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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Is it really a cultural thing ?

    The first company I worked in, a software development business, was packed with young graduates/post graduates and none of this lie nonsense applied. People did the job they were asked to, promises and deadlines were kept and clients got their product on time.

    Designing websites to please fussy western foreign customers required creative skills and quite a good deal of adaptation.

    I think when Thai people get educated, they lose those erratic ways.

    Are you implying that the practise of 'Face', 'or lying, rather then confronting the issue' has a direct correlation to both intelligence and education ... thus 'face-saving' is the domain of the poor, dumb and un-educated?


    No I am saying that it is very convenient way to avoid facing responsibility when the situation allows it.

    When it comes to do a job (or lose it if you are not keeping up with what's asked), Thai people do it as well as others. They can keep deadline and promises when they want to.

  2. I know many expat ladies who fly to Hong Kong for their hair

    They offer good haircuts over there, including frontal lobotomy.

    Yes ! Lobotomy is definitely needed with haircuts here, to avoid the post hair cut depression ! That or just cut the whole head off laugh.png

    • Like 2
  3. Is it really a cultural thing ?

    The first company I worked in, a software development business, was packed with young graduates/post graduates and none of this lie nonsense applied. People did the job they were asked to, promises and deadlines were kept and clients got their product on time.

    Designing websites to please fussy western foreign customers required creative skills and quite a good deal of adaptation.

    I think when Thai people get educated, they lose those erratic ways.

    • Like 1
  4. I have given up on hair dressers here.

    Even the top of the range : ie Vidal Sassoons or Cut & Curl where you can easily part with $150 - $ 200 for highlights + cut, hair dresses have no decent training.

    Ask them why they still use foil for coloring whereas the western world has switched to plastic wrappers for about 10 years now, since it damages the hair, you won't get any answer.

    Ask them for a flash (final touch to blend highlights and roots) they have no clue of what it is and they start getting grumpy.

    Here highlights means ONE color and one color only. Ask your colorist for a blend of 2 different colors to give depth to the color and all he can say is that you pay double with a vacant stare as he has no clue and never done it. No advice as to how it could complement you skin color, your actual hair color, how the colors could work together or how its will fit your cut. you have the choice between cheap looking blond, fake looking blond and puke blond.

    Ask for more colors and you might get shown the door as the hair colorist is losing face as you are pointing his ignorance.

    In Cut & Curls the girl actually did my cut based on my previous haircut, she just cut the same length everywhere without checking the balance ! i happened to be quite impulsive with my hair and sometime chuck a lock or two, little did I knew my future hair cut will be based on it !

    She did highlights parallel to my actual skull instead of the angle technique used in the West and her dividing technique was just random.

    I had to remind her of the importance of checking the face outline, in cut and coloring as she did not bother to do look at it.

    They ALL wash the hair before coloring!

    In Bangkok I even had a hairdresser buying a rubber cap with wholes to do highlights like it was done in the 80's!

    The list goes on and on ...

    I know many expat ladies who fly to Hong Kong for their hair, I cannot afford it, so like many here, we learn to do it ourselves !

    I don't suppose they will have much training or experience of anything other than black hair, could be a business idea in that?.

    The remarks I made are not black hair specific

  5. I have given up on hair dressers here.

    Even the top of the range : ie Vidal Sassoons or Cut & Curl where you can easily part with $150 - $ 200 for highlights + cut, hair dresses have no decent training.

    Ask them why they still use foil for coloring whereas the western world has switched to plastic wrappers for about 10 years now, since it damages the hair, you won't get any answer.

    Ask them for a flash (final touch to blend highlights and roots) they have no clue of what it is and they start getting grumpy.

    Here highlights means ONE color and one color only. Ask your colorist for a blend of 2 different colors to give depth to the color and all he can say is that you pay double with a vacant stare as he has no clue and never done it. No advice as to how it could complement you skin color, your actual hair color, how the colors could work together or how its will fit your cut. you have the choice between cheap looking blond, fake looking blond and puke blond.

    Ask for more colors and you might get shown the door as the hair colorist is losing face as you are pointing his ignorance.

    In Cut & Curls the girl actually did my cut based on my previous haircut, she just cut the same length everywhere without checking the balance ! i happened to be quite impulsive with my hair and sometime chuck a lock or two, little did I knew my future hair cut will be based on it !

    She did highlights parallel to my actual skull instead of the angle technique used in the West and her dividing technique was just random.

    I had to remind her of the importance of checking the face outline, in cut and coloring as she did not bother to do look at it.

    They ALL wash the hair before coloring!

    In Bangkok I even had a hairdresser buying a rubber cap with wholes to do highlights like it was done in the 80's!

    The list goes on and on ...

    I know many expat ladies who fly to Hong Kong for their hair, I cannot afford it, so like many here, we learn to do it ourselves !

    • Like 1
  6. Yep, it seems you are now trying to pathetically not loose face. Don`t worry about it, it happens to the best of us biggrin.png

    Here`s a better definition so you know better next time -

    Noun [edit]

    sarcasm (plural sarcasms)

    1. (uncountable) A form of humor that is marked by mocking with irony, sometimes conveyed in speech with vocal over-emphasis. Insincerely saying something which is the opposite of one's intended meaning, often to emphasize how unbelievable or unlikely it sounds if taken literally, thereby illustrating the obvious nature of one's intended meaning.

    Edited by tullynagardy, Yesterday, 22:24 .

    • Quote
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      • What happened to number 2? :)

        This is just plain silly, you are reciprocating the face accusation without even realizing, I have nothing to lose face about.

        Irony, emphasis, mockery, or any derivative of any kind of humor just don't apply here.

