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Posts posted by sajal

  1. hey all...

    does anyone have a clue wether chinese language packs r available for windows 2003 servers?

    never had to do anything for chinese clients yet....but now i wanna set up windows 2003 servers which support chinese...if i use the windows server 2003 chinese edition then i woulkd get lost during the installation/configurations....

    by default win 2003 doesnt have most languages in its language list(like XP has)

    google n m$ site r of no help...

    any sysadmins here to shead light?

    been googling for an hour n loosing my hair in the process;-)


  2. hey ppl...

    my actual workstation is a sony vaio...

    this one is used for many purposes....

    1) test server

    2) file sharing

    3) dvd burnin (added a 16x dual layer DVD burner after the photo)

    4) porn!

    actually before taking the photo i had cleaned up the place.....;-)

    normally visit this room once a week...maybe lesser...


  3. its only thailand where i have never come accross a free wifi...<-- excluding generous or foolish neighbours.

    i visit KL quite often...if im there on a sunday n have nuthin to do i can pass my day easily at starbucks there....free wifi...nice music around...open air...all at the cost of a large cappichino(no obligation for that also)....

    for many things specially internet its very uncomfortable using if u r counting minutes left...

  4. Mr Papon said True had around 250,000 broadband users, representing up to 90% of the total market of 280,000.

    lets hope the dude is bragging....

    if true has 250,000 customers....

    their total international bandwidth is 1,750,000 kbps

    their total domestic bandwidth is 3,100,000 kbps

    total bandwidth 4,850,000

    international bandwidth/user = 7 kbps

    domestic bandwidth/user = 12.4 kbps

    total bandwidth/user = 19.4 kbps (yeah the speeds does drop so low at times)

    FYI dial up is 56kbps

    i still dont get it in which direction are they headed???

    'We expect to have 400,000 broadband subscribers by the end of the year, out of an expected total of 450,000, fuelled by the group's innovative content services and service packages bundled with computer and notebook purchases.

    more bad news for existing true customers....

    EDIT >> figures from http://webcorp.asianet.co.th/eh/linkinter/linkstatus.php

  5. i really doubt u can get sim card readers/writers in thailand....

    if u get your hands on any pls provide the details....would be interesting to play around with...

    n also where to get blank sim cards from?

  6. i dont know the costs...but a friend lost 3 mobiles last year with ais...and got the new sim at some cost i suppose....

    this was for post paidaccount with ais...

    the laws may differ for prepaid..

  7. hi tytus...im doin fine...wht abt u?..

    its gr8 that they gave a 10 day trial without any obligation...

    im runin my own server in SE asia and i know how much it costs...

    im considerin to offer webhosting n i would offer 1 gig space(10GB transfer) at at maybe $10 to 15 a month....{not advertising here}

    even if they r cheap servers, i still dont get how they liquidate the cost of bandwidth...

    frm what i see they use plesk which is quite powerful...and expensive too...

    99.9% uptime is prety standard....and its difficuly to really verify that.

    the reverse DNS of the IP they host their server on points me to ns.jump-server.net so it seems that r sharing the server.....

    as a preacution dont buy the domain from these ppl caus if you do they will be in control of your domain.

  8. domains from canada....their mailing address is frm canada....http://www.skatewhale.com/contact.htm

    the safest varification would be to send them a snail mail...hehe

    their prices r dirt cheap......almost too good to be true...

    no good references frm google...

    only some big time webhosts could afford to offer such prices(or someone runin the show frm their home)....

    from what i see frm google is that they arent BIG....

  9. or u could put this device in your country (if cable is cheaper/better there) then connect via the net to view that....

    im not sure if good quality video streeming would be possible in thailand.....bandwidth issues.....

    it would be viable only if the box uses mpeg4(very unlikely)

  10. thanks a lot wolfie...

    but this software doesnt solve my problems...

    this one is only for documents...not system files in use.....

    plus i need something which would backup only changed files....and i could download the backup(containing only changed files)...and intigrate it with the master backup i have at home....

    the main intention is to save bandwidth.

    im using windows backup currently.....each time i do a backup i have to download a full 10 GB....takes hours....and also eats up my bandwidth limit at the server....

    wht im looking for is after ive downloaded the 10 GB once, i should be able to download only the changed files and integrate i wid the 10GB backup i had downloaded earlier...

    also if any problems happens at the server, i should be able to restore the server frm scratch....(remotely or at the console)...

  11. Sadly true :o Anybody tried contact True ?

    Its not a "True" specific problem, i'm with Ji-Net

    i think its the CAT(and the thai regulations) specific problem....

    i still dont get it....why must all internet traffic go thru CAT?

    why is direct paring not allowed here???

    ping to US from malaysia/singapore is like 300 to 400 ms....

    cann i have IP of some servers you are talkin abt?? 5000ms it way too high...

  12. hey all...

    i curently have a server colocated runing windows 2003 server

    i need to know about a good backup solution...

    now when i take a backup (using the bundled MS backup) the backup file is abt 10 gigs....

    it took me over a day to dl it to my computer....

    now i want to do a incremental backup on the server....so only the files changed would be added to the backup....

    the problem is after doing the incremental backup, id still need to download the entire backup back to my computer...this eats a lot of bandwidth...

    i want to be able to download only the changed files and patch it up with the previous backup i have downloaded the pervious day.....

    is this possible thru the ms backup? if so then how to go abt is?

    else what software to use for this purpose?


  13. Thanks  :o

    Well it is a translation site, so you have to enter text >then it translates>copy and paste it from there into your email.

    It sent ok and was readable upon reciept.  So not to bad, just have to see what it really says after it is translated!!!

    Enjoy  :D

    last time i checked this site did only ENG > THAI...

    know any site/application/api for THAI > ENG?

  14. lots of way to do this but i dun think this would be considered spam and thus illegal. dunno if its acceptable to be discussed here.

    you could google arround for spaming softwares...

    there must be many programs(or very easy to create one) which allow to send emails(u need access to one which allows relays or have access to a smtp server to which u can login to send mails) continously in a loop......note this will eat up your bandwidth also.....better to find such a server in thailand so u can send the mails fast atleast...

  15. 1) you can get another wifi card with a jack to plugin external antenna and get an external antenna (outdoor/indoor) as per your choice...

    2) you can somehow open your notebooks wifi module and solder in the necessary cables to attach an antenna...

    google for it...lots of detailed guides in many wifi forums...

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