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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. As you can see it's nothing but high school dropout fro the south paid to cause trouble by the anti-government protesters. The leaders run and let the ignorant kids die for them.

    You know this for a fact or is your febrile imagination getting the better of you?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. Police officer using a sling shot, same as in published photo? ID number clearly visible, but will be prosecuted/disciplined?

    Why would he be prosecuted?

    In every country around the world, police officers are expected to be armed with pistols or other firearms. A slingshot is actually LESS dangerous than a pistol. Shoot me in the head with a pistol and with a slingshot and tell me with which I have a better chance of survival.

    In every other country, if protesters attacked police with molotov cocktails and weapons, they would have been shot dead on the spot.

    If anything, the police officer should have been given an award for defending himself with ONLY a slingshot.

    Let's not forget that the protesters injured dozens of policemen and murdered one of them.

    I take it you've never been to the UK

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  3. I would assume that it's illegal because Suthep has not said it would be a simple protest. He has called on people to block traffic in the entire city, cut electricity and water supply.

    What part of that seems "legal" to you?

    Demonstrations are disruptive. Not illegal. That's what seems legal to me. The water supply and electricity threats were directed at specific buildings I think. Yes they are illegal but the protests, despite the fact they will cause a lot of problems are not illegal.

    Right, blocking all the traffic in a city is not illegal. How about you try it in London, Paris, New York. Let's see if they believe you that it's completely legal.

    It's done a lot in Paris, especially by farmers. All demonstrations block traffic and cause disruption. It's a consequence of people exercising their democratic right to protest. Suthep may be a fascist loon, but this threatening BS that PT is coming out with is no different from his "only I'm right" intolerant attitude. People have the right to protest.

    Dosn't mean its legal, there is a protest and then theres camping in a public area for weeks or putting up a stage without permits, messing with public services etc etc, im sure a dozen and more laws are consistently broken by protesters not least rioting.

    Pretty normal for a gov to tell people this or that is illegal whoever is in and whatever country if it dissuades a few all the better. I have no idea what some here are whining about. coffee1.gif

    The police were the ones rioting and preventing the emergency services from doing their job. Are they in jail?

    As I recall things the PDRC gave Yingluck the opportunity to end the protests by coming clean about the rice scam. She didn't take it.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. I've read this article three times now and I'm still none the wiser about what combined forces are or what capo will do.

    A lot of threats aimed at people who might want to take part, but little else in this speech.

    That's spot on.... throw out vague threats to try to scare people. bah.gif Sure sign of desperation.

    Why is it when I look at this pic of Surapong, it's like looking at an alien from Start Trek??

    All these Pad Thai people has something in common. They all look very ugly for some reason!

    What a vacuous post.

    You will probably win the TV cretin of the year award with that one only 4 days into it

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. Here's a simple test for the people who don't know what racism is. Answer these two questions :

    1. Do you think the people of Thailand (all of them, not just Sutheps laughable "The People") are intelligent enough to elect the government they want in a democratic election?

    2. Same question, but this time about the people of your home country.


    Now if your answer to both questions is 'no', then you'd probably be happier living in North Korea.

    If your answer is 'no' to the first and 'yes' to the second, then you are indeed a racist, you just don't admit it to yourself.

    If your answer to both questions is 'yes' then you'll join with me in condemning the so-called 'Democrat' party which has given two fingers to about 12 million people who voted for them in the last election.

    Racism isn't just international either. The attitude of the pale skinned Bangkok Thai-Chinese to the native people of rural Thailand is every bit as racist as some of the comments posted in this thread.


    So which is it? Are you a 'no-yes' racist or a 'yes-yes' democrat?

    You missed the third question. Do people have the right to protest against corrupt, nepotistic, self serving govts, who once they achieved power ruled in a criminaly inept manner, destroying a major export industry in the process, while ramming legislation through parliament designed to prevent criminal politicians serving their gaol time? Rather a long question I know, but relevant.

    Don't get me wrong, I have no time for suthep, his fascist council or lunatic plans, but the original protests against PT and their misrule are part of the democratic process, and would be anywhere.


