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Everything posted by farang51

  1. And so what. As long as they adhere to experts and science instead of conspiracy theories and looneys. The thing is, that you didn't believe that people arguing against science can make a buck, and surely they can.
  2. It is very easy: Because stupid people are willing to pay them. "Kennedy has pulled in roughly $10 million in income from his work over the past year, which includes speaking fees, leading an anti-vaccine nonprofit and legal fees, government ethics forms filed for his nomination show. He has millions of dollars more tied up in investments and other assets. " Source: https://apnews.com/article/rfk-money-vaccines-salary-trump-cfd26a0d9e88e901b596f823a6f766f2
  3. That was funny - and sad. On one hand you have people educated to find answers and solution, experts that have used many years learning what they know. On the other hand you have people with no formal education in the subject, people that do not understand the subject, and people that just wants to make a fuss. And also people that wants to make a buck from other people, even as they know what they say is wrong. And you say that the people listening to the first group is in denial. The really sad thing is that people in the second group is causing people to die. COVID is not that dangerous anymore but people still die of it. Even worse is that the group makes more people avoid vaccination for their kids against other deceases like measles and polio and probably also the virus causing the next pandemic.
  4. So, you have no idea if the person is really a doctor. Are you really that gullable? (no need to answer that question) By the way, being a doctor is no gurantee of being right, especially not if a lot of other doctors disagree.
  5. Is that the persons real name? If not, why not? No one that is using words like "Big Pharma and their pseudoscience cronies" is trying to be taken serious by anyone but crackpots. Words like that are meant to attrack crackpots that cannot tell real research from conspiracy theories. Maybe you should read my second paragraph again, you seem to have missed the sarcasm.
  6. The thing is, you are not looking at the data or for the data. You are scouring the internet for conspiracy theories and you ignore the sites that offer scientific data. An example of how crazy your results are can be found in the subheading of the article you started linking to, it says "Big Pharma and their pseudoscience cronies". No serious scientific site or paper would ever sport a subheading like that. By the way, I believe I do have a serious side effect from the vaccines: I am less patient and tolerant against idiocy since I got them.
  7. That is correct - just as we couldn't do anything the last time a despot wanted to rule over our land. Hopefully, we have allies that will help prevent that.
  8. They get them all at the moment. What development? Whatever the Greenlanders decide. Recently, they declined extraction of minerals for billions of dollars due to environment issues. I am not sure the Greenlanders would have that option under president Trump. That is about a tenth of what the Danish government send to government in Greenland per inhabitant every year. Not directly to every inhabitant, some gets more than others, depending on needs.
  9. They are represented in the Danish parliament.
  10. They got that already, as do the rest of the Danes. They get them all at the moment. They get that already, the Danish Government sends a lot of money to Greenland. They got that already, as do the rest of the Danes. Did you ever wonder why the Danes always are at the top of lists of the most happy people? Not sure they want anything bigger than what they got. Are you in favour of racism? Anyway, I believe they can hunt just fine at the moment. It would be less than what they have now. It would be less that what they have now. I bet your knowledge of Greenland (and Denmark) is somewhat lacking, as demonstrated above.
  11. Funny how the same people that kept talking about Trump as a peace president now support him when he wants to take over other countries. I guess the US now needs Lebensraum.
  12. I do not understand this thread, and I am sure the press is lying, Trump didn't hire those people! We all know that Trump only hires the best people, and he is an expert finding the best people.
  13. Did I miss a post about anyone actually extenting the DTV in that thread? I see a lot of speculation but not anyone actually extending the visa. I am eagerly awaiting the first reports as well.
  14. Agreed, the church is not a place to ask for mercy for the poor and the persecuted. What would Jesus say to that kind of behaviour?
  15. 2012 - Are you implying that we have old jokes in here?
  16. I didn't know that, I thought this was a wire:
  17. Looks solid; however, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, a small wire cutter can easily cut the brake cable if it is visible as on that photo.
  18. It's a shame you stopped reading after the first paragraph. Maybe you had learned something if you kept reading.
  19. Also, a polar bear cannot tie a knot.
  20. He is not the first one posturing saying things he absolutely does not mean. I guess the people in Jews for Hitler said something similar back in the days. Yes, there were such a group back then.
  21. I am afraid that you are wasting your time. The profile Stiddle Mump is clearly created only for trolling the forum with anti virus nonsense. I am not sure the person himself believes what he writes - I have a hard time believing anyone can be that stupid - but that is not the point of his posts.
  22. OK! I hear you Richard. What about debate instead? Debate is no longer possible. In the beginning, people didn't know stuff, and even though some chose to stay uninformed or misinformed, it was perhaps possible to inform them as we all grew wiser. Those days are gone, I believe now that there is only one fitting description which richard_smith237 so wisely used about those that ignore the science: Idiots.
  23. How about writing in one of the many existing threads with your conspiracy garbage. Then maybe the we can keep the forum less polluted.
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