets too.

    It was staring at m the whole time but I refused to believe it, I still somewhat cannot ...

  17. Oh my god !

    Now I think it's my direct opposite neighbor !!!

    I ruled him out as he has 6 dogs as pets, but he's been acting very weird

    - This morning while walking my dogs I saw him coming out of his house dressed to go to work by songthaew as he does. As soon as he saw me, he went back to his house and waited that I get into my house, unfortunately I had to get out again onto the main road to get my other dog. He stayed in his house the all time and chose to leave his house at the moment I was back on the main road, to leave his house. He even went walking further on the main road in the opposite direction from me, to take the bus further away instead of just wait at the end of our soi just to avoid me!

    Is he scared of me ???

    - Last night after the 19.03 scream, a car came to their house and my dogs started to growl, they only stayed 2 minutes to pick up some stuff that he gave them and they left.

    - The time is coherent for last night as he came back from work around 6 pm and the screams were at 7.03.

    - Every single time I leave /come into the house his dogs are barking at me, so he knows when I am out.

    Last night I tried to be out for the second scream which is normally at 21.03 but nothing happened. and that was the case every time I tried to find the noise (4 times) nothing happens ... My god ! Does he monitor me and does it when I am not out and about?

    -This morning he looked surprised to see me out. It was because one of my dog has been back to house ahead of me, so the dogs barked at her giving him the signal .... he must have thought I was back inside my house !!!

    Scary ! my neighbor is watching my moves to avoid me !

    - He and his wife are big telly addict.

    I am not sure if anyone is reading this at all or if most of you now think I'm crazy by now, but it does help a lot to put write things down. It makes it clearer and it keeps track of times the screams happen. Also if get in trouble there would be a trace...

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