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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. There has been no announcement from any car company including Toyota that they are moving anything out of Thailand. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    They have not yet made any FORMAL announcement in THAILAND but in Singapore in February the Chairman of Toyota made a comment stating they would be moving operations out of THAILAND over the next 2 years to SIMPLIFY production and reduce overall o[peration costs due to global reduction in the need for cars.

  2. Toyota seem to be in the middle of moving totally out of Thailand.

    Maybe this is why they released the news about Ford still being interested in LOS for its SEA production to sweeten the bitter news.

    More like there will be plenty of ready built auto manufacturing plants for them to move into. But then again wouldn't they be questioning why the Japs are dumping Thailand?

    Truth is, the Japs now don't have to build here to avoid the disgustingly high excise tariffs on motor vehicles once the AEC kicks in. They can move to more efficient SEA countries with cheaper salaries and better workforces. Then export to Thailand.

    Thailand is going to be the big loser come the AEC.

    Where did you get your degree in Economics? whistling.gif

    Hopefully not the same place as those fools running the stock markets and banks

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    There is a lot of business in Philippines. The SECOND largest call centre place on the planet and many businesses are moving operations there because of labour costs.

    Do you think they care about EMPLOYEE safety? The are other concerns and it is not the well being of staff.

    Why are businesses looking elsewhere if Thailand was so great? It is not and it is not a Thai bashing thread.

    If Toyota goes it could cause a bigger wave than a ripple. Look what happened to Australia when ONE company said it was closing. Now there will be NO CARS made in Australia at all.

    True, but right now the talk is only about the Fortuner being manufactured elsewhere outside of Thailand, not necessarily all Toyota vehicles. I think Thailand will continue to be competitive in terms of pickup manufacturing (if nothing else and besides more than half of all vehicles sold in Thailand are pickups); I don't see that changing to the Philippines or Indonesia, two markets which have practically no pickups at all (for anyone who's ever been to either country that will be very obvious as soon as you step off the plane). Having said that, anything is possible, especially with greater incentives in other markets, lower wages and better political stability. Although the reasons for Australian automotive manufacturing soon coming to an end are very different to Toyota possibly moving Fortuner production away from Thailand to the Philippines (or elsewhere) the one thing both Thailand and Australia have in common is that neither one has a local car brand and are thus at the mercy of the foreign car makers, who can decide at any time to move away and close down local manufacturing if the conditions aren't right.

    However, for now I don't see any big exodus by car makers from Thailand though - there are still too many positive enticements to keep manufacturing here. While some types of cars (like the Fortuner) may go, overall the industry still benefits from numerous government incentives, relatively low wages and a highly skilled workforce, the necessary supporting infrastructure and sufficient local and regional demand for it's products thus virtually guaranteeing sufficient output. Of course protectionist policies also help. Unfortunately Australia started killing its industry the moment it decided to lower import tariffs thus flooding the market with cheaper imports some 20-30 years ago; it only got worse with high wages and a strong local currency and limited local demand and foreign exports.

    Large waves are started as small ripples in the sea. Australia had a larger LOCAL sales market than Thailand. The Thai market is not enough to keep the companies here. IT IS THE EXPORT MARKET that keeps the companies alive and that is being killed slowly by costs.

    Moving one product is testing the water. WHY did Toyota RAMP up the factories in Indonesia recently for CAMRY/ COROLLA / ALTOS production?

  4. This is absolute RUBBISH.

    Thailand is pricing itself out of markets.

    You obviously know nothing about costs of importing and exporting and you obviously know nothing about the cost of keeping stupid paperwork up to date for immigration.

    The cost of labour is no longer CHEAP or competitive in Thailand and LABOUR is what drives business to seek other countries for manufacturing.

    May I suggest you READ OTHER NEWS , other than your own boss's dictates?

    See your RUBBISH! and raise you one rubbish. Cost of paperwork is one computer and one clerk. Cost of selling cars in Thailand is less than importing them from Philippines. Suggest you read other news that is not from the Philippine chamber of commerce.

