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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Myanmar just resported that a Burmese reporter was 'shot whilst trying to escape'


    It would be funy if it wasn't so sad. Like we all never saw 'The Great Escape'

    Myanmar Human rights protectionism is unlikely offer much support for 2 hapless victims of misjustice in Thailand.

    Everyone, including Thai's I speak to seem to feel the deed was perpetrated by the son of local bar and friends. Even Thai's are in agreemet its a fitup.

    Why did it take that lad so long to hand himself into the police if he was innocent?

    Is it just me or is thailand fast becoming a nation of murderers? Or perhaps it always was but now it's coming to international attention?

    Is murder of foreigners allowed under thai culture?

    I think it is.

    I feel it is Thailand's misguided apprehension that they are the world of tourism mecca and that tourism will ALWAYS rebound. Has not happened so far. Will not happen again. The tourism money has brought with it loads of corruption and greed and GET IT now syndrome. Well get it now, will be get it have it GONE syndrome because of the actions.

    You must nurture business and keep it happening for good. WORD of MOUTH is very important and can also be a downfall as I feel is starting. Thailand has become arrogant and this case is highlighting that arrogance which will only look good to the Thai public not overseas markets. AND even in Thailand that is misguided as many Thais feel this is bad but think it will pass. I am not so sure it will pass easily.

  2. This all over the UK press. Guardian running with it.

    It's all over the news all over the world. Australia, Germany, French News, Euronews, AlJazeera. This is NOT going to die down despite what Thailand thinks is the norm. BIG things are starting to change. Like an Aircraft carrier turning at sea. It takes tiome but once she starts to move there is no stopping her

    • Like 2
  3. The poster who says that there are no commercial oil quantities in the Gulf of Siam might want to tell Pearl Oil (Mubadala) or Salamander. They are both producing oil in the Gulf of Siam.

    As to not benefiting the poor in Thailand? How about relatively inexpensive & clean electricity provided by the Natural gas industry? Or all the high paying jobs related to all the offshore oil activity?

    I posted the comment about Gulf of Thailand oil reserves.

    Here is a little brief google search. Please try and find Thailand on the list :) There is nothing worthwhile. I also have a friend high up in SHELL OIL in Malaysia. he says the reserves being explored now have been known for years and Thailand is desperately cleaning up any small deposits they can find. because of existing infrastructure it makes it economically feasible but to invest in NEW wells is going to be something SHELL will look at seriously due to the high cost and low possible outcomes.

    I am sure if this is true then other players will look carefully before spending money


  4. From my reading of GOOGLE searches, there are NO COMMERCIAL quantities of oil in the Gulf of Thailand. PTT is drilling off Australia. 4 years is leaving it VERY LATE and Burma is Thailand's main source of power supplies. And boy, do they know how to cut off the hand that feeds them - .... two kids in a gaol (jail for USA people) regarding a certain trial underway...

    And as for oil reserves and gas reserves? Thailand is not looking so good.

    As an export nation they need to really look at things SERIOUSLY as the GOLDEN days of not having many competitors out there are GONE. Vietnam is an oil exporter and has large gas reserves as does Indonesia and they are on the way up in ASEAN and making it VERY easy for foreigners to invest and OWN a business.

    Electricity is not cheap. Wages have risen. Food is way overpriced considering average THAI SALARIES. Things are changing and sitting down and expecting hoards of tourists investors and so forth is not how it is now done.

  5. So hard to get that thousands have now died within months.

    Doctors are not certain if their are mutant strains the cannot control. Refer to nightly news aljazeera and Asia news and sky news. It's hot topic and very frightening.

    Ps what happened to the 179 people on air France in Spain last week? That has gone awfully quiet

  6. May I just ask if your children are ..Me.. ME.. Me.. who has raised them to be like that? Just maybe you should ask yourself, if you have done the best job possible as their father. You clearly have chosen to have another shot at it.

    I do not agree. My parents were fantastic and now almost at that passing on stage but my,brothers are total me me me ers. Bastards. I think my sister and i are oposite to them.

