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Everything posted by arithai12

  1. Sure. Can we also agree that what Ukraine had been carrying out for years in their eastern region was a purge of ethnic russian citizens, largely ignored by western countries and media? At the tune of 8,000 dead, mostly young people, in 5 years. I have a friend, Ukrainian at birth from that region when Ukraine was part of the USSR, later with Russian passport, repeatedly banned for years from visiting relatives or taking care of property there. Before the invasion.
  2. Sure? It is actually from Sardinia. The one with live worms inside, excellent. In the spirit of EU domination, it is now officially illegal to sell. Officially.
  3. Partly what you say, partly also what the poster you were answering to said. Climate is indeed not ideal. But up here North not too bad. To allow foreigners is one way, another way is when Thais go to Europe to learn, it's the case of the cheese I was talking about at GO in my initial post.
  4. You never know.... but you won't miss it, it says "made in CM from local ingredients" and different kinds, one I like is "Bergkaese type" (mountain cheese style).
  5. I have been a committee member for many years in my condo. Your question "does it make sense" has no answer because it really depends on the specifics of your condo. In some condos the administrators really inform and listen, in some others they don't. Happy overall with my own experience, but who knows about your context. Try it for one year, you can always resign. And drop "criticize", try to follow Thai ways.
  6. So, let's follow your political angle. Srettha is in CM to inspect personally the situation re: forest fires (which is btw quite different from the problem in BKK), but in reality he is fine dining. Now, also Pita arrived in CM exactly for the same reason, but in his case of course he is skipping dinner and working hard. Right? Ah yes, and Yingluck is part of the equation re: pollution in Bangkok. Right? Brilliant analysis.
  7. No idea as I don't use Binance TH, but reading your report I find it strange that you use two times the same code. Perhaps wait a while and see if a second different code is sent to you?
  8. Thai normally do not know what is cheese. If you want the real thing(s), there are imported cheese in many places, including Tops and Rimping, but they usually cost a lot. Why Not (restaurant) doubles as food import shop and you can find many kinds of italian, spanish, french cheese which you can buy by the weight you want. Again not very cheap, given that they are imported, but at least you buy direct so less expensive. To be fair, there is another italian import shop near the BigC supercenter, but I haven't been there in a long time and forget the name. They also have direct sale of imported food incl. cheese. Recently I found that GO Wholesale offers some Thai-made, actually CM-made, very decent cheese at a decent price. I won't name the brand, but it will be easy to find.
  9. Please don't be angry if I point this out, I really don't mean to be the grammar police and I couldn't since it's not my native language, but I inform you that there is a rather important difference between stationery vehicle and stationary vehicle. Redundant too, since the vehicle is waiting at a red light. Unless you mean that Muppets only slam into stationary stationery vehicles, that would be quite selective.
  10. You are so wrong already at the incipit. The vast majority of fires are not agricultural but in forests. This you would know if you actually wrote about things you experience instead of the usual rants from behind your keyboard. If you lived in CM you would also know that, while not denying that the air has been horrible the last 2 days, so far this burning season has seen a much more active national and local government effort and overall it is better than in previous years.
  11. AirAsia, ThaiVietJet, are airlines I have learned to avoid like the pest. But that's me. Now to the point: do you live so far from the airport that it's inconvenient to go and ask there? They have their office, and in fact you could even ask at the checked luggage scan/load point for all domestic flights, they surely know.
  12. I don't disagree with you, I have myself a Ledger. However, the point is what will the OP eventually wants to do after he had moved elsewhere. Sure having your coins on a cold wallet is the safest (provided you don't forget how to access it, from what I read it has happened 🙂 ) but then what? Unless he intends to pay for goods directly in crypto, not so common an option, he will still need an exchange to convert what he needs to some FIAT currency and transfer that. So I suggest that, in addition to procuring a cold wallet if he wishes, he starts looking at opening an account in some other crypto exchange that will work for him in the future. He can transfer his coins there from bitkub now or from the wallet later. About his specific question, will he be able to access his coins if the account gets suspended, I don't know sorry. Perhaps bitkub has a support desk? All this, while his bitkub accounts still works of course!
  13. ok, I see what you mean. Still a bit strange, however, because usually when I enter Thailand and they stamp me in, I look at the stamp and if it's one day earlier than an outbound flight I had already booked, I would do something right away. From the OP's comment "It isn't too late to get the extension" and the fact that he has 60 days permission to stay, it seems he did not realize for a while. Whatever, he has found his solution, good.
  14. Actually, today he was at Warorot market -a public venue, not restricted ceremonies like yesterday- and according to a main national newspaper the place was "deluged" with thousands of supporters. Impressive pictures too, especially when you consider that the air quality is a shame today. Mind you, I don't have a special inclination for this or that party, but let's be fair in our comments.
  15. You mean the usual comments on this forum? Yeah, a broken record indeed.
  16. You lost me here, since when we have to count days? Usually they put the last day of your permitted stay in the passport stamp. It's not that the officer will count days when he stamps you out.
  17. You could just say you hate russians and leave it at that. Do not need to invent arguments for which you have no proof. FYI, the rouble is not doing too bad (gained 2% over EUR in last 6 months, lost 23% in one year which is not tragic), and many Russians being smarter than you have placed their assets in other currencies including cryptos. Most no valid visas? all Russian women are prostitutes?
  18. I know it's outside OP question, but my embassy (EU country) issues new passport (renewal) the same day. What's strange?
  19. First time I hear that there are no people coming. Surely some are leaving, but the number of those who want in seems to increase if anything. Check out the visa section of this forum. As for retirement in Thailand, you described a lifestyle which is not that bad, is it? But you forgot an important item that retirees can do and do a lot: marry a local woman. Quite different from 'few weeks and leave'.
  20. What gives you this strange idea? A typical tourist is usually counted as 5k B/day (incl. hotel, meals, attractions, tours, souvenirs and so on). I am a condo-owner and live permanently in Thailand, apart from my initial investment (which went to benefit construction company and the downfall to employees and contractors, anyway not the tourism industry), I live quite well with 20% of that. I don't buy tours and souvenirs, almost never go to attractions, and obviously I don't pay a hotel. Of course, of the 40M foreigners not all will stay 2 weeks, the majority in fact only a few days (Malaysians across the border, short transits). Let's say for the sake of discussion: 40M for 5 days at 5k/day, that's about 1000 billion baht. You can adjust here and there, but that gives you the idea. Now long term expats... what, 150,000? The number I often hear. Let's say 100,000 with a condo who spend 1000B day for 300 days/year. That would be 30 billion Baht. Let's double it for the remaining 50,000 who rent and spend more. So less than 100 billion Baht/year. Compare 1000 with 100... which one is "by far" larger?
  21. Shocking. But even more, the part left out in this excerpt and by the PBS article: the alleged torture of the husband into confessing something he didn't do, by the local police (national newspaper that cannot be linked).
  22. That's good, also many of us with crypto have other means as well. But if you are so detached from crypto, why do you have to shoot it down? Can't you just enjoy your durian trees and let us play our silly games? Durian is an excellent fruit btw, though not my favorite, but I know zilch about growing it so I don't post predictions about its price in the next years.
  23. Hub starts to be even more nauseous than TIT, and that's not easy. Anyway, what do they actually say in Thai, what is the word always translated as hub?
  24. There are restaurants and eateries that I love and where I am a frequent flyer, and yet I never ever write reviews about them. In fact, the less people go there the better for me. I also never ever write bad reviews about places where I was disappointed. I simply tell my friends.
  25. But they also cannot say for certain that they were not.
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