    I will raise you 2 more RUBBISH and a throw of the dice... THAILAND is way way more expensive to produce NOW. Irt was not years ago but it is NOW compared to many ASEAN nations. WHY/ Not just a clerk and a computer but 30 days sick leave per year plus 15 public holidays and social security plus the extra wages. Now 30 baht per hour but most in office jobs get more. AND Philippines is cheaper labour, SKILLED better English and the business world is ENGLISH like it or not, and even with corruption the corruption is more UNIFORM and not varied officer to officer as it is in Thailand.

    BUT the BIG clincher is this- If you are EXPORTING from nations such as VIETNAM, PHILIPPINES or INDONESIA or MALAYSIA you do not pay IMPORT duties as you do in thialand on products that are going to again be EXPORTED - VEHICLES in this case! So if you are TOYOTA and you need to bring in gear boxes from somewhere else you pay import duties in thailand that are crippling. In the other 3 countries you do not so you cost of production is WAY DOWN. Add in the lower wages and you still have room to move to allow for natural disaster management. WHY DO I KNOW? I have friends doing this and am looking RIGHT NOW to relocate my offices and I do minor import export and I have the same issues as the big guys but on a small scale.

    • Like 2
  5. not to up to date but i think Philippines has equal albeit different natural disasters as Thailand so it must be something else which promotes thought for greener pastures could be an amalgamation of previous posters assumptions or just plain old chase the dollar

    Thailand has indeed been kissing up to China recently, almost like they want to be another China colony, like Africa. Lots of talk of rail infrastructure etc has made Japan concerned they are being frozen out of Thailand. Japan is posturing to an extent, but they are also serious. Some games playing is going on behind doors, even the reopening of old murder cases smells to me. If Thailand decides to burn it's bridges with Japan and the U.S then they will begin to see the rug pulled out from under their feet. They will then need China and China will know that. Needing and having the choice are two different things. if China keeps growing and acts fair and decent and responsibly, all well and good, but very big ifs. If not then Thailand will be in big trouble. Joined up thinking isn't exactly the forte of thai politicians, or anyone in this country for that matter. I doubt they really know what they are doing, but if what they do turns out to be stupid and short sighted, as usual, then the country will pay the price for generations to come.

    Paddy i would like to add. TOO MANY people in Asia are posturing up with China. EVERYONE seems to forget CHINA manufactures for the WEST which includes the USA. China goes belly up when the WEST does not buy.

    So what mnakes Thailand think CHINA will save them? CHINA needs Thailand for transport of its own goods and services. Thailand is just an ass wipe to China.

    If WEST and USA do not buy then China does not need manufacturing.

    What MANUFACTURING has China said they will do in Thailand? NONE that I can find. China is CHEAPER than Thailand for manufacturing. Thailand needs to take some serious notes

    • Like 1
  6. I see the Japanese women walking around everywhere with the kids in tow or bundled into a Baby Bjorn carrier. The men, however are soft (tee hee) and only travel by car and get dropped off at their Japanese only bars.

    I doubt the Philippines is any safer

    Having lived in the Philippines for over 8 years and now having lived here I can say that all I ever heard about Thailand being 20 years ahead of the PI in terms of infrastructure is quite true. Philippines is an expensive country with very high distribution costs. Electricity there was twice the price it is here, quality countrol is non existant and the corruption is as bad or worse than here. The country is not safe and health care might as well not exist. I had Japanese friends there. The wives were never allowed out unless going out with the company drivers. Philppines has a lot of catching up to do and that needs to start with the corrupt politicians.

    Come on mate!!

    Don't spoil a good Thai-bashing thread with something as booooring as facts!!rolleyes.gif

    There is a lot of business in Philippines. The SECOND largest call centre place on the planet and many businesses are moving operations there because of labour costs.

    Do you think they care about EMPLOYEE safety? The are other concerns and it is not the well being of staff.

    Why are businesses looking elsewhere if Thailand was so great? It is not and it is not a Thai bashing thread.

    If Toyota goes it could cause a bigger wave than a ripple. Look what happened to Australia when ONE company said it was closing. Now there will be NO CARS made in Australia at all.

