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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Well the law and I beg to disagree

    His daughter IS his family and he has a responsibility to her and her children.

    If she would be in need regardless her age, by law he has to help her.

    So if he's already doing a bad job at taking care of her, very selfish indeed to start a new family

    What a load of tosh. His daughter, if an adult, must take care of herself. His job is complete with her. Her children are for her to care for, nothing to do with him if he doesn't want to.

    As his current child is not of age then he has MORE responsibility to that one.

    The law won't compel him to care for his grandchildren, not his problem.

    Edit: If the daughter wants to shame him into taking care of the grandkids then she is a complete <deleted>. Her kids are her responsibility and hers and the fathers responsibility only.

    Erm it's called "reciprocal duty of support between parents and children"

    If your children are in need regardless of age, a court can force you to pay for support and reciprocally

    You do talk <deleted> - not sure if it is deliberate or accidental !

    Apart from being 100% wrong your comments are also made in ignorance of the fact that he has provided very nicely for his daughter (and grandchild). His daughter may jeopardise her inheritance if she becomes too stubborn.

    As you should be aware (under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975) his only dependent is now his Thai wife - maybe later a child as well)

    Ignorance of his family's business certainly

    The law remains ...

  2. Well the law and I beg to disagree

    His daughter IS his family and he has a responsibility to her and her children.

    If she would be in need regardless her age, by law he has to help her.

    So if he's already doing a bad job at taking care of her, very selfish indeed to start a new family

    What a load of tosh. His daughter, if an adult, must take care of herself. His job is complete with her. Her children are for her to care for, nothing to do with him if he doesn't want to.

    As his current child is not of age then he has MORE responsibility to that one.

    The law won't compel him to care for his grandchildren, not his problem.

    Edit: If the daughter wants to shame him into taking care of the grandkids then she is a complete <deleted>. Her kids are her responsibility and hers and the fathers responsibility only.

    Erm it's called "reciprocal duty of support between parents and children"

    If your children are in need regardless of age, a court can force you to pay for support and reciprocally

  3. Thank you ever so much I cannot agree more.

    I am too frightened to see the money and power flowing into this country when the population is still so ignorant and perfect candidate to be a second China, an environmental, cultural, societal disaster in waiting

  4. Why not?

    happiness is a huge topic here

    Happiness is always welcome on the Forum.

    Indeed ... I've missed you posting here.

    The Forum will be a more colourful place with you here ... thumbsup.gif


    Well... Thank you !

    I have been crazy busy

    My dog is in Kidney failure and that's a 24/7 job to get creatinin and BUN rates down

  5. Well the law and I beg to disagree

    His daughter IS his family and he has a responsibility to her and her children.

    If she would be in need regardless her age, by law he has to help her.

    So if he's already doing a bad job at taking care of her, very selfish indeed to start a new family

  6. Well I have a pet fly and we are so happy together, shall I open a topic too ?

    No, I wouldn't bother - it wouldn't be interesting. Unlike this topic which you found so interesting that you were compelled to post 3 times in 15 minutes rolleyes.gif

    Why not?

    happiness is a huge topic here

    I don't think the OP was necessarily expecting this to be 100% a 'happiness' thread.

    There are a number of people who have opposing views to (a farang) starting another family late in life.

    A friend who is considering such family planning was told ny his daughter in the UK that he should concentrate on his more important responsibilities of being a grandfather........

    That's what I meant

    Behind this "they are happy" statement, the OP is searching for approval

    (In a forum full of aging expats with young Thai wives) giggle.gif

    A need for reassurance

    Well I think his daughter has a point, it's kinda selfish to make a new family if you don't take care of your own

  7. Sit up is not going to make you lose your belly

    It will perk up your abs but the fat would still be there

    slow exercises 2 hours twice a week will

    I lost my belly in 2 weeks since my dog is in kidney failure, I just never stops doing stuffs and hardly find time to sit down

  8. Well I have a pet fly and we are so happy together, shall I open a topic too ?

    His parents don't approve and so do most of our friends ... People can be so judgmental rolleyes.gif

    You do know that you are replying to yourself ... blink.png


    Shhh, I think he's looking in the mirror.

    Who is HE ? giggle.gif

  9. Wife's best friend. Married to a 61 yr old Brit. Kid is just over 1 yr old.

    They are happy.

    I don't get it

    Why would not they be happy ?

    They chose each others and they are together.

    why would age gap make people unhappy?

    I think this topic/the OP is trying to get approval ie ; they are happy therefore it's right/better to have age gap / it should be the norm.

    Age gap as shown in developed countries is only popular when women are in no position to make decent living for themselves.

    Give women rights and opportunities to work and get decent wages and they don't consider old farts anymore.

    So no, age gap is never going to be the norm. It's only popular here because you have extra cash compared to locals.

