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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I never said that they do only repatriations, my first statement about someone dying alone stands, the last part about having it done by family or by an outside company is to be seen since your post contains "possibly", "might", "at times", and most importantly unspecified agent fees against unspecified fees for a home-arranged funeral in an unspecified city. Documentation about assets, sure! As I said, useful to know, but (I think) I was free to express my thoughts. Out of this, have a good day.
  2. My wife said "why didn't she simply slap him in the face right there".
  3. Yes I get the connection with "once in a blue moon", but I think it's the other way around possibly? They first invented "blue moon" and then it came into English language as a way of describing something rare. Why they used "blue" beats me. Catching a full Moon against a special backdrop like a natural feature or a monument is of course great, but doesn't change much with few percent more or less... IMO. Anyway, good fun to all interested... the next full Moon at the end of September will also be a "super", just 1% less than yesteday's.
  4. A bit surprised by this post Sheryl, I do regularly screening (face, scalp) at Skin Center in Ram Hospital CM, I find the dermatologist very competent. But probably you base this on a wider sample of reports. Anyway, to answer OP: typical screening (face, scalp) including chemical peeling and cryo-freeze of a dozen spots is 1800B. Once I had a biopsy (nose), 1600B if I read the bill correctly.
  5. A calendar of the event would have been appreciated.
  6. I am not aware of any "far left" government around the world which imposes face mask mandates.
  7. Sure a full moon might be nice to watch a few times, but no special reason to watch tonight. The "super moon" is about 7% larger in diameter than the average full moon, no one can tell the difference by naked eye and if you use a telescope then it doesn't really matter anyway. As for "blue moon", really?? The moon doesn't change its color, which is reflected sunlight, it's just a second full moon in the same month, who cares. btw, the moon might appear redder at times, especially at low elevation over the horizon, if there is dust in Earth's atmosphere. Dust absorbs blue light more than red, hence the color. That can be nice, but nothing to do with "blue moon". This said, for those in CM the NARIT Astropark is an excellent place for those who are interested in learning more about astronomy, with a great planetarium, permanent exhibition, guided tours also in English, and last but not least a good restaurant. Suitable for kids.
  8. I speak pathetic Thai and certainly do not read it, yet I have been able since a few years to file my tax declaration online in Thailand. Extremely helpful people at the City Office at least in CM. Before that I did it with an agent, 1000B big deal. But you have to live in a country for a couple of years to appreciate pros & cons, not just what you read on a forum. For example, buying a chop of pork in KL is possible, in a few places where thay make you feel like you are buying porn. In most of the country, I have my doubts.
  9. Pure invention. Either provide a link, or stop spreading false information.
  10. Covid still exists, at a lower infection level of course, but not zero. My father (old person of course) got it recently back in European home country. Not fun. Let people decide what they want to do and carry on with your life. You don;t know their motives, maybe they have an elderly person or a young baby at home. Or too many pimples. Does it bother you much?
  11. Why discrimination? As much as I respect and even applaude your slightly suicidal wish to move around Chiang Mai on a bycicle, that is not a public road, and I can think of one or two good reasons why bycicles are not allowed.
  12. A change of 1 peak to peak over 38 during a whole month... and you call that volatility?? Besides, the problem has appeared in the last few days, a change of 0.2 over 38, the definition of stability.
  13. yes, it's possible - I did that. First, go with your employer (or possibly alone, I had my employer's representative) to the Labor office, cancel your WP. Note from this day your extension is also invalid, so in principle you'd be on overstay from the next day. Same day then, go to immigration with the right papers (eg 800k deposit, passbook and letter from bank, it must have been seasoned already for 3 months I believe). I did the immigration part with the help of an agent, not really necessary but he will check all before you cancel WP and zoom you through the immigration queue. Enjoy your retirement. edit: this was CM in 2016.
  14. When you buy a ticket, there is usually an entry for these cumulative costs. It is a substantial amount, but far from the crazy charges in Europe. Example, if you fly for miles, it's not free but you still pay hundreds (euros) for destinations in Europe. I never did it for domestic flights in Thailand so I don't know but I suspect much less.
  15. Following up on the (jokes I hope) about fat and weight, a serious reminder: if you have some electronic device implanted, e.g. pacemaker, it should be removed before cremation. Or it will explode not so nicely.
  16. USeful link thanks, however I see it mostly useful for repatriations. If you live and die in Thailand and don't mind this being your final resting place, either you are alone and then frankly who cares what happens "after", or you have dear friends or family and they should be able to take care of everything without calling in some outside company who would certainly increase the costs considerably.
  17. Yes, but it looks very much like a pedestrian crossing, doesn't it?
  18. Do you really miss that nauseating adverb, "allegedly"? They admit to killing him, what else do you need? Only question is whether it was self-defense or not.
  19. You mean he was not on the plane? And they killed 10 just for appearance? I'd say he's dead, thank the gods and might this bring some light at the end of the tunnel in the Russia-Ukraine-USA-NATO madness.
  20. I understand that shops can check the buyer's ID to verify the age, but how are they supposed to follow the other two rules?
  21. You are right, the UK is a stellar example of how a government should work. No nonsense, straight to business, no lies to electors, no private little parties, a good solid strategy when dealing with international relations. Right, right.
  22. The whole city, really? At night? Anyway, how many km do you bike? If you do it for exercise and bike a lot, you could try Canal road there is a wonderful 6km stretch of 2-lanes bycicle path that goes from Convention Center to the turn for Mae Rim intersection, you can do back and forth to your legs' content. They are now expanding it southwards. There is also a 2km loop around the 700y stadium.
  23. Certainly there is a plan, Thaksin would not come back to rot 8 years in prison. But two simple considerations for all those who think that the transfer to Police Hospital was part of the plan: a) the conditions he has, and they are probably real, do get worse with time. He could probably jet out to HK or play golf when it was his decision, but now somebody high up very wisely doesn't want him to risk his death while in custody. b) say what you want, but he isn't an idiot. Why would he want to be transferred after just 12 hours, surely he could wait a week or two without his favorite wine.
  24. Fair point, but that was from a coalition of parties who saw their convenience in being allied AFTER the election. The headline is wrong, people do not get to vote for PM in Thailand. As for "not allowed", one could say that it was not allowed by Pita himself.
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