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Everything posted by seajae

  1. thanks CharlieH, will get it under way
  2. We have a bitumen plant on the otherside of the rubber tree property next to us, it would be around 100 metres away at most, probably closer, in the last month or so they have been producing a real lot of dust and fumes that give us bad headaches when we go outside the house, one of our neighbours said they get nose bleeds when the fumes are really bad. They also operate from 7am to 7pm 7 days a week plus on holidays as well, we did contact the owner a few weeks ago and he said that it would stop after songkran but it didnt and dust levels have gotten worse. The dust is coming through our house even though we have all windows and doors closed, it is very fine and also covers our cars etc, air cons are getting clogged and everything outside is covered in a fine layer of dust. We need to find out what the regulations regarding factories/plants state about working hours/days as well as the dust, sound and fume/smell levels allowed, the plant has no fencing at all and by the smell and dust no filters, it has also grown quite big since it originally was built a few years ago. I have tried finding the correct regulationns on the internet but everything I find is for overseas even though I add Thailand to the search line, any information on the above would be greatly appreciated as we have organized a meeting with the owner and several of our neighbours and want to produce any regulations at the meeting to try to stop this happening.
  3. you should also look at the nissan almira, we got one for our daughter a few weeks ago and it is a great car to drive, the top models have all the bells and whistles(all round cameras to make parking very easy), seats are really comfortable, has plenty of power and look good too plus price wise they are a great buy. Most car dealers will organize a trade in but whether or not it is fair to you is another thing
  4. thanks for the replies, hopefully she isnt one of the ones that is not paid for a few months but good to be aware it does happen.
  5. Our daughter finally finished uni etc to be a doctor and sat her exam last weekend, she is slated to start working at the local hospital soon so I asked if she is looking forward to earning her own money. My wife informed me she may have to wait for 3 to 6 months before she is actually paid as the govt can hold back their wages, she said it can happen in all govt jobs when people first start working for them which surprised me, how are these people supposed to pay their accounts, rent, food etc if they are not being paid, in any other country it would be illegal to not pay for work done. Has anyone else heard of this happening, I am a bit scepticle about it but as we have a few family members working for the govt she may well be correct but I would like to find out if others are aware of this happening.
  6. I had the old fashioned way, cut and tied, they actually removed a section to make sure it couldnt re attatch, still have the scars. When they cut the vas deferens they would have to re join within a couple of months for the vasectomy to fail so if you are being told you got someone pregnant just tell them you had a vasectomy & you are sterile so you cannot be the father
  7. 30 onto 1 sounds like the usual thai male idea of a fair fight so they dont lose face when they have the crap kicked out of them, surprised they only used a brick and not machetes and guns to make sure they couldnt lose just as an extra precaution of course, we all know how brave and upstanding some thai males are when it comes to a fight
  8. definitely the hottest I have seen in many years, has been way over the forecast temps of 34c, was 41c for several days here and even higher on a couple of occasions. Tasmania is one of the states in Australia, it is not a different country
  9. and these chinese criminals are the prefered tourist the thai govt want to be here and make it easier for them to do so, really have to wonder what they are getting out of it to push them for being the best people to visit the country
