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Thait Spot

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Posts posted by Thait Spot

  1. In no other country does one see the prime minister having to make daily announcements that an election called is still taking place. The repetition is apparently necessary. No one seems to be listening.

    The majority of the country - those who plan to vote for the PM's party or an allied party - has no need to hear what the PM says again and again. Her words are directed at the savage and obdurate minority that seeks to obtain by violence what it can not obtain by the vote.

    PTP didn't get a majority of the country voting for them last time. What makes you think more people will vote for them this time?

    Take your head out of your arse and look, listen and hear what's really going on in this country.

    I identified that majority as being not the PTP alone but "the PM's party [PTP] or an allied party". I guess you aren't aware this coaltion did obtain an overwhelming majority of the vote. I guess we know where your head has been. If you give me your address, I'll mail you some toilet paper so you can wipe it off.

    There was no preannounced coalition. Therefore the combined votes could not possibly have been for it

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. What were the results of the police forensics examination of the roof where other police were firing weapons from?

    Allegedly. Do you have evidence to back up this claim?

    That's why I was asking about the results of the police forensics investigation of the roof as it seems much more contentious and important compared to the police investigation that was gathering evidence of broken windows and stolen cosmetics.

    I do, however, realize that the police have their priorities and hopefully they can quickly find out what happened to the missing lipstick so that they can turn their focus to the trivial matter of a dozen men on the roof firing weapons at the ground below.

    Congratulations: perfect twisting of the article and of the facts. Sure you know which priorities police is giving now.

    Did you think at least maybe this part of investigation, where just gathering EVIDENCES, is the first step? Then forensic and ballistic can take more time for give conclusions?

    Then maybe everything will be covered up and hidden like it happened in the past under other governments, then can blame on police and investigators.

    Oh and anyway... For an average worker, 3,000 THB, cosmetics and mobile phone can be a big loss, sure is nothing in the big picture, but I wouldn't make irony on that...

    But whatever, who am I to try to make a little reasoning here?

    The police were implicated here.

    There is no way they should be investigating

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  3. "Thai Rath Apologises For Mixing Up Protest Photos"

    No mix up at all. Deliberate photoshopping in this photograph. Deliberate attempt to deceive and set up those the govt dislikes. In effect business as usual.

    Yes of course, Thai Rath is well known for it's love of all things Thaksin and would be more than willing to "frame" sutheps mob on behalf of Yinglucks caretaker government. coffee1.gif (caution: sarcasm alert)

    Didn't say the paper did it. They printed it for sure but you raise a good point. Who produced this fake and got the paper to print it? Hmm, tough one.

    (Note: some sarcasm may be present)

    It's not a fake photo. It is a genuine armed yellowshirt protester albeit one from 2008.

    Considering the violence inflicted so far by sutheps "followers" it is academic to be discussing a mix up over a photo when there are plenty of contemporary incidents to worry about.

    It was an attempt to mislead the public at a very sensitive time.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  4. "If that should happen, me and Suthep will be somewhere safe like the Alps, doing some late-season snowboarding."

    ...you mean like any season sand surfing in Dubai. Abhisit has had the balls to stay here and front up to all the trumped up charges being laid his way versus a peoples court convicted criminal hiding out of, and non constitutionally running the country from Dubai...let me see for democracy... jeez I have to have morals... tough choice...fronting up here or Dubai sand surfing the rest of one's life. There's 'have balls' and there's 'lack off balls'. The 'have balls' needs to cut from the Democrats and take over Suthep's people, not Sutheps' ideologies. The 'lack of balls' deserve to be left where they are for a while...dusted and frying on the hot Dubai sands.

    oh come on, balls ?? cheesy.gif these guys have the ultimate sugar daddy and carte blanche to get away with what no one else should be able to. You seriously dont believe for one second they would do as they have without the nod first do you ?

    Nothing here goes on at this level without some serious backing both financially and with serious political and positional clout. Whilst i have no love for the Dubai guy i dont for one moment credit this lot with any balls ... they would'nt have the cahonas without the nod, pure and simple. Take off your rose specs for a second, they are protected .

    You forget what country your in or something ? whistling.gif

    Who is this mythical sugar daddy?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Don't be naive coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

    Pray tell.

    You are the one being naive

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  5. A couple of years of relative peace, even with the finances of the country being abused, was shattered by PTP's cack-handed approach to forcing through the amnesty bill and the deception that followed with the Senate bill and the 2.2T loan bill was just the icing on the cake of corruption.

    That the PTP now find themselves in this position is their own fault.

    That there were no procedures that worked in punishing this abuse demonstrates that the legislation for a functioning democracy is not there yet.

    Should the government be permitted to write the reforms? Hell no.

    Should Suthep? Hell no

    What's the option? Academics or army?

