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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. I have flown lots of airlines in all continents. Frankly, I do not see how TG is so incredibly worse than others. On the contrary, I could write complaints about all the oh so nice ones that are held so high here. I don't say TG are perfect, but generally speaking they are not in the worst tier. They are expensive though, especially for the routes I am interested in. Anyway, most posters miss the point here: the issue is the ground services, not whether someone got their Coke in business class or got yelled at for a phone not switched off. btw, try that on LH and see how kind they are.
  2. The airport is not a place where you'd want to spend more than 1 hour really. Very poor choice of restaurants, I am not aware of massage places but I never looked for that.
  3. OP, it's not clear whether you have 7 hours to spend somewhere, as many replying to you are assuming, or you have 7 hours between flights, which means you have in practice much less. Is your luggage checked through? Will you need to do Immigration in CM? Or worse, will you have done it already? In which case you'll probably not even be allowed to leave the transfer area. Anyway, IMO the simplest would be to walk about 20min to the Airport Plaza mall, where you find all kind of coffee shops, restaurants, and yes massage. Then walk 20 min back. If not comfortable with the walk (it is now hot in CM), there are cheap tuk-tuks or even free shuttles at regular times.
  4. Actually, zero pregnant teens. Since when is 25y old counted as teen? Only 12 in the picture. I mean, is this a mistake-spotting competition?
  5. Since you are not Thai, I assume, then it should be none of your concern. Anyway, at least Thaksin did 15 years of (golden,admittedly) exile. Many first world countries have current/past leaders and first rank politicians who did far worse than Thaksin and yet were never sentenced, maybe we should feel more humiliated by that.
  6. I had to look FIRE up. Very funny (one of many possible adjectives) to see how some people have to invent acronyms for everything. So yes, without knowing it, I am also in FIRE mode. And yet, I do not mind investing a fraction (that I can afford to lose) in crypto. Very good for you however that you are content with small growth, stress-free life is the key to happiness.
  7. OP, which media are you referring to? They complain about air quality in Bangkok and surrounding areas, certainly not about CM where the air is the best I have seen in a several years for mid February. Proof that when the gov't (local and national) want to do something for real, they can.
  8. About your last question, Japan is in general a very very safe country. However, English is not very widely spoken and, assuming she cannot speak/read basic Japanese, she might be a little confused with transportation, ordering food, and enjoying her trip in full. Make sure she has and can use at least a good translator phone app, preferably one that can read written Japanese. Also check that her phone will work over there, including internet. eg, AIS sells SIM cards here in Thailand that will work overseas, called sim2fly. I am sure other providers have similar. Other than that, it should be a great experience!
  9. I own both a scooter and a car. I choose one or the other depending on the needs of the day, preferably scooter. How does that place me in your classification? RIP to the deceased.
  10. Either you have 800k in a FD account, or in a checking account where it does not drop below the given limits. What's so "ahhhh" ?
  11. Of course you can have a fixed deposit account with 800k. What you were doing (moving funds from FD to checking account "the following day", that was what Immigration did not accept. Indeed, in your case you should simply have a "normal savings account" and make sure it doesn't drop below the required 800k/400k depending on the months.
  12. Not that people transferring and spending here 1.8k USD each month are poor... unless one wants to transfer back the unused money each month, oh what fun.
  13. Striclty speaking you are wrong, at least according to coincodex.com exactly 3 years ago it was 48k$, today it's 51. But I see your point, that if you bought at the peak of 66k$ in Nov 2021, you'd still be at a mild loss today. Isn't this true for any kind of risky investment? No one denies that cryptos have volatility, BTC in fact less than others. By the same token, I could say that if you had bought exactly 5y ago when it was just over 3k@, you would be smiling a lot today. Anyway, one should not invest in a given asset more than they can afford to lose.
  14. The new large Muji shop at Airport Plaza does that, there is a counter inside where they do both printing from your picture and embroidering. Different prices for different print size, but in general I suppose it's interesting for those who need oneor very few shirts, much less for those who need to print for large teams and such. Catch: it must be an item purchased at Muji.
  15. I don't hear many disparaging comments when they celebrate Christmas, Halloween or St. Patrick's Day, which are far more remotely connected to Thai culture than CNY.
  16. I returned from abroad in Dec 2023, I did TM30 update the next day. Chiang Mai, retirement extension, re-entry permit, same address (I am the owner). TM30 was required and checked by the officer when I did my yearly extension in Jan 2024. This for the record. And now, cue the broken record of "rogue office" and so on, I don't care because it's their decision ultimately and frankly it takes less time to do it in person than discussing about it. About the OP last statement, if they are closed of course you are entitled to do it on the next working day (if in person)
  17. Mr. Mohamed Yassine Zariouh. Now let's sit back and enjoy the comments.
  18. I thought that was the definition of many serial posters on this forum.
  19. I did this a few years ago. I didn't need to import the 800k from abroad, I didn't need to leave Thailand. This was CM. Caveat: the moment you (or your company) cancel the WP, your non-imm B becomes automatically void, so it is important to do all in the same day, no problem in my case. Especially if you use an agent as it seems.
  20. Americans and Italians use they same word "pizza" for two foods which are fundamentally different. As opposed to Americans using a different word for the same food, like "freedom fries".
  21. All of Thailand? Yourself, you say you move to the eastern part, is it so bad also there? About your "easy step", in many cases, they should also warn their citizens not to live in their home countries as well, since PM2.5 values are often over the safe limit there too. Most foreign visitors are from Malaysia and China and Russia, not shining examples of clean air. Specifically in CM, we get also lots of Koreans and Singaporeans, again not exactly green. But to start with, I don't quite understand the OP. The air in CM has been reasonably clean so far, certainly better than Bangkok, and the gov't actions that OP seems to mock are in preparation for the burning season in general, yet to come.
  22. BTC halving coming in April.
  23. Taking care of the smoke issue in Feb-Apr would automatically increase visitor numbers. Flights 24/24 is an idiotic idea, especially with the current airport. But main point is, CM has already more than enough visitors given its size, traffic, transportation.
  24. I am reading this because the site keeps showing an ad of a nice girl in underwear. Go figure. Anyway, for what it's worth: I am considered "at risk" person by age and conditions. I caught covid last December, I think from crowded flights and/or crowded immigration. I found out to be positive because I test regularly. No symptoms at all, all vital signs normal. Negative again after 6 days.
  25. I see a connection between these two statements. But more seriously, how can you have 280 one on one students? Even if you work 24/7, it means each student gets one hour with your every 11 days. More realistically, 6 hours/day, 5 days a week, each student "sees" you for one hour every 9 weeks. I don't think they can learn much. btw, glad you enjoy Luang Prabang, I was bored there after 3 days and could not enjoy the scenery due to the constant noise from the longtail boats, but maybe it has improved.
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