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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. If an error has been made you are the responsible person and will be fined. It is your responsibility to know and follow the law and a stamp of the wrong date does not absolve you of that responsibility.

    But it would help to know the type of study/school you are attending in this case as some study would normally allow one year extensions and others not. In any event stay on any extension is not allowed after the reason for that extension ends so if you stayed longer than attending classes it would be overstay if found out.

    I am at JP Teacher http://www.jpteachers.com/

    I have been trying to reach them for info (Stephen my contact) he does not pick up.

  2. It is really an extension of stay not a visa.

    Since your enrollment ends in November that should of been the date when the extension runs out if you did qualify for a 1 year extension. That tells me that the immigration officer made a mistake when he stamped your passport. It would probably be a good idea to go to immigration and try to get things sorted out.

    What, do you think would be the consequences if I took the benefit of their mistake ?

  3. The extension of stay for the reason of studying can indeed be for up to one year. From Police Order 777/2521:

    2.8 In the case of enrollment in a government educational institution: Each permission shall be granted for a period certified by the educational institution, which shall not exceed one year.

    2.9 In the case of enrollment in a private educational institution: Each permission shall be granted for a period certified by the educational institution, which shall not exceed one year.

    Thank you for your answer ...

    So I can indeed use this one year visa ? My enrollment in the school is from Nov 2012, if I use my one year from now, it would be more than a year in the same school ...

  4. Today I went to Chaeng Wattana Immigration office feeling miserable. I had a black eye and various cuts on my face from a minor accident yesterday. I was wearing shades to hide it but had to take them off for the photo. I could see the immigration officer looking at me and being sympathetic.

    Anyhow I don't know if he fell sorry for me or confused or is it just general disorganization, but when I got my passport back, I had a bit of a surprise : I got one year instead of the usual 3 months !! (my extension is until 14 May 2014)

    Shall I just be happy and use it up or do I have to go back and make it correct it because I am not going to get away with this ?

    Thank you in advance for your help


  5. I had the same experience with my pet.

    Vet refused to put it down and refused to give him pain relief

    Left with a creature suffering so much is a horrible experience.

    I researched everything I could to take that pain away and found lavender, it's a powerful pain killer, you make the animal breath it or massage it.

    It was used during WW1 as pain killer for wounded soldiers

    It's short duration and you have to keep doing it but it does give relief, while waiting for the vet.

  6. Sorry, I thought you were saying that somehow the GMO papaya had contaminated the other species. But personally, I feel that the sweet corn with the BT gene and papaya with the Ringspot virus coat gene are safe and I eat them routinely.

    I would rather have a sweet papaya from a healthy GMO plant than a crappy papaya from a half dead plant full of Ringspot virus. I would also rather have a nice ear of sweet corn with the BT than a ear of corn full of Asian Corn borers and the pesticides that the farmer used trying to kill them.

    I think the topic is a question about the current regulation, not on whether GMO is safe.

    I am not interested in having a pro-against GMO debate here sorry

  7. went to your link but couldn't find information on Pattaya.

    the air here is pretty ok.

    My apologies it was Rayong the province next to Pattaya

    Real time monitoring in Rayong Province, Thailand conducted by GCM and our community partner EARTH (Ecological, Alert and Recovery-Thailand) revealed frighteningly high levels of the cancer causing 1,3 butadiene.

    The monitoring was conducted with a Real Time UV Ambient Air Monitor, which can detect 12 pollutant chemicals in the air including benzene, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, mercury and ammonia. It can take an air sample every 30 seconds and display results immediately on a laptop computer.

  8. What I wonder is why-oh-why when one possesses 13 M pounds, one decide to live in one the of most polluted place in the world to live on Burger King?


    It's a genuine question, smile.png

    The UK, where the OP is from, is using the PM10 scale and they consider that anything over 50 is dangerous.

    Chiang Mai is at 200+ (216 last year)

    I mean with 13.5 M pounds surely you can live anywhere, why going there ?

    maybe he's just visiting, and really lives in Pattaya

    Pattaya is actually worse (33 times the acceptable level in 2009)


  9. What I wonder is why-oh-why when one possesses 13 M pounds, one decide to live in one the of most polluted place in the world to live on Burger King?


    It's a genuine question, :)

    The UK, where the OP is from, is using the PM10 scale and they consider that anything over 50 is dangerous.

    Chiang Mai is at 200+ (216 last year)

    I mean with 13.5 M pounds surely you can live anywhere, why going there ?

  10. Yes she thinks exactly that, for Thai we are all unjustified

    I see and understand the OP point, he,s proficient at what he does and just tried to help and felt a little suprised and rejected and probably insulted by the comment but, this dare i say the obvious is Thailand, and most Thais dont know that things exist outside Thailand, and Thais always believe other Thais first, they are totally brainwashed ( some woukd say uneducated).