    Take your pick

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  6. the government’s insistence in going ahead with the nationwide elections will plunge the country into deeper conflict.
    LOL cheesy.gif Yingluck offered Suthep emergency-discussions with a view to solving the problems. Suthep said no and said that all Yingluck's family should be forced to leave the nation. Completely derailing the discussion process. And ignoring the fact that there's plenty of other corrupt families too.
    I do hope the situation will not escalate to a civil war,” said Mr Abhisit.
    "If that should happen, me and Suthep will be somewhere safe like the Alps, doing some late-season snowboarding."
    ...you mean like any season sand surfing in Dubai. Abhisit has had the balls to stay here and front up to all the trumped up charges being laid his way versus a peoples court convicted criminal hiding out of, and non constitutionally running the country from Dubai...let me see for democracy... jeez I have to have morals... tough choice...fronting up here or Dubai sand surfing the rest of one's life. There's 'have balls' and there's 'lack off balls'. The 'have balls' needs to cut from the Democrats and take over Suthep's people, not Sutheps' ideologies. The 'lack of balls' deserve to be left where they are for a while...dusted and frying on the hot Dubai sands.
    oh come on, balls ?? cheesy.gif these guys have the ultimate sugar daddy and carte blanche to get away with what no one else should be able to. You seriously dont believe for one second they would do as they have without the nod first do you ? Nothing here goes on at this level without some serious backing both financially and with serious political and positional clout. Whilst i have no love for the Dubai guy i dont for one moment credit this lot with any balls ... they would'nt have the cahonas without the nod, pure and simple. Take off your rose specs for a second, they are protected . You forget what country your in or something ? whistling.gif
    Who is this mythical sugar daddy?Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
  7. The other paper is reporting that the G40 senators turned up at the stadium and were booed and hissed and by the police who then started throwing things at the senators. Nuff said Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    We ll know that the G40 senators are hand pick by PAD (selected, not elected).

    Even if that were the case, are you condoning the police's actions?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  8. Nice photo-shop!!thumbsup.gif

    Chalerm has survived politically 40 years in turbulent years. You don't do that by being careless or stupid. He may be a flamboyant drunk clown at times, but do not mistake him for an amateur!!

    If those photos really existed, why wait 36 hours before publishing them??

    Suthep getting desparate?whistling.gif

    Change of underpants time?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  9. These 5 useless and biased people cannot change the venue of a candidate registration but they have no problem stopping a water project. let's hope it is going to rain and that Bangkok disappears under 5 meter of water. It would be lovely to point fingers.

    Don't you think that due protocol should be followed on all these projects?

    Don't you think that more than 2 years has been wasted?

    Don't you think that borrowing the full 350B over 2 years ago in an emergency act and doing nothing with it is gross incompetence?

    Don't you think the public hearings should have been fairly run?

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  10. Ah, another unbiased article in The Nation, this time from the great and the good, Thanong Khanthong.

    You can always rely on Thanong for the truth, such as his reporting that Thaksin was seriously ill with prostate cancer and doctors had been despatched from Bangkok to Dubai.........http://www.oknation.net/blog/panuwat838084/2010/04/09/entry-1

    You couldn't make it up. Well, he obviously did, but you know what I mean. tuzki-bunny-emoticon-007.gif

    I sincerely believe that you think cheating in the house and failing to recognise the CC are traits of democracy.

    If so the your soul is lost

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  11. Oh look another Nation sheep pleasing headline... god this paper is worse than the SUN sometimes i swear.

    Stupid gutter press rubbish ... you can throw them out in the feb elections thats what they are there for.... bit hard when the baby refuses to play i must admit .. but........... ill say it again ..... Thailand gets what Thailand deserves and will keep on getting it until it grows up and acts in an adult and civilised manner ... by winning an election by campaigning and hard work for a change... not its stupid childlike obsession with a coup frequency that is more regular than others have elections... legitimacy has absolutely nothing to do with the way these idiots run their country.. never has and probably never will. I would say it is far far more likely to get a very sinister form of leadership than a fair one at this rate.

    Indeed. We must, at all costs, avoid the Cambodian system that Weng and his merry band of numpties hanker after

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  12. Peaceful protest! (Yeah, yeah ...in 2010...red shirts thugs...blah blah blah...)

    Yes indeed thumbsup.gif and don't forget the fundamental difference. Whatever the red shirts did in 2010, they were fighting for their legitimate right to vote and for democracy.

    These protesters are using violence to prevent ordinary people from having the right to vote and are sabotaging democracy. It's disgusting bah.gif

    Yeah...maybe...but you didn't get my point!

    I dont care, who did what and why...I am just disgusted by the fact, that we measure bad things with worse things.

    I dont give a hoot, what happened 2010 and who was worse than who. This guy died TODAY!

    In the name of justice, freedom and democracy - in a country that has no clue about either of it!

    The taxi driver didn't die he is alive and well, the reports of his death were just more red misinformation...........

    Meanwhile, the taxi driver who was beaten by a group of anti-government protesters on Vibhavadi Road yesterday has received hospital treatment.

    No. Its a miracle.

    The Pope is on his way over

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  13. The poor guy went into a coma and died ......

    All those in the clip smashing up his car whilst hes bleeding out are cowardly filth, this was not a flash point zone nor a riot or anything but supposed protesters peacefully blockading a road, yes right ... this guy was trying to work and basically got killed for driving a F###### taxi.

    Dont even dare to try and justify it,

    I am really serious when i say that if that poor taxi driver was a relation of mine, i would personally hunt down the instigator of this crime. His name is Suthep, and make him pay the ultimate price for what he has done.

    It appears that the dead taxi driver got better.

    Now let's see all the gossip believing, kangaroo court but cases on here retract their useless blame game posts.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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