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Posts posted by Kitsune

  1. Actually, back in my single days ... I almost missed a date with a nice Lassie.

    After arranging to meet her at the BTS ... she said she was there, but it was a busy station, and for the life of me ... couldn't spot her.

    A phone call ensued ... she said she was at the '7' ... I said that's nice ... but we agreed to '7.30'.

    Mai, Mai ... seeeveeen ...

    oh ... what is that?

    Long story short ... found her eventually.

    attachicon.gifPB150282 LR.JPG

    For those interested, twas BMFG (before MFG) ... wub.png

    Current conversation ... (to MFG) ... yes honey ... washing those diapers now.

    No honey ... I not play Thai Visa ... rolleyes.gif


    So you left the farm ???

    Where do you live now ?

  2. My language school has courses for people like him.

    They take anyone, old fat, black, with drug/drinking problem, disability etc. All totally unemployable.

    They pay for a bullshit Celta course (yes TEFL/TEFAL is out) in Phuket with "guarantied job" at the end.

    Once the course is finished and to get rid of them, they are sent to Bangkok for an imaginary job.

    They wait around at the school for days staring at the wall, without getting the idea they are messed about.

    Once the school has enough of them, they shout at them and tell them racist insults so they leave back to their own country.

    Sad really.

    Yes go to Vietnam/Laos/Cambodia/Thailand, my school has a branch in Vietnam and the world is your oyster mate !

  3. I call it lotus too.. I am not Thai.. biggrin.png But we never had a Tesco where i came from and Lotus just sounds better.

    No, the original store was Lotus before Tesco came to the picture. Thais get used to call Lotus and never bother to call it otherwise. It is still Lotus anyway.

    Yep ... that's what miss shrimp girl calls it in conversation with other Thais.

    though, we have a standing saying of 'Let's go TESCO' ... which means usually, let's leave the Farm now..

    Sort of like saying ...

    Let's blow Joe

    Let's make like a Baby and head out.

    etc etc ...

    So Miss Shrimp is still in the picture but you consider yourself as a "single man fancy and free" and you openly ask other women out ?

    That is

  4. I call it lotus too.. I am not Thai.. biggrin.png But we never had a Tesco where i came from and Lotus just sounds better.

    No, the original store was Lotus before Tesco came to the picture. Thais get used to call Lotus and never bother to call it otherwise. It is still Lotus anyway.

    Yep ... that's what miss shrimp girl calls it in conversation with other Thais.

    though, we have a standing saying of 'Let's go TESCO' ... which means usually, let's leave the Farm now..

    Sort of like saying ...

    Let's blow Joe

    Let's make like a Baby and head out.

    etc etc ...

    So Miss Shrimp is still in the picture but you consider yourself as a "single man fancy and free" and invite other women out ?

    That is

    • Like 1
  5. OKay. So we're clear that some Western blokes that go to Nana are decently attired without ripped clothes.

    Some of us go there to drink beer and eat food with our friends.

    Contemptible, or what?



    Stop being so self centered

    The topic is about the guys on Nana with ripped clothes

    Obviously there are other people on Nana who don't have ripped clothes

    And probably you are part of them

    But the topic is about these people with torn clothes and why it is that way.

  6. It is completely normal for a landlord to inspect the property before renewing a lease....anywhere in the world. In fact, a landlord would be extremely foolish not to do so, IMO.

    As far as the giving of excuses rather than directly stating his reasons...this is Thailand and that's Thai culture. In the West it would be an upfront inspection but to Thais that sounds "not nice" so they will wrap it up as something else.

    You are expected to read between the lines and understand what his concerns are, the "excuses" are meant to save face for both of you.

    yes it is my fault for not understanding the culture if my landlord lies to me about why and when he wishes to inspect the house.

    I have rented houses in NYC, Paris, London, Beijin, Tokyo, Dehli never ever had a landlord asking for inspection

  7. ...I am just looking at the businesses down there : bars, nightclubs, massage parlors with ladies touting you for "special massages", restaurants, etc.

    I think restaurants are OK. My mother has eaten in restaurants.

    We can all find things that displease us wherever we go. One of the things that I think could be improved upon is that I would like to see cars and motorcycles parked nearer the kerb, and ideally, not on corners or obstructing junctions. But I don't condemn people for drinking where the cars are badly parked.