  7. Cost of labour only small portion of the car industry , they thinking Phillipines better let them try and I am sure 3-5 years they will back.

    CAr industry not only labour but SME of small car componen which import into Phillipines make the costing much higher then in Thailand, the quality of work manship cannot compare in others countries.

    He will know Thailand much safer compare with other Asean countries.

    This is absolute RUBBISH.

    Thailand is pricing itself out of markets.

    You obviously know nothing about costs of importing and exporting and you obviously know nothing about the cost of keeping stupid paperwork up to date for immigration.

    The cost of labour is no longer CHEAP or competitive in Thailand and LABOUR is what drives business to seek other countries for manufacturing.

    May I suggest you READ OTHER NEWS , other than your own boss's dictates?

    • Like 2
  8. Toyota seem to be in the middle of moving totally out of Thailand.

    Maybe this is why they released the news about Ford still being interested in LOS for its SEA production to sweeten the bitter news.

    More like there will be plenty of ready built auto manufacturing plants for them to move into. But then again wouldn't they be questioning why the Japs are dumping Thailand?

    Truth is, the Japs now don't have to build here to avoid the disgustingly high excise tariffs on motor vehicles once the AEC kicks in. They can move to more efficient SEA countries with cheaper salaries and better workforces. Then export to Thailand.

    Thailand is going to be the big loser come the AEC.

    I stated this would happen because I saw on Chanel News Asia at the beginning of the year Toyota Chairman was in Singapore stating They had VERY GOOD offers and incentives fro Philippines and Indonesia. Apart from that they were offered FREE electricity with Indonesia.

    Thaialnd has been arrogant.

    Recently the Japanese met Prayuth and stated that business was difficult when they had burdensome paperwork and immigration reporting conditions (don't we all?) for key staff movements. This has NEVER been addressed when there are no such conditions elsewhere.

    THAILAND IS ON THE NOSE to business despite the MASSIVE expenditure predictions.

  9. T thai M military B bank says it all.

    SME have confidence? I live in Chiang Mai just back fro Bangkok. I do not think too many SME's are happy about the situation and Hotels are not that busy and we are only a little while away from Loy Kratong when Hotels are usually 75% plus full at this time of year.

    it is going to be very interesting as I do not think the average mr and mrs Thailand has enough spending power to create a self sustaining economy

  10. Normal body temperature can range from 97.8 degrees F (or Fahrenheit, equivalent to 36.5 degrees C, or Celsius) to 99 degrees F (37.2 degrees C) for a healthy adult.

    They are saying he had 36.3. NOTHING to worry about other than he went to an ebola infected country perhaps?

    Temperature is certainly not the issue here

  11. If your condo management is not a bunch of monkeys they will make sure that the filter is changed often enough.

    Of course if you refil in the street you are the monkey,

    Anyway bottled mineral water is better for health and still cheap.

    The chemicals in water won't often hurt you. Thai water is safe. If you live in an older area it is usually the pipes which are the problem

    • Like 1
  12. So I had to pickup a few items at BIG C this morning and what I saw was very unprofessional.

    First off I saw more than a handful of staff using all the deodorants, soap and creams for personal use in the isle.

    When I walked to the checkout to pay the lady was playing on her phone and didn't look up at me for at least 10 seconds.

    When they rang me out the prices were different then what were marked and advertised for so I had to get a manager to correct the price.

    The whole time she was looking like she was annoyed with me. I was polite and not a problem I just want to pay the correct price.

    Whatever life goes on just sharing my experience.

    who cares.

    Shop elsewhere

    • Like 1
  13. What was the reasons for all the other coups?

    Same reasons as this coup. BAD GOVERNMENT massive over the top corruption and still nothing changes because the root of this evil is buying the poo and making a bought vote count as democratic. I mean a really bought vote 500 or 1000 baht DIRECT in the hand of the ballot caster nhot in we will do this and that campaigns as in happening in the west.

    So all of you listen up. The General is trying and using his authority and what he says is well meaning but actions by the underlings are everything.

    Do any of you listen when your wives say ENOUGH DARLING STOP and lets go home? SAME SAME

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