  10. a couple of years ago they did a survey on corruption/bribes and 65% said it was fine as long as the got some of it, just goes to show how many thais think and why its so hard to wipe out. Anything to do with govt requires back handers and I have seen this first hand involving huge amounts of money, you only have to look at the pathetic state of the roads etc to see how bad corruption can be, problem is that many thais regard money as the be all and end all, doesnt matter how they get as long as they do and govt jobs/contracts give them the ability to do it. We had a friends husband shot and killed over a govt contract after he won it, killer was never identified, can bet that certain people were paid off to look the other way, surveyors and their families threatened with death if they dont sign off on a project/work done, customs officials threatening to stop exports unless they get a certain percentage, all common place here
  11. Here are the figures : The Weapons Most Commonly Used for Homicides in the United States Handguns: 45.7% Firearms (Type Unknown): 23.9% Other Weapons: 11.4% Knives or Cutting Instruments: 10.6% Hands, Fists, Feet, Etc.: 4.3% Rifles: 2.6% Shotguns: 1.4% How Often Are Assault Rifles Used in Homicides? For how dangerous they are made out to be, assault rifles were not found to be used in homicides very often. Rifles were the weapon of choice in only 2.6% of the homicides that occurred in the United States in 2019, far lower than the 45.7% of homicides that were committed using a handgun. And even though nearly a quarter of homicides were committed using an unknown type of firearm, it’s safe to assume that handguns probably made up a large majority of that number as well. Even if a ban on assault weapons was enacted, it wouldn’t lower the number of assault rifles that are already in the United States, which is currently around the 20 million mark. Personally I believe all those buying guns need to have checks done prior to allowing them to do so, this should be done when they apply for a licence before they are able to buy any gun, problem is a great majority of shootings are done with guns not purchased through a store with a licence or legally. Even in the mass shootings at schools the guns are usually owned by parents etc and were not locked up safely, laws on how guns are stored and who can own them should be the main focus, not taking them away from legal owners. I grew up on a farm so rifles(22's) were always a part of our lives, joined the army and had a marksman badge, kept shooting for many years after leaving, the problem is the people using them, mental problems, criminals/gangs, warped beliefs/political views etc
  12. its the same as road deaths are not a car problem, its the ones that are driving them and in a guns case the ones that are shooting them, the far greater majority of legal gun owners are fine and do not kill people. Those with mental conditions & extremist beliefs along with the criminals/gang members are the main culprits, illegal guns kill a hell of a lot more people than legally owned ones, removing legal guns would not stop the killings, would like to see someone post where any nra members started shooting people, they teach the correct way to handle legally owned guns
  13. really got to laugh at them making these claims when they have offerd bribes to everyone over 16 getting 10,000 baht if they are elected and using the govt money to do it so they dont have to fork out any of it themselves, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Thai politics is firmly locked into graft and corruption
  14. my wifes elderly mum has cancer and our half sister would beat her up whenever she asked for help(she is bed ridden) so we moved her to our other house and paid for someone to stay with her during the days and my wife would stay of a night but her mum got worse and had to go to hospital. Problem is that family have to take care of them in hospital as nurses only give shots etc, dont do anything with the patient as they do in the western world so family has to feed, give drinks, give medication, change clothing & beds etc. My wife again paid for someone to spend the days with her then would sleep on the floor under her bed of a night after working all day(she manages a large export company), she would have to come home to shower & get ready for work every day so we walled in our back veranda to create an extra room so her mum could stay with us when she was released from hospital. The biggest problem here is the hospitals do not function like western hospitals so family are required to do all the work with the patient which is very hard when their is no family, it is also very hard to find any sort of affordable elderly care facilities, while Thailand claims to be good with the elderly is it a total load of BS, it is all talk and no action, it really shows just how third world the country really is when they refuse to do anything to help their older people have a decent life.
