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Everything posted by seajae

  1. I had to do the same thing last year, they want a certificate probably because they make you pay for it when it is supposed to be free, 500 baht was what I was asked for with no receipt at immigration, yellow book should be enough but graft is better for govt workers. Immigration do it on the spot so it is reasonably easy to get or at least it was at our immigration office as long as you paid them to do it
  2. they have been saying this for years but just ignore it, anything thai fisherman catch in their nets is kept unless they are being watched, getting them to release anything that is edible in some shape or form is virtually impossible. These people/the govt simply make statements then do nothing
  3. we will have dinner at home and float the krathong on our dam, no way will we go into a crowd where many will not be vaccinated or wearing masks
  4. really have to wonder if it so we can no longer confirm out items are delivered, after having several items stolen by postal workers over the years this was really the only way of being able to trace where they went. When I queried several of the missing items I was told by the head man at the post office that they are aware postal workers do take the items for themselves but can do nothing about it, they have given us back the cost of the missing items but never issued an appology or made the postal worker responsible accept fault, stopping registered mail would make sure we can no longer follow anything through the post to ensure delivery and stop any loss of face
  5. mate, you really need to watch or read something not from the left, there is no video showing him pointing his gun at people, the blown up adjusted pic that is extremely pixelated was from before it all happened, also the prosecutor called no witnesses including the ones in the pic to state they had a gun pointed at them, it either shows that the prosecutor is totally stupid or he knew it never happened, the pixelated pic does not show any clear evidence he was pointing the gun at anyone, the judge left it up to the jury to decide if they thought it did, the only possible time it may have happened was when he turned around but the video does not show him lifting the gun. I cant believe how many people in here are being totally wrong and making it up as they go, obviously they have watched doctored videos from the left & not listened to the trial itself plus all the witnesses but just accepted what the cretins on some shows have stated instead of the actual truth
  6. I didnt deflect anything, biden called him a white supremacist, same as many left leaning personalities, like I said I hope he sues them all for their slander and BS, the president should not have said anything about it, sounds like you have a major problem
  7. I have been watching this live from the start, a few facts, he did not buy the rifle, it was bought for him, he did not carry over state lines as it was stored in a gun safe in the city where he used it and the law does allow him to carry it in that state as it is a long barrel rifle. What is surprising is that the video from the fbi was not released to the defense team so the prosecution were hiding it and have been caught out a few times doing the wrong thing as well as their witnesses just about all backing Rittenhouses version of events. The crying which to me was more of an attack I think is genuine, I say this because the same thing happened to me years ago after the death of my daughter, I held all the emotion in till it was triggered and trying to stop myself from doing it on front of everyone caused the same things he did to happen, not being able to breath struggling to take a breath, basically a panic attack where your heart goes into overdrive and you feel like your going to pass out, you also have to realize he is being treated for PTSD, unless you have been in that situation you really have no idea what its like. From all the videos and witness testimony I believe he does believe it was self defense, the videos back that up, the skate board incident was done to try to cause major damage to him so he had the right to self defense, the pistol was pointed at him so again he had the right to self defense, the guy trying to take his head off with his boots was lucky he wasn't hit but again self defense, the first shooting was a guy with a big criminal history that had already threatened to kill him, 4 shots is maybe too much but can understand it, he would have been panicked knowing the threat he had issued and seeing him trying to grab the rifle. The pic they used to get the judge to allow provocation was computer generated and is no where near clear enough plus a big chance it has been adjusted during the work to enlarge it, also the prosecution did not call the person they say is in the pic to testify, have to ask why not if it is so important, were that aware it would not be in their best interests if they did?. The left has already made up their minds and are ignoring all the evidence/videos, the idiot that was shot in the arm is now changing what he said in court under oath because he wants 10 million dollars, he lied to police about the gun as well and the left are ignoring these facts, hopefully he will be found not guilty as the prosecution has not been able to show it was done with malice, maybe a lesser charge with little or no jail time and then he can sue all the left media and the ones that have been pushing all the BS on tv including Biden because it suits their agenda to do so, the truth to them means nothing
  8. instead of teaching kids how to be independant thinkers and advance the country the govt is simply making sure they will always do as they are told and will not rock the boat, last thing a thai govt wants is well educated people that will not accept all the graft and corruption pushed by the govts/elites, they also need to know their place
  9. another puppet for the big boss so he can still tel everyone what they have to do, until they remove all the shins from the party nothing will change, graft and corruprtion is what made the family
  10. hey blue(sofa) take it easy mate, let the nurses and the doctor treat you well and have full recovery so we can see you back in here once again real soon
  11. my wife got her second vaccine(chinese) yesterday and she was not told anything about getting AZ as a third one, she still has moderna paid for so she is looking at getting that as her third shot but the fact they/the govt are not organizing third shots after the chinese stuff is pretty bad
  12. we used tsp in Australia as well as sugar soap, both work well and are used by all tradesmen. Using a primer over it will not work as it will not bind to the surface and either just craze or pull off the surface when painted over or knocked, you need to remove the oil etc from the walls/ceilings first , hot water alone will not do it, you need something in it that will break down the oil/fat then it has to be rinsed off using clean hot water
  13. I buy from a couple of facebook business's and they supply great product, think it is really a matter of doing your research as there are some I would never buy from. Websites do not mean they are any good, I am well aware of websites that are extremely dishonest and are just there for turnover, its like any other business, you have to do your research on them
