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Everything posted by champers

  1. That's what happens when you play centre halves at full back.
  2. My GF liked it above others. We had a new Kiss up in Naklua which was slowly done for by Covid and now it has gone I quite miss it. They always had a few very good dishes and excellent ice-cream. During Covid, Kiss Naklua did a lot of very good work with donations and heavily discounted dishes, so it was nice to give them a bit back with our custom.
  3. Not sure I would count Jimmy Armfield. Substitutes were not allowed in the 66 World Cup and he didn't play at all during the competition.
  4. One of 2 World Cup winners born in Ashton-under-Lyme. Who was the other?
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 59 seconds  
  6. Of course it is; why else would I post if not to respond to the OP?
  7. My other half is a big fan of the steamed sea bass at Kiss Food and Drink on Second Road, opposite Soi 5. Hers came in a fish shaped tin with a burner, slathered in lime, garlic and chillies. Over 300 Baht a portion, if I recall correctly.
  8. Five officers to catch one woman. Pathetic photo op that impresses nobody.
  9. Not many worn on shirts till the 1970s.
  10. Most of those in T21 haven't travelled half way round the world. They come from other Asean countries or places like China, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. That end of 2nd Rd mostly caters to the same market. Westerners, South Asians and Russians do visit as well but not in as great numbers. It appears to be the case that the mall's initial popularity took the owners by surprise because they had to build a second multi-storey car park.
  11. The best film I have seen in the last 5 years is Parasite, made in Korea. Some other Oscar winners have been embarrasingly poor. I did rate Joker but can see it is not to everyone's taste.
  12. Seems to work pretty well on Beach Road and the trials on Sois Honey and Diana between Buakhao and 2nd Rd seem to have been a success. The sooner we get the monorail installed the better.
  13. Convict?
  14. Got some Lancashire cheese (Wensleydale also in stock), Warburtons crumpets and Greggs mini-sausage rolls from Villa at Avenue Mall today. I'm a happy shopper.
  15. A public beach without toilet facilities is a bit third rate. They have been promised in recent beach "improvements" but never materialised.
  16. Also looks like the old East Stand at Chelsea, however you can see a kink in the stand which is Molyneux.
  17. The "unknown match" looks like Wolves v Chelsea. Billy Wright on the left and Jimmy Greaves on the right.
  18. What I see at my condo complex tells me otherwise.
  19. It has always been the case that FIT (free independant travellers) tourists are far wealthier than those in big tour groups. I see a lot of young Chinese and Korean guys hooking up with young and pretty Thai girls. They are monied up, often own property and like Thai and other East Asian food. They are a more attractive proposition for the girls than Western men over 50 who like a drink and eat pie and chips at Hungry Hippo and Cheap Charlies. There are plenty of young Chinese ladies who travel in small groups together. Popping over to Pattaya for a long weekend is a very attractive proposition from cities in China that are mostly between 2 and 4 hours away by plane.
  20. Very 70s; yummy looking all the same.
  21. He speaks for fellow right-wing, fruit loop nut jobs and he will soon end up back in prison where he belongs. He has a list of convictions as long as your arm already. An irrelevance in political terms, even Farage detests him.
  22. They don't carry the TT logo.
  23. Beware of exchange booths in yellow and black which look very like TT ones but aren't. Their rates are higher.
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