    I am not passing a judgment

    I am saying men on Soi Nana are not all just there for restaurants.

    And if they don't care what they look like, its because they are out partying wild hangover style, so ripped clothes are part of the look.

    I don't know how many blokes that drink around Nana you know, but of the five of us, I don't think any of us had ripped clothes, though to be fair, my socks are wearing a bit thin.

    You carry on propagating your prejudices and stereotypes, but I think they reflect worse on you than on those of us that drink in the lower Sois


    EDIT: and for clarity, we drank beer and ate food. I don't know what you do when you are out in lower Sukhumvit.


    I am not saying you have ripped clothes !

    Or even ALL of people in Nana have ripped clothes.

    I'm just trying to answer the OP

    there is nothing wrong with ripped clothes


  8. I will awake all night contemplating your meaningful question.

    Surely, the correct answer will make my stay in Thailand a much richer and rewarding experience.

    Yes Mods ... I know ... I'll get my coat.

    ... coffee1.gif

    Well it is yet another source of misunderstanding for us people who don't have a Thai spouse, like yourself, spoiled that you are not to have to struggle daily with the lingo

    Oh Miss Kitsune, thou does presume too much.

    I am a single man, fancy and free.

    No wedding band on me ... biggrin.png

    Since you bought up the subject of relationships ... maybe an opportunity to discuss the relative merits if the TESCO LOTUS naming thingie with the OP over a ... coffee1.gif

    What ??

    What happened to shrimp farm girl ?

    Am I mistaken?

    • Like 1
  9. Maybe 10-15 years ago,,,,

    But happy with my ex suzie Wong bar girl,,,,

    Why would I wanna get short time anymore,,,,

    I'm a happy 39 yr old with a 27 year old stunner,,and had a good looking 4 year old boy with her,,,,

    So each to their own mate,,,,

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    Wow it sounds like you got a really good deal here!

    Is that mail order?

    What about the teeth? And the legs height?

    A "stunner" must have good teeth!

    And the boy's leg?

  10. ...

    But are you a tourist patron of soi Nana?

    Soi Nana like most upper Sukhumvit is nothing less than a cheap version of Las Vegas.

    The Hangover was not set in Bangkok for nothing.

    Well, we all have our prejudices, but I was down there meeting former colleagues. I don't know about the other people in the pub.


    I am just looking at the businesses down there : bars, nightclubs, massage parlors with ladies touting you for "special massages", restaurants, etc.

    I think restaurants are OK. My mother has eaten in restaurants.

    We can all find things that displease us wherever we go. One of the things that I think could be improved upon is that I would like to see cars and motorcycles parked nearer the kerb, and ideally, not on corners or obstructing junctions. But I don't condemn people for drinking where the cars are badly parked.


    I am not passing a judgment

    I am saying men on Soi Nana are not all just there for restaurants.

    And if they don't care what they look like, its because they are out partying wild hangover style, so ripped clothes are part of the look.

    • Like 1
  11. I will awake all night contemplating your meaningful question.

    Surely, the correct answer will make my stay in Thailand a much richer and rewarding experience.

    Yes Mods ... I know ... I'll get my coat.

    ... coffee1.gif

    Well it is yet another source of misunderstanding for us people who don't have a Thai spouse, like yourself, spoiled that you are not to have to struggle daily with the lingo

  12. They pay, they don't need to look good.

    That's how men think anyway.


    I maintain my dapper demeanour out of preference, not need.


    But are you a tourist patron of soi Nana?

    Soi Nana like most upper Sukhumvit is nothing less than a cheap version of Las Vegas.

    The Hangover was not set in Bangkok for nothing.

    Well, we all have our prejudices, but I was down there meeting former colleagues. I don't know about the other people in the pub.


    I am just looking at the businesses down there : bars, nightclubs, massage parlors with ladies touting you for "special massages", restaurants, etc.

  13. They pay, they don't need to look good.

    That's how men think anyway.


    I maintain my dapper demeanour out of preference, not need.


    But are you a tourist patron of soi Nana?

    Soi Nana like most upper Sukhumvit is nothing less than a cheap version of Las Vegas.

    The Hangover was not set in Bangkok for nothing.

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