  14. thats it, my wife has had her first sinopharm shot and will get the second one this week, didnt want the chinese stuff but ended up with no choice, she has been booked in for the moderna shots in 2 hospital since it was first called for but couldnt wait any longer, will sell the other 2 now unless she can keep one for a booster shot later on
  15. they need to give him the same treatment, make him eat dog poo and beat the <deleted> out of him, shows how pathetic these people are to do this to 12 y/o girls, should be removed from the service as well as being locked up, arrogant piece of excrement he is
  16. hopefully we dont see the next big covid breakout after this with so many people intermingling and many ignoring any safety measures, think we will be sitting this one out this year
  17. as long as everyone entering Thailand has to do quarantine and be tested as well as having been vaccinated and passed a test before coming here it will hopefully be ok. The insurance shouldnt have to apply to thai citizens as they are covered in country anyway and that should be the only difference between all arrivals
  18. just received this messge from the bank "Regarding for your inquiry, we would like to inform you that due to the current situation as shown in the news meet some credit and debit card holder customers facing the problem of making a payment transaction without manually transacting for the security of account information, therefore the bank suspends the payment of goods and services transactions with most online merchants registered abroad which has a lot of fraudulent shops". it appears that overseas institutions(amazon, paypal to name a couple) are now considered fraudulent by bangkok bank but that all thai ones are ok, looks like they are taking their queues from the health minister, does this mean that we can no longer do verseas buys from Thailand to keep the bank happy and only spend OUR money in Thailand
  19. what an idiotic reply, there is a big difference between allowing someone 14 or younger to drive a car/motorbike on the streets of towns/cities and letting 17 y/o kids have a beer, then again thai kids are extremely child like till well into their 20's. I have 7 grandkids, I lost a 14 year old daughter when she was drugged, raped and thrown form a train in Australia so I am well aware of what can happen with kids, do you have kids or are you another one that knows buggerall about kids and just has a big mouth. I did a lot of crazy things growing up that could have cause major damage to myself but we did not drive/ride cars/motorbikes on city streets at 14 or younger(in the bush we did), then again we had parents that were educated and had good parenting skills unlike many thais, I can say that without any animosity/racism because it is true and can be seen every day. We rode bicycles miles to school as well as on weekends to do things, nothing stopping thai kids doing it except they dont like to do anything physical, they are allowed to ride to and from school on motorbikes & thats fine but look at how many ride outside these times and do so without any thought to it being illegal as well as doing so like idiots because their parents dont give a damn, shows just how pathetric some thai parenting can be, no respect or regard for anyone else although there are some that do the right thing by their kids but a lot dont, obviously you are one of them if you even have any kids
  20. going on the 30% rule that means someone will pocket a goodly amount for doing it, anything to boost their personal accounts, why do something for the general population when you can pocket millions for doing this sort of thing
  21. these kids are supposed to be able to ride to and from school only but no one enforces it, parents dont give a sh*t as it means they dont have to do anything, police dont care as they cant make extra money from them, the kids themselves are in most cases lacking any real intelligence/responsibility to care. The amount of times I have seen kids that look to be a lot younger than 14 riding scooters around with smaller kids on them as well or older kids hooning on scooters is very common, until parents start to take responsibility for their kids which will never happen here or the police start to do their jobs which also will never happen kids will continue to die on scooters. Then you have the idiot parents that let their 14 y/o drive cars, the mental abilities of many thai parents is very low as is any parental responsibility, thai education plus the govt are fully to blame as they do not want thais to have the intelligence to think for themselves as it would mean the end of all their graft & corruption. Condolences to the girl but her parents need to face up to their lack of responsibilty too
  22. after reading the full version it would appear that they didnt have brake failure but rolled backwards down the hill after stopping to let 2 people get out, more than likely the driver stalled the car while it was in neutral without the hand brake on or foot on the brake, only way it can roll backwards
  23. Been trying to do an online transaction with my mastercard but it keeps getting denied using it direct and through paypal, it worked fine earlier this afternoon, then after being denied a few times I tried it on a thai online purchase(lazada) that went straight through so it appears they are not allowing any transactions that are outside Thailand for some reason, anyone else having this problem., hopefully it is only a glitch and will not continue as I got the mastercard to enable me to make out of Thailand transactions with it.
  24. so they have dismissed all of the ones involved from the police force and have them locked up to be charged with murder, definitely a good start but have to wonder what will happen with joe and all his money once they go to trial
  25. you can see marks in the paint when using a magnifying glass, problem is with the stucco finish under the new paint, was never washed/cleaned down or sealed before new paint. Years of grime, smoke etc will stop paint from adhering to it as well as cause the new paint to react to it as well, if they used a cheap paint or watered down the paint this will also speed it up. Another cause could be the new paint causing the old paint to react, as the new paint dries it causes the old paint to lose adherence to the surface, had this happen to me several times over 30 years in the trade, this again is caused by the original surface not being clean/dust, grease, smoke free or even the stucco finish not being done properly by lack of preparation, something I see in Thailand a lot, its why I painted our new house and all the new gyprock/dry wall in our other house when it was replaced, thais do not sweep down the gyprock( all the sanded joints/screw heads) before painting which is a main cause for paint letting go. You need to get onto the owner and make sure he acknowkedges the problem now so you cannot be blamed in the future, only way to stop it is to sweep it down with stiff bristled brush/broom to removes as much lose paint as possible then use a penetrating/bonding sealer that will penetrate the paint to seal/bond & hold it all togther but I have never seen this type product over here
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