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Everything posted by Kopitiam

  1. The problem will start went you need money urgently and the bank say come back in 1 week for the bank to update their records.
  2. For those on yearly extention of stay in Phuket. New requirement by Phuket Immigration as reported in Phuket News. https://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-immigration-demands-title-deeds-home-walk-throughs-for-permit-to-stay-extensions-88012.php
  3. The first thing you do when you received a new passport is to go to the bank and update their records.
  4. You can have as many single re-entry permit as you want, so long your permit to stay is still valid.
  5. Surely the best source to ask are the Australian and New Zealand embassies.
  6. There are many sellers offering the same products. Some are trying to pull a fast one if you do not look at more on offer.
  7. If you want to try 'authentic' traditional Phuket cuisine, Pinto at Karon serve many such dishes. Their 'Moo Hong' braised belly pork melts in your mouth.
  8. And you are still here in Thailand. Something positive must have kept you here.
  9. If you have done your homework correctly, you don't need to go through all these stress.
  10. It's called "counting the chicken before they are hatched".
  11. Yes, when opening a new bank account, the bank will want to know whether you are a "resident" with the necessary immigration approval of stay. Similarly with online banking service. When you have a new passport, it is just a personal data update. If the banks have to check whether foreigners holding bank account still have the "resident" status, might as well ask for an annual submission of Certificate of Residency.
  12. The more money Thai immigration will collect.
  13. Can you provide a link to your claim?
  14. Yes, when you open a new bank account as a foreigner, the bank will want to know whether you are a "resident" in the country with the necessary immigration approval. Here we are talking about updating a personal data (new passport). For discussion sake, if the bank found out that you are no longer a "resident" and you cannot have an account. The bank now say you cannot access your money because your old passport is now void and no more valid.
  15. Not completely correct. If your passport has more than 1 year validity, your extension will be for 12 months. If your passport validity has less than 1 year, your extension will be until the end of validity date in your passport.
  16. You can always show them your old passport with the current validity of extension of stay. The bank cannot be so "thick" they they cannot see that you have a new passport and just want to update your passport information. I must say this is also new to me. I will be getting a new passport next year.
  17. Bank usually don't need to know your "visa" or "immigration extension" status when you update your passport information with the bank. You would need to present your old passport and new passport. Done this a couple of times with SCB.
  18. OP, you may want to read this. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9167431/
  19. This is how Patong can last for so long. Everyone wants to come to have a look to satisfy their curiosity.
  20. Yes, you may find it very convenient. But I won't trust a company who would post my personal data openly in their website. Those guesthouse/hotel owners who use this "service" are compromising their guests' personal data.
  21. My bad. It was the link provided by zzzzz. Apologies.
  22. You trust them when they show personal details of passport for all to see in their website?
  23. A running a guesthouse is a business. Furthermore, there is no need to fill in the arrival card anymore. Theoretically, by law, the house owner must report the guest staying at his house. But there is always some leeway, especially when you don't need to deal with immigration office later.
  24. Why do we still have waves and waves of transmission when so many have already been vaccinated? Many have also re-infection even with multiple booster shots?
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