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Everything posted by advancebooking

  1. You sound unhinged. Why on earth would you choose to support trump. What is wrong with you? He is abnormal. Do you relate to his personality. Is that it?
  2. duh old boy. do you think trump is going to take out a defamation case against a thaivisa forum member.. haha. thanks for the first laugh of my day
  3. As the title suggests, I think the <deleted> is on SSRI's or other meds and suffering from insomnia causing him to say stupid things on a daily basis. His latest outburst re Liz C is a typical example of his bizarre personality. If you are an American living in Thailand please do not vote for this guy. If you are a trump supporter please question your simplistic belief system and modify your opinion on this guy. Call your family in the States and urge them to vote for Harris.
  4. Are you not worried about defamation laws. He has been proven to be innocent thus far.
  5. Thanks for the info. I kind of more understand it now but had to read it several times. Very complicated to understand being a non american. Why don't they abolish this odd system?
  6. Are you saying 18 years old and above is legal and no issue?
  7. Im not an American thankgod. But Im closely following the election and confess to not understanding the electoral college vote system. Im not a smart person and can hardly even drive between thai cities. I googled the topic but didnt understand it. Can you explain it briefly in uncomplicated language and explain how is it that Hillary Clinton won popular vote but lost the election due to the electoral college vote. It seems that the U.S has fake elections same as Thailand when Mr Pita was voted in but never made it to be the PM. thanks
  8. I was recently back home in the mother country. Met a few old friends from school. The females looked so old and unattractive to me. What guy would want this when one can have a girl 20 yrs younger.
  9. Surprised to see this award. Its nice for a visit but hardly fantastic or comparable to Maldives. I think its just another sub standard island.
  10. or just say that 45% of the population is stupid.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_University#:~:text=In 2011%2C amid multiple investigations,Michael Sexton and Jonathan Spitalny. The writing was on the wall- a long time ago. How did this orange fruit cake even become an elected US president, let alone be allowed to try again.
  12. The most sensible post in the whole 8 pages of this thread.
  13. Please let the forum know who you will be voting for. thanks
  14. I think you have a low I.Q or you are religious?
  15. Why do you support Trump. What are your reasons. Are you university educated? Are you Christian.
  16. Thanks for the info. I didn't know that one could register at more than 1 hospital. I will ask about this at the local SS office. Im the same as you re turning up after lunch. No way will I wait all morning. Complete waste of time. Why bother with throwing away 50k? I suppose thats not much if its 50k a year. But not 50k a month
  17. My answer to my question: Low I.Q. Your answer: Leave it below....
  18. Vietnam sucks and so do its people. As soon as you arrive someone will be trying to shaft you out of your money. we were there new yrs last year and I was walking on a quiet road in the gutter area. A local guy on a motorbike purposely tried to ride into me to get me to walk on the pavement. My wife and child also nearly got hit on a zebra crossing. Its worse than thailand.
  19. I read your comment with interest. I used to work at a govt uni in isan and when quitting I joined the SS scheme 420 baht a month. I have access to a large public hospital. Is this the same for you? Are you saying that your meds are for free in the public hospital system. Re wait times, I have found they are quite long in my public hospital that I have access to.
  20. its not surprising. The guy in the article is likely to start seeing what a beautiful race the girls are, in general. Probably be tempted to fool around based on the photo I saw of his wife...
  21. 5583 dollars a month? What were you renting? 23 yrs ago I rented a 1 br in Ashburner street close to the beach and it cost me 350 a week I think .
  22. In a few years you will read that he has divorced the oz lady and found a slim thai lady half her age. It happens.
  23. I totally agree with you. I was shocked to read that someone would pay 27million baht. and to live in phuket of all places with the most unfriendly thais in the country. I think they have no idea to be honest. What if the land owner dies. Who owns the house then?
  24. But one walks out afterwards feeling healthy and happy. A good massage is beneficial for ones health
  25. But you have 'had her' hundreds of times. Its boring after a while.
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