  10. Well I have a pet fly and we are so happy together, shall I open a topic too ?

    His parents don't approve and so do most of our friends ... People can be so judgmental rolleyes.gif

    You do know that you are replying to yourself ... blink.png


    Yes it's not exactly a reply per se

    it's more like an extra comment

  11. Yes.

    Thai food is with Japanese one of the healthiest food (in my opinion).

    And yes most restaurants/street vendors have long understood that you can replace most of the ingredients by crap, make bigger profit and get away with it.

    But that does not mean the original recipes based on the incredible variety of Thai vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices that can be bought fresh from every market is not healthy, you just need to be extra selective on where you eat.

    Or buy a cookbook and do it yourself.

    Also like Thai people, do start considering everything you eat as remedy.

    Get C Pierce Salguero's bible about Thai herbs : "A Thai Herbal Traditional recipe for health & harmony " and start composing your menus in accordance to your body needs.


  12. as long as the kids did not come back and lob in a hand grenade and blow the place to bits, this happened to an internet cafe in pattaya around 12 years ago , i was staying 2 doors away.

    Are you being negative ? tongue.png

    Some would argue that your post put LOS's children in a negative light. whistling.gif

  13. Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

    Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

    Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

    Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

    at 16.30 the kids should be at home doing there home work , then they can find a job after leaving school that pays enough to eat in the places they only used to bum about in ....

    Studying rewarded by good paying jobs ?

    That would be a first here !

    They just have to grass the right person to become a cop (zero study) in their turn and earn more in extortion/blackmail than a doctor (7 years+)

  14. Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

    Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

    Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

    Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

    Another honor student in economics. One of the elite few who believes that business owners don't really invest their money & time to compete & prosper, as common sense would suggest, but rather for the benefit of freeloaders. So tell us Sensei: if not to break even and survive in the business world, why DO these business owners sacrifice their time & money? Why IS there a Macdonald's, or a KFC, or a ____________, if not to sell something (and hopefully make a living)? Oh, BTW, I'd like my house cleaned and my car washed. Every day. You'll do that for me, for free of course, won't you?

    Yeah poor little Ronnie Mc Donald, his shareholders are only Dividend Aristocrats (ie 25 years of increase )

    Ronnie is also so good to animals that he butchers chicken with cruelty like no one else before.

    Ronnie is a clown but he's only aimed at paying pensioners, definitely not trying to get children in his restaurant and trapped their uneducated taste into a life of transfat and fast sugar, getting them obese.

    And noooo Mc Donald never advertise to get children in its restaurant


  15. Is it really a cultural thing ?

    The first company I worked in, a software development business, was packed with young graduates/post graduates and none of this lie nonsense applied. People did the job they were asked to, promises and deadlines were kept and clients got their product on time.

    Designing websites to please fussy western foreign customers required creative skills and quite a good deal of adaptation.

    I think when Thai people get educated, they lose those erratic ways.

    Are you implying that the practise of 'Face', 'or lying, rather then confronting the issue' has a direct correlation to both intelligence and education ... thus 'face-saving' is the domain of the poor, dumb and un-educated?


    David, there is no doubts here. Intelligence and education must be conducive to questioning, doubting and debating. In which case admission of fault, mistake or wrong idea comes naturally without any "loss of face".

    Once you agree with the logic of this, - lies for non-confrontation and 'face saving' fallacy becomes the domain of dumb and uneducated. I would leave 'poor' out of this altogether. smile.png

    Thais know perfectly well that you cannot run any business if you constantly piss off your customers by not keeping your word.

    As anyone, they are totally capable of being reliable.

    They only do it when they know they can get away with it and they have the "cultural" excuse, so why wouldn't they ?

    • Like 1
  16. Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

    Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

    Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

    Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

    In places like MBK, where you cannot get seats in places like Burger King and McDonalds because kids are studying ages after they have finished, it is a huge irritation.

    An irritation or a sign that you should know better at your age than clogging your arteries with fast sugar and transfat ?

    • Like 1
  17. Yeah let's get rid of all the non-paying people everywhere, especially the kids.

    Let's make Thailand a place where you have to pay for everything.

    Breathing is still free but bad quality, Chinese are selling oxygen fresh air in cans, lets all breath through those, and nevermind the poor who can't afford it!

    Let's poison the food and just leave a fraction of it non poisoned for the rich who can afford it! Oh wait ! It's already happening !

    You must have a bloody big chip on your shoulder - still it makes you good at making a drama out of a crisis!

    For sure get rid of all non paying people. The air is free in your own home or public places - otherwise it comes under the domain of business such as McD's. They pay the rent, they cover the overheads, they take the investment risk - they are entitled to set the rules. If that includes clearing out non-paying kids who are just there to play on their iPads then I 100% support the policy of kicking them out.

    Get over yourself!

    Yeah that way at the Golden Arch we will see self righteous paying old farts who don't even have the excuse of youth for not knowing any better to have such ad taste in food !

    Oh I have a video for you, you will love that man; Nestlé's CEO :He wants to make water not a human right, nice man !


    Enjoy finding your new model ! wink.png

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