  15. Our bangkaew loves going for walks and once outside the gate(one rai of land) on her leed she is fine, she also loves going for rides on the scooter, all depends how you raise them and their parentage. She will only allow my wife and myself inside our fenceline and to get close to her, she is very loving but the people we got her from were always able to go near her as well, also the vet is fine with her too, you just have to have those you want them to accept be around them a lot when they are puppies/young so they get to accept them but anyone coming into your land/yard needs to make sure they are locked up in their own area first. We have an 8 mtr by 4 mtr roofed and fenced area for our dogs and they stay in there apart from when we let them out to run etc a couple of times a day. Thais do not come anywhere near a bangkaew and when they see one they go the other way, their reputastion is enough to scare them off
  16. you only have to read the above to see just how ignorant many thai drivers are and ignore the road rules, they dont give way and just pull out, they run red lights, it is all ignorance/arrogance and their thinking that they can do as they please
  17. if you can accept living with this then you are thinking with your little head otherwise you would have sorted it out well before now. Maybe try growing a pair and telling her that if this isnt sorted out she is on her own as its not acceptable and getting your own place, there are plenty of good ones out there that would not accept this sort if garbage either
  18. you do realize hillary did this also with the russian report she organized and the way she paid for it with campaign funds in the same district(claimed as lawyer fees), it is already being reported so will be interesting to see of bragg will do the same with her, also the statute of limitations for this is 2 years so a bit past it. While this is only for some of the 34 counts the others are federal and not state and the federal side is saying there is nothing to see, very big clutch at straws and will open the gates for republicans doing the same thing to democrats now in retaliation. This was a very stupid move, should have left it for the other charges around the country but bragg wants to be re elected and was following his bosses orders, will turn into a big mistake on the dems side
  19. Not offer, promise to offer or give away valuables or other benefits to voter, so does this mean ther 10,000 baht bribe offered by thaksins party isnt counted as a vauable/benefit, just goes to show how pathetic EC is if they do not tell them to remove the offered bribe as that is all it is, shows that thai politics is total BS and that corruption will always remain on top here
  20. and the one/s that leaked this can be jailed for 5 years as it is a major offence to release the findings of a grand jury in NY but I doubt someone following his pay masters requests will do so, only shows dems are shi**ing their pants that trump will win again so are getting very desperate. In doing so they have opened the gates to prosecutions based solely on a persons political leanings and not the law
  21. wife gets the fuel for her workers trucks/machinery at the local port buying a few thouasand litres as a time so we were getting a hell of a lot of free bottled water, been drinking it for over 6 months and still heaps to go, tastes good and is free
  22. we bought a samsung 2 door(side by side) 6 years ago, stopped working last year, had the people look at it and was told that the compressor was no good but they dont malke them anymore, When I messaged Samsung head office as it was still under their 10 year warranty they had someone come and get it and take it away to look at, They then said they would have to attach a new compressor to the outside back of the fridge mening it will no longer fit in the kitchen(as well as look stupid) and they wanted us to pay 9000 baht as well, still waiting to hear from Samsung head office, Now our Electrolux(other house) which is 2 years old(2 door side by side) has packed it in and stopped working, lost everything in it. Electrolux sent out someone to look at it and they said 7 days to get a part(heating element?), still waiting for them to get back to us after 2 weeks. Obviously Thailand has pathetic after sales service and refuse to lose out on repairs so Samsung & Electrolux are 2 I will never recommend for fridges or anything electrical
  23. problem is you being part of the woke brigade you refuse to accept the truth about what it does. There is nothing wrong with being gay etc but there is something wrong when people try to push it on very young children which is why certain books are banned because they are far too descriptive in what they push, oral sex, anal sex etc. Kids need to be kids and allowed to learn as they grow and mature, not have woke mantras pushed onto them in an effort to normalize certain things/agendas.
  24. BangKeaw, find people see her and go the other way, will not let anyone near the place but is a very affectionate baby around my wife and myself. Only trouble is we can have no one else outide the house/in the yard if she is outside the kennel area, they are very loyal to their owners but will not let anyone else near them, although once outside the yard on a leed going for a walk they are fine with everyone around them
  25. hahahahahaham love how all the dem voters wet their pants over this and the other so called cases against him. This was looked at by the previous prosecutor and not taken up because apart from the statute of limitations expiring(2 years) it would be near impossible to prove it was not to keep it from his wife plus it is a federal crime if anything not a state one, also the feds did look at it as well and never did anything because they know they couldnt win. This is just bragg trying to get himself re elected so he can let more criminals/dem voters out of jail, all this goes to show is that dems will crawl in the gutter to get their way even when they know it is all BS and that bragg is simply pandering to the dem voters. Even trumps security have said they will not allow anyone to take/arrest him and it also has to be approved by a judge in the stste where trump is currently and they are not all fanatical dem voters so they will go by the law, it is a federal crime if anything not a state one so bragg is way out of his depth
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