        There is NOTHING funny/ironic about sending a young american woman who want to visit Thailand to go and make friends with prostitutes.

        Unless you assume that she can not get any friends but prostitutes at the tender age of 22, which is just nonsensical and prejudiced.

        How old are you ?

  7. Haha yeah but I don't know much about thailand (I'm doing research now of course before I go) I wouldn't know it was full of prostitutes I mean I'm asking advice about making friends, I don't expect someone to be sarcastic about it and send me to a area full of prostitutes tongue.png

    Don't worry no one finds it sarcastic and fun to send a 22 yo girls to Thai prostitutes.

    Only weirdos with a dubious sense of humor.

  8. Your topic covers two distinct things : superstition (beliefs that higher spirits could help us) and working out the lottery which does not have to resort to superstition but statistic which is a science.

    Quite a few statistic gifted people have been using their skills to win the lottery. I don't think statistic PHD 4 times lottery winner could be called "uneducated".


  9. Get yourself down to Nana Plaza, all of the girls really friendly and easy to the talk to down there thumbsup.gif

    Why would a 22 yo american girl make friend with Thai prostitutes ?

    "TV user in missing sarcasm shocker"

    Sarcasm is "a sharp, bitter, or cutting expression or remark; a bitter gibe or taunt."

    Sorry don't see any sarcasm here, just someone who is trying rather pathetically not to lose face.

  10. When I arrived in my company, my boss told me not to trust any Thai person in the company, especially the one being nice to me, they always have ulterior motives.

    I found this advice totally prejudiced and wrong.

    Now I understand what he meant.

  11. so what I'm reading so far is very clear, The Thai population is corrupt and the Monks are corrupt.

    What I should be reading Is some are and some are not, Even a half wit would clearly know that you cannot point the finger at all.

    Corruption is not just down to individuals, here it is a way of life.

    Even Thai government admit they have a national problem with corruption (Government Campaign ad to encourage to say NO to corruption)

    Treating us of "half wits" is not going to change this fact.

  12. I didn't know monks got paid, I naively thought the donations were for the temple and not the personal pockets of its monks...

    Based on my observations, the reactions of my girlfriend to some news involving monks, and now this forum, I learned since I arrived in Thailand that it's perfectly acceptable for a monk to

    - own (a lot) of wealth

    - gamble (sometimes huge amounts)

    - smoke

    - own and wear luxury items

    - become a loan shark

    - eat meat and sea food

    - ?

    On the other hand, using another drug than cigarettes and especially having sex is a big NO. Amazing thailand.

    You forgot

    - Litter

    - Take old folk's seat on public transport, even when the monk is barely 20 yo

    Under the "not acceptable but happens" includes Kill dog with axe


  13. Some people Think that Thailand is only for a sex holiday, and no matter what you say you will not change there one track Small minds.

    But then again, they promote Walking Street in Pattaya with all the sex Bars and clubs, go on You tube take a look < So I suppose you cannot have

    it both ways.

    May be we could start asking Thai police /government as to why they turn a blind eye to selling their women at every street corner and even promote them as asset for tourism

  14. A friend of mine on fbook wrote a comment where she was extremely angry and upset about something- without exactly stating what the problem was.

    I wrote her a note asking if she was ok and what was wrong. She said

    ''Hi, I just met four Foreigners on street while I'm walking to go home they ask me to go with them,they give me money and I took them money and throw money in the bin in front of them to see that money cannot buy me and I'm not like a kind of women like that they said to me that money can buy everything no matter how hard it is so I'm happy to throw them money in the bin and see them pick it up,but at that time I feel so angry and hot inside can't stay calm,now I'm ok''

    My friend is a classy girl and has extremely high integrity; and is a talented chef in Bangkok and works hard in her job. I can totally understand that she must have been insulted. If I had of been with her I obviously would have handled this situation and abused these immature guys.

    If this happens to her again, how should a thai girl react to this situation in your opinion... (please refrain from troll comments as I want to let her read this thread)

    I (for one but I am sure there are many many others on this board) am truly impressed that your friendship with this exceptional young lady has led you to post in this forum excoriating and "by implication" smearing the sizable contingent of non-Thais who post here as ripe for your admonishment.

    It is unfortunate that the words and actions of a few hooligans have been so much a source of pain and torment for your friend that she decided to feature the incident on her Facebook page. It is indeed a credit to all non-Thais, male and female, indeed the expat community as a whole, that you have taken up the cause of this "classy girl"

    Your like-minded reaction, your decision to broadcast the incident on this forum and your shared morality regarding your friend is likely to bring you closer.

    We're all here for ya.


    What's exceptional in refusing to be gang raped by morons ?

    except really hardcore prostitutes I don't know many women who would accept

  15. Just a truth half of the expat chose conveniently to ignore

    I hear about, and read, on a daily basis, of foreigner who are getting ripped off here and there, very often by their girlfriend/wife, but also in regular business relationships, how can you have missed that?

    You've read??!!

    You've heard??!!

    Jesus, what is wrong with you people?
    Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

    But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!
    The thing is, here most people's interaction with Thai is through the hospitality industry: They go to farang dedicated pubs/bars/restaurants /clubs where the staff are trained to pleased farangs.
    They just have no clue of what going on outside their buble

    I have spent over twenty years here outside of that buble (sic) you describe - and my experience is apparently quite different from yours. Many of my friends who are quite content here do not live in that bubble either.

    What you imply - that outside of a certain subset of Thais and Thai businesses geared towards treating Farangs well (for reasons of profit) there is a starkly different and less pleasant existence - is a fallacy as far as I'm concerned. And it's ridiculously presumptuous to be acting as if you know a truth that "most people" don't.

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