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Everything posted by mran66

  1. Sure - regardless of the fact that the 'natural tourist attraction quality standards' have gone down in past couple of decades as a result of development in nutritional habits in the country, still not that bad by global standards. Artificial tourist attraction standards may have gone up as a result of developments in polymer chemistry, but of course subject to personal assessment of punters whether that is good or bad.
  2. Also first time after entering the country must do in person. At least was so in December as had to go due to online not working. Pick up next day that time.
  3. Interesting to know whether Ploy is her sister, boyfriend (or nominally ex hb) and or just a friend.
  4. Some foreigners seemingly localised with their habits.
  5. You must be seriously narrow minded and unaware of world outside Thailand to be worried about farang taking over thai foot massage jobs. Understand someone jokingly doing that, but I doubt many would be brave enough to insult pride of thai people to try to take those jobs that thai netizens value so highly
  6. ... Eagerly waiting to see the next news story about him, claiming "Thai 'wife' scammed a foreign man for all his cash, now trying to get money by gofundme to get back to UK"
  7. Heavy smog is the culprit, not bar girls. He simply can't find his way out of Soi Cowboy due to low visibility.
  8. Indeed if someone uses the word 'Frenchman', most people in the world perceive it to mean something different. Do which one is wrong, the term, or people's understanding of the meaning of the term?
  9. OP was about Pattaya. Mae Sot maybe up by 3 digits compensating Pattaya!
  10. Hmmm... Then how does the wiring work when concluding that he 'can prevent her having sex with other males' and/or 'save girl from prostitution' even if the brain knows that neither is not credibly feasible and thus effectively untrue, especially so in the case of girls in Pattaya? There must be some kind of malfunction in the wiring, or? You pay for something completely imaginary, getting an imaginary benefit. Maybe similar wiring problem of human brain that religions are misusing, offering an imaginary solution to an imaginary problem, while in reality getting controlled and milked by the organizations
  11. Amazing. Off topic question. I've been intrigued by the thinking process leading to guys sending money to hookers after going home. Could you by any chance tell how you ended to that conclusion?
  12. Well, few tourists buy anything, especially tourist junk from online stores. In addition to that, hard for them to get the same feeling as wandering in tourist market alleys from browsing lazada. Staying in room watching TV or browsing aliexpress would probably make them asking why did I come here anyway so they go out. Comparable to question of whether agogo's are still relevant. Residents I believe is fairly small percentage of customers there just like in tourist markets, and no matter who the customer is, they go there for the experience, not really because of the product In both cases (tourist markets and agogos) you can order the actual product or service online at much lower price. Just that the experience of shopping is very different. Residents rarely go to either as they had enough of the experience. They just want the product or service at good price delivered to their home.
  13. That satisfaction is probably the only reason to spend money on PI to chase a Pattaya lady, so just spend what you think that feeling is worth, not more. Doing the chase yourself and busting her red handed might be even more fun. If you have suspicions and care about those, you don't need that to make that big decision If you are interested to know how she is doing with the guys, post her pic on pattaya punter forum and ask comments there. Has worked in many cases and you get more details than a PI can ever get (unless he becomes a customer)
  14. Wonder if the real situation really is as it appears based on the article - or is it rather a Swiss guy walking on the beach feeding Soi dogs which have turned friendly and protective for their feeder. Maybe the real problem is Soi dogs rather than Swiss man's dogs. Would not be surprised even if so, though also possible is a selfish guy who just don't care. Either way, solution is same: neutralize dangerous dogs.
  15. In all honesty all the neighboring countries are equally guilty. That's why the situation is favourable to all of them to fingerpoint the others and just hide their heads to sand without doing anything than talk ASEAN proving it's worth in the matter also pretty well.
  16. ... And working good not only regarding air quality. Widely used with great success whenever/wherever problems requiring some concrete action appear. Often the method is used in combination with blaming/fingerpointing someone else than the culprits themselves, amplifying the perceived impact of the method
  17. That's what I was wondering also yesterday when saw this news. Now they are planning to ask foreigners to fill two separate online forms to enter the country, the ETA and the TM.6. Hard to see much other reason that employing themselves and some externals to get envelopes to create useless things
  18. "His great-grandmother, who had been caring for him, recalled how he loved playing with water despite her warnings." Amazing explanation.... 11 month old not taking notice of warnings, what a stubborn child! Certainly he understood what grand grand mama was talking about. Not.
  19. Bug guys sure won't say or do anything - with the exception of retroactive complete pardon to make the whole complaint void
  20. Guess he will now be reborn as pitbull and go out for rampage revenge against all pitbulls.
  21. Lots of more or less beautify thai ladies and non-binaries on the catwalks already, both the traditional agogo's as well as on the post modern catwalks of onlyfans and the likes.
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