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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. What you describe is not Thai food.

    This is what has become of Thai food because of mass tourism/globalization/loss of own cultural values.

    Street/restaurant food is going downhill big time.

    Go back to original recipes and stop eating from stalls

  2. The answer (in my opinion) to this question as to why Thai women age very rapidly, is in the poor quality of beauty products they use.

    They have plethora of perfectly natural and cheap slow-cosmetics products used by their grand mothers for generations but now prefer to buy cute packaged toxic crap at the market.

    Educate your wife to slow-co ad you will save money as well as her look.

  3. I don't understand why you all give him such a hard time.

    He is British by nationality.

    He wants to live and work in THL. As far as I see, loads of British DO live here and they are not asked for a Thai passport.

    As any British person/ farang, you can get a job and get your employer to apply for working visa.

    Army wise I know loads of mixed Thai kids who avoid the army by using their other passport when returning to THL.

  4. The issue is not if its works or not as a whitener, but what else it does to you.


    No, the issue is actually if it works or not.

    It works, and that is the most important for the users.

    Just as the delight of having a cigarette.

    Is it dangerous? That is an entirely different issue.


    Putting your life at risk to get temporally patchy white and look like Mickael Jackson is not an issue ?

    Wow, just wow.

  5. I was in the same predicament with my pet.

    He died from lungs disease suffering hell, for the last week.

    The vet did not want to put him down nor give pain relief (which would "make him worse")

    It was really awful to see so much pain and be helpless.

    I got online did loads of researches and found that Lavender was a powerful pain killer used during WWI.

    I had nothing to lose so I tried, it worked and did relieve shortly the pain.

    I would make him inhale it or massage him and it calmed him down.

    It was short live, and I had to repeat it often but it helped him until his last breath.

  6. In most western countries Thai women are not reckoned to be the best.

    A view cultivated by western women, simply because Thai women are a threat to them.

    And cultivated by the press who only see the less admirable parts of Pattaya and Bangkok

    Upon which many people in the west base their ideas.

    Thai women, in general, are more feminine, take better care, seem to be more submissive.

    And that is contrary to, in my view, a big part of the western women.

    Of course, a certain part of Thai women are as bad as a certain part of western women.

    But generally speaking, even an ex-bargirl might work out to be a good wife.

    You've pinned it

    More submissive etc ...

    That's exactly why tourists think like they think

  7. jeez who cares??? Depending on your beliefs you have only one life....Live It!!!!

    Bar girl...not bar girl...whatever.

    We all do what we do to get through life. Is the CEO of a company any less of a prostitute than a bar girl?...he/she sells his/her soul (not his body granted) on the altar of shareholder return. There is very little difference to those who don't have the bigoted, dare I say, westernised view of the world.

    No one is judging.

    If your idea of a fulfilling private life is "taking care, bring money and save face" good for you !

    what's yours?

    Well let's just say I trust human nature to be capable of the highest deeds, so devotion, spiritual connection or the sense of soul completion, would be more my types of things ... So basically keeping the bargaining skills for the "talat"

  8. Kitsune

    Thailand is the perfect place for men who never got romance in the first place.

    Here none of that romance nonsense western women bore you with, just get a business deal instead !

    it's efficient love !

    Efficient love.....hummmmm: Please define...Otherwise I will have to go back to....

    Taking care, generate money and saving face .

    efficient love is practical, something that functions efficiently within Thai society.

    She brings youth/beauty, you bring cash and everyone keeps face.

    It's an arrangement that worked for centuries here

  9. I wouldn't be surprised and I actually do not think that a high percentage of Farang-Thai marriages are genuine love marriages from both sides. No matter whether former bar girls or not. Face it, guys.

    Quite right.

    I am surprised that so many people are offended by the question. I know people who are very happy with ex-bar girls.

    Thai girls all have the seed in them to be a working girl.

    And romantic love might not exist in Thailand. All a question of 'you take care of me', i.e. you pay, and I take care of you.

    The 3 governing principles in Thailand:

    1-Take care

    2-Generate money

    3-Save face

    Everything evolves around that in Thailand. So their love may be defined as being able to fulfill the 3 principles...

    You romantic fool !

    To be more precise, I am no longer romantic....just a fool...

    I was being ironical ...

  10. jeez who cares??? Depending on your beliefs you have only one life....Live It!!!!

    Bar girl...not bar girl...whatever.

    We all do what we do to get through life. Is the CEO of a company any less of a prostitute than a bar girl?...he/she sells his/her soul (not his body granted) on the altar of shareholder return. There is very little difference to those who don't have the bigoted, dare I say, westernised view of the world.

    No one is judging.

    If your idea of a fulfilling private life is "taking care, bring money and save face" good for you !

  11. I wouldn't be surprised and I actually do not think that a high percentage of Farang-Thai marriages are genuine love marriages from both sides. No matter whether former bar girls or not. Face it, guys.

    Quite right.

    I am surprised that so many people are offended by the question. I know people who are very happy with ex-bar girls.

    Thai girls all have the seed in them to be a working girl.

    And romantic love might not exist in Thailand. All a question of 'you take care of me', i.e. you pay, and I take care of you.

    The 3 governing principles in Thailand:

    1-Take care

    2-Generate money

    3-Save face

    Everything evolves around that in Thailand. So their love may be defined as being able to fulfill the 3 principles...

    You romantic fool !

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