    If a Thai said one thing, and ferang said exactly the same thing, they believe and follow the Thai everytime, irrespective of logic advantage or any other common sense, its in their breeding !

    Not Thai, irrelevant and dont really exist..........in my opinion...of course.

    CharlieH, you are so right you only know. Just a few weeks ago, the same Thai girls said that "thai" friend thinks the King of Thailand is the richest man in the world.

    I said probably either Bill Gates (Microsoft) or the Mexican fella. She said not its the "KOT".

    I mean. what can you say to that.

    You can say "ignorance is bliss".
  11. Employ a dog catcher in each town, collect the males cut off their balls and release them a week later when fully recovered, place where they were found. No collar or chip then take off their nuts, In a couple of years through dogs being hit by cars, illness, malnutrition the problem will be made a lot better.

    It's got to be better than seeing these poor scabies ridden mutts digging in bins for a left over scraps.

    A very admirable suggestion.

    However, it is not that simple.

    The whole operation needs a lot of people involved, with supplies, locations, medicines, equipment, catch and release crew, medical crew, taking care of crew, and....salaries.

    Nobody will do it for free.

    The number of dogs might decrease, but very little, because Thais in general just get rid of their pets as soon as they see they need to take care of them.

    There is a constant supply of soi dogs all the time, from previous owners who got tired of their pets.

    News articles about Thais and their pets, and how they just get rid of them, pop up in all news papers and tv channels, around Valentines day each year.

    Sorry it was a little bit tongue in cheek, it would never happen. Maybe strickter sales control or owners needing a dog licence. Just round them all up and give them to Cambodia as a political gesture?.

    It does happen and it is still happening

    Neutering is the number one aim of any pet rescue organization, they go around each district with a van and neuteur all the dogs.

    Dog chance for example


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  12. I couldnt live here without speaking thai and I really wonder how people that dont speak manage to live here, not get frustrated or riped off all the time

    Easy: I get ripped off anyhow, even if I understand. I prefer not to know I have been ripped off, it ruins my day.

  13. Soon English teachers will have more money as pensioners with their fixed income. Then the English teachers can bash the pensioners. now that would be a thing to see.

    I doubt this

    As Euro/Us economy declines, unemployed people rush to SEA to find work, flooding the market, so salaries are declining too

  14. I'm lost

    " Server comes with second coffee"

    (Server : operating system, computer, or appliance to run one or more services)

    Computers bring you coffee in Thai trains ???

    must be difficult to have such a narrow view of how language is used

    That wasn;t narrow, it was obtuse.

    Thank you dear StreetCowboy and candypants, I was ignorant before, now I know I am also narrow and obtuse, I feel so much better.

  15. I think he just enjoys the attention.

    He's gonna take 5 posts to give their ages

    Right; You care about each other, you have a commitment to each other, you have a strength given by this wonderful warm and lovely loving that you two lovebirds share... but (there is always a but) it's not always plain sailing! Damn! Time to fetch those hankies !

    And hold on for the cliffhanger, (it took you 3 posts to spit it out, with all the different scenarios;ghost/bad dream/pain...) the horrible truth, the terrible secret, the dark passenger that ruins the plain sailing and needs to be told to the world is : She misses her home country when on holidays !

    Damn ! Life is so unfair !

    No offense, but I don't care, I find this trivial and indecent.

  16. I would shed more than a few tears if my relationship was so disconnected that my BF had to resort to TV to understand my feelings

    our relationship is good, not 'disconnected' at all

    David and I talk about this many times, because my girlfriends also talk about this many times

    he just wanted to tell people here that sometimes it is difficult when we go from Thailand

    There are many people who have similar emotions when they leave their familiar territory for the unfamiliar. We don't all have the desire to open up to one and all on the forum, but that is not to say it is wrong so to do. I cannot understand why so many of the posters feel an irrestible urge to make snide, puerile and demeaning comments, unless it is to help them feel that they are overcoming their own shortcomings.

    Attacking people in the way I have read here is not something that raises others' perception of those posters, ....precisely the opposite. Is it any wonder that we have so few thai and female members.... and even more to the point, so few femail thai members?

    I'm glad to hear that your visit has generally gone well, MFG, and don't worry about the homesickness... it shows that you are normal, with good ties back to your family and friends. That is something to be proud of. Ignore the trolls, who, (with a bit of luck) might get their knuckles rapped for flame posts and insults.

    No shortcomings no attack not being snide or puerile, just find it very strange to have the need to expose their private life in public like this.

    By the way they chose to make their private life open to us, so don't come crying if we give our opinion.

    My Motto is "never explain never complain" I never discuss my private life in public.

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