    Do people have the right to protest if they don't like the government? Yes, absolutely, if it's within the law. But if a government was elected in a free and fair election then the only legitimate way to remove it is by another free and fair election. There's a huge difference between legitimate, if noisy, protest on the one hand, and insurrection on the other, which involves seizing government offices, blocking roads and calling for military coup no.19.

    Also, if you think that the government is "corrupt, nepotistic, self serving" in your words - and I wouldn't question that it is, to some extent - then do you seriously think that Suthep and his cronies would be honest, decent and public spirited? Ever heard the expression "Better the (democratically elected) devil you know....".

    And if that government cheats and lies, then what?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. The major issue with the police is that they are under Thaksin's control and therefore have a conflict of interest.

    And the major issue with the CAPO is that they are under the control of Thaksin's cousin and therefore have a major conflict of interest.

    Dismantle the Thaksin regime and replace it with independence

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  7. the whole world is looking at Thai police laxity in Bangkok. Why Suthep ( representing a minority of the population) who is tarnishing Thailand image and damaging Thailand economy has not been arrested yet ? Has police in Bangkok a preferred political color ?

    Yes mate.

    Very much red

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  8. "A policeman demonstrates for members of the media yesterday how teargas canisters were hurled from the roof of a building in the Labour Ministry compound during a clash between police and protesters on December 26."

    Wasn't that where the "policemen in black" were? Does this mean the police were hurling tear has canisters from the roof into the crowd below? Is that safe?

    This is not teargas guns or even not shotguns!!!

    There is some explanation required

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. Possibly the finance is coming from the money his him and his Mrs scammed buying rice, as revealed by the Dems in the censure debate.

    Yes lets look at those allegations shall we? Ready, according to the dem MP Warong

    A certain Mr.Ratthanit, who is advisor to Arismans wife who is an MP, appointed a Mr. Nimol to buy rice for export to China. Now this Mr Nimol apparently has "connections" (not detailed by Warong) with executives of Siam Indica which is an associated firm of President Agri Trading Company (with me so far?) which faced financial difficulties in 2007 and was accused (no charges made) of fraud back in 2007.

    And the key proof as to why this convoluted accusation was made by MP Warong?

    Apparently Mr Ratthanit (remember him?) has a house which is very old and his bank account has little money in it so why would a Chinese firm appoint him as an authorised rep?

    I kid you not.

    Perhaps Mr Arisman (remember him?) has links with Chinese businessmen, as evidenced by this airline venture, and put the word forward for his wifes advisor.

    Thai MP uses Sino-Thai connection Shock Horror Exclusive

    Perhaps you can post all the denials from the aforementioned parties?

    The case is still with the NACC

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What denials? What case?

    you seem to have enormous difficulty following the simplest of threads

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  10. Possibly the finance is coming from the money his him and his Mrs scammed buying rice, as revealed by the Dems in the censure debate.

    Yes lets look at those allegations shall we? Ready, according to the dem MP Warong

    A certain Mr.Ratthanit, who is advisor to Arismans wife who is an MP, appointed a Mr. Nimol to buy rice for export to China. Now this Mr Nimol apparently has "connections" (not detailed by Warong) with executives of Siam Indica which is an associated firm of President Agri Trading Company (with me so far?) which faced financial difficulties in 2007 and was accused (no charges made) of fraud back in 2007.

    And the key proof as to why this convoluted accusation was made by MP Warong?

    Apparently Mr Ratthanit (remember him?) has a house which is very old and his bank account has little money in it so why would a Chinese firm appoint him as an authorised rep?

    I kid you not.

    Perhaps Mr Arisman (remember him?) has links with Chinese businessmen, as evidenced by this airline venture, and put the word forward for his wifes advisor.

    Thai MP uses Sino-Thai connection Shock Horror Exclusive

    Perhaps you can post all the denials from the aforementioned parties?

    The case is still with the NACC

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. So where are all the red shirt huggers that said these were Suthep's mercenaries? Do they have the courage to apologise? Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Yes we do! I am sorry!wai2.gif I was very wrong!!


    It seems almost certain they were Chalerm's buddies so let's see where that leads. Possibly even to 2010

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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