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Everything posted by farang51

  1. I would just apply. I think the risk of them asking for a certified letter is very low - is there even a bank that would provide such a letter? But perhaps people that have tried to apply in Vietnam can give you a better answer.
  2. You have to apply in the country where you are. As far as I recall, most if not all visa applications require that you prove that you are in the country.
  3. Which country? In Denmark, I only needed a digital statement from the bank with my name on it.
  4. Are you sure they had a visa? Seems stupid to pay for a 60 day visa when they can get 60 days for free visa exempt. With a visa the airline would not ask for a return ticket.
  5. That is the official Thai immigration website. Tell us wat you want to do - and why you tried to scan a QR code there.
  6. Usually, the sitting alone with repetitive hand motions starts around 14 years of age.
  7. We haven't any details yet, it is supposed to work from May 1st. You will probably need to do it before travelling to Thailand.
  8. Which country? I'm Danish, we have a national register for companies. I used a copy of my registration when applying for the DTV. Perhaps your country has a similar register?
  9. They haven't. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2025/02/22/doge-savings-found-list-analysis/ You should be able to access the article if you disable JavaScript. Edited: Added the link
  10. Yup... usually at night time... I'm charged 200 or 300 baht for what would usually be an 80 baht journey. My comment was not directed at the over charging taxis, although they are a problem. My comment was to the article equating 100 baht with 135 baht. AI written articles are a problem too. Which parts can we believe and which parts can we not believe?
  11. Where do I change my 100 baht notes to 135 baht? Seems like a good deal.
  12. At the top. He cannot see it in the mirror if it is at the bottom.
  13. One of my old favourite sites: https://dhmo.org/ A bit outdated design on the website but the text still accurately describe this overlooked problem. I wish the anti vaccine guys in the forum would focus on the DHMO problem instead, it kills more people every year and has a big negative environmental effect as well.
  14. Three? If this is a Thai car it can seat some 25 people.
  15. Oh, My next guess would have been an old Tommy Steele track. (I did know it was a hint for Wild Cherry's track)
  16. I guess this is a reference to Ribbons of Blue by Boney M.
  17. My experience at Phuket DLT is not similar. And I only got two years. No need to use the DLT Smart Queue App. Bring the papers, queue to get the papers checked, then I got an appointment for later that day. Went back, got the papers checked again and got an appointment for one month later. Went again one month later (this Monday), queued to get the papers checked again. Anther queue for another form, a queue for paying, and then a queue for the test. After the test and yet a queue I got my license. At the first desk they marked my papers with 2 years license. I tried at every desk to point out that the DTV is a five year visa, but to no avail; I only got two years.
  18. Got my renewal today - Phuket only gives two years on the DTV.
  19. You may be able to get 5 years on the DTV. We have had reports of both 2 and 5 years on the DTV, I guess it depend on where you get the license renewal - and perhaps the difference is also because the visa is still new.
  20. You = you. The 90-day report has nothing to do with being a landlord or tenant, it is you as a person staying in Thailand.
  21. Yes a 90 day report is necessary. The landlord needs to do the TM30; however, the 90-day reporting is your duty. Depending on where you are, you can do it online. In that case, it takes less than five minutes. Some immigration offices wants you to come in person the first time, I had no problem reporting online in Phuket for my first report.
  22. Probably not much. I am not sure anyone would listen to him if he was "toeing the Big Pharma line". Surely not the people listening to experts as they know he is no expert in the field - they would not pay him to speak of things he knows nothing about. On the other hand, speaking against the experts seems to attrack people that will pay to listen to his crazy (and dangerous) ideas.
  23. In other words: By all means, do look at the economic interest of people and take that into account - but the important part is the data, not the money. Some people do crazy things not for money but because the believe them - and some people are just trolling, like Stiddle Mump. Again, the data is the important part.
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