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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. Soar? Geez, someone really intends to stir up negative comments on everything.
  2. I have been using a number of pools over the years, and at each of them there's invariably some swimming lessons going on particularly in the afternoon. Both group and one on one. So choose a pool convenient for you, and look at the notice board or ask the ticket office.
  3. Well, if you want to read it that way. Or you could say that, in order to counteract the Soviet attempt to take over Afghanistan, it was the US that encouraged and supported the Taliban movement initially. Making a mess not unlike their initial support for Saddam in Iraq. But we can agree that let to itself, without Soviet or US interference, Afgahnistan would probably be a much happier country today. I still remember talking to an Afghan refugee lady in the late 80's who had tears in her eyes describing how beautiful her home country was.
  4. Not being critical, just curious. How do they call each other? Do they both say "my husband" referring to their spouse, or is one identified as "the wife"? What is written in their documents? What if two men "have a child", how would the baby call his two dads? I have to say that "his husband" does sound wrong in English. Perhaps languages will have to adapt to these new situations.
  5. English is the international language today, like French and Spanish were before, or Latin a long time ago. Things evolve, and soon Chinese might replace English. in CM, a lot of shops, restaurants, shopping malls,hospitals, real estate, already have Chinese speaking staff. In some kindergartens, Chinese is the main language after Thai. It's not prostrating, more like being realistic. Native chinese speakers (that includes Taiwan, HK, Singapore) bribg in much more money to Thailand than native English speakers. btw, I find that at least in a big city a lot of Thais already speak/understand passable English, so much that I hardly need to speak Thai at all.
  6. We have a few bought from Lazada at less than 1000B, they work ok e.g. in a large room. We also have small necklace-type personal purifiers, obviously not for a room but e.g. to keep close to you when you sleep or walk outside. A couple of hundred baht, they help a little. Note that most places are not air-purified, including main shopping malls, so your battle is not only at home.
  7. Justice? btw he was not hiding, he was under protection in an Embassy of a country that eventually could not resist the pressure.
  8. Unlike Christian countries where people use crucifix instead of amulets. btw, have a good relocation and let us know how much better you like it.
  9. Since you seem to be the one who can do the thinking, please be informed that "young Russians escaping the war" have many other options apart from Thailand. And if someone is escaping mandatory draft it's the Ukrainians, not the Russians. But apart from that, do you have any statistics to prove that, after normalization, Russians and Chinese behave worse than say Brits or Kiwis? Only difference is that Russian and Chinese bring in far more money than, say, Brits or Kiwis.
  10. Or the ThaiRath reporter could look the at clock on the wall.
  11. I am sure, but the question was whether she sings her own personally composed songs.
  12. I had needs similar to OP, and bought mine at Anek, on canal road on the Hang Dong side. Quite happy with their choice of options and service, one staff spoke decent English. Admittedly very far from Mae Rim, but if your problem is to cycle back you can always call a Grab pick-up truck to drive it back with or without you, I did that.
  13. No surprise indeed, considering how little those who get caught are contributing to the economy. Probably even negative contribution when they are working jobs reserved for Thais.
  14. Especially when they are implants. Like her buttocks. I really don't understand the droolers here. Leave your keyboard, take a walk outside and see how beautiful normal every day girls are.
  15. there is a video on a CM forum that I am not sure I am allowed to link. Taken by the rear cam of a car preceding the motorbike. quite impressive. so, for all the detectives here: it was still daylight, and there were no signs or cones in that lane. absolutely nothing at fault with the m/c driver. who btw had a full face helmet and was not driving at speed.
  16. Congratulations for the prize for the lame comment of the day... which you win once again. You know, if you have nothing to say it's quite ok to say nothing.
  17. I think one can find many examples of this happening in other countries too, but if you prefer the ways of your special home country then you are free to return any time.
  18. Unless you know for a fact that it's not true, why "russian propaganda"? btw, it's not that western and ukrainian propaganda play fair. But let's leave this kind of bickering for later, right now my heart goes out to the families of 143 innocent people who just wanted to see a concert.
  19. You are right. Let's declare it a disaster zone. And of course, Bangkok too since today it was worse than CM. And it is worse on average year round. Ready to close Suvarnabhumi and evacuate 13M or whatever people living there?
  20. You are right. Let's declare it a disaster zone. And of course, Bangkok too since today it was worse than CM. And it is worse on average year round. Ready to close Suvarnabhumi and evacuate 13M or whatever people living there?
  21. Question to forum administrators (not a criticism, hope you won't ban me): why is this in the World News? Don't we have a specific "Country Forum" for US, UK matters? thinking also of the latest Trump/Harry oh so interesting news. The Elon Musk stance might, just barely might, be a world news, but the reality is that this thread will see the usual Rep/Dem attacks which really are not.
  22. Regurgitation articles can write what they want especially when they want to catch your attention. In fact, if you read the interview in the original skynews piece, Trump did not make the explicit threat. Incidentally, why would anywant want to believe things said in a conversation betwen Farage and Trump.
  23. If you lived in CM, you wouldn't need to ask what the current government (local and national) does about fires. In short: a lot more than before. And while the air is indeed far from good, it is also far from as bad as in previous recent years. As for Thaksin, if memory serves me he has been away for 15+ years, what was he supposed to do? And may I ask what the non-corrupt (according to you) are doing? Apart from photo-ops and social media? But I realize this is all wasted on people who post according to political faith and not logic.
  24. Actually, it was reported that each of them tried to bribe their way out at the police station. On top of everything else.
  25. Don't worry, the Kiwis have kindly taken the limelight now with two high quality tourists beating up a Phuket policeman who had tried to record their traffic violations.
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