    It is also part of what makes them and how the grew up in the world.

    That's also part of what makes us all individuals

    • Like 1
  7. I am a member since 11 years.

    The main advantage of being a member is the trouble free multi entry long term visa.

    I also travel in and out rather frequently, since years.

    I have never been asked a single question at immigration.

    The nicest perk is to be met by the Thailand Elite staff at the gate when you arrive at Suvarnabhumi.

    They make you pass through immigration in a record time. No questions asked.

    The other perks are just for added convenience or fun.

    If you want peace of mind and want to feel welcome to Thailand each time you arrive, go for Thailand Elite. It's just great.

    (If you want to meet members, search for Thailand Elite Members on Facebook and send a message).

    If you don't mind to pay for convenience, Thailand Elite is the best way. You won't meet any dissatisfied members...

    The best is to contact Thailand Elite for complete information.

    Their official website is www.thailandelite.com

    No need to pass through an agent.

    The money you pay.. Is it a fee or invested and returned later?

  8. These people are smoking and taking YAA BAA I am certain of it. Heightened degree of euphoria for sure!

    Do they count SALES or NEW CONSTRUCTION as their measure fro brightened prospects? The areas Sathorn etc are way over developed with Whole buildings that have been sitting there for years and that is what I know and have seen and I only visit Bangkok. I have viewed properties for sale 4 years ago and the same buildings are still EMPTY or have less than 10% occupancy and that is several in Sathorn that I personally know of. get in a car or taxi and go along the routes they mention at NIGHT. NO LIGHTS on in many buildings with many floors BLACK.

    Are they trying to fool themselves? I could be rude but they are pulling more than strings here.

    Which buildings are you referring to? I've haven't seen any buildings with such a low occupancy rate. Let me know and I'll go take a look.

    I do not know the exact names but go and drive on the freeway that circles down near Surasak and there are about 6 BLUISH buildings. They are but ONE example I can give you

  9. "public prosecutors have been focusing on evidence and witnesses, not the confession.:

    that is because the nice Police and the bar owners Paiyabaans, have given WITNESS statements that is needed to convict. Despite the fact no one actually came forward as a witness before.

    No wonder the world is looking at this and I hope this really closes down QUALITY tourists from coming here - everyone apart from Chinese and Koreans. And no thai I know wants these tourists either. they are mean with their money.

  10. "This will likely push up prices in the best completed buildings."

    Raises a few questions, doesn't it? What about the non-best completed - Phatumtani being one example, where a whole student complex collapsed recently, killing and maiming 'cheap' employees from Myanmar and Cambodia, without a care in the world.

    Then again, what's the world mean to Thais?

    Property 'development' is not an operative Thai word; what they refer to is throw it up, cover it with a facade to make it look amazing, and forget what it's actually constructed with.

    They are property DEVIL Lopers

    • Like 2
  11. These people are smoking and taking YAA BAA I am certain of it. Heightened degree of euphoria for sure!

    Do they count SALES or NEW CONSTRUCTION as their measure fro brightened prospects? The areas Sathorn etc are way over developed with Whole buildings that have been sitting there for years and that is what I know and have seen and I only visit Bangkok. I have viewed properties for sale 4 years ago and the same buildings are still EMPTY or have less than 10% occupancy and that is several in Sathorn that I personally know of. get in a car or taxi and go along the routes they mention at NIGHT. NO LIGHTS on in many buildings with many floors BLACK.

    Are they trying to fool themselves? I could be rude but they are pulling more than strings here.

  12. Well i did my bit alerting travelers. i just posted on Tripadvisor WARNING people they can not rely on justice or fairness here. The same as these two poor souls.

    And that's before the case has been heard in court? Not jumping the gun at all there are you?

    Will you be re-posting and apologising to Thailand if they are found not guilty or if the prosecutor doesn't accept the case for trial?

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! What is there to apologise about?

    I do not know of ANY western nation where the GOVERNMENT has to intervene to ask for FAIRNESS. Do you? Please DO TELL ALL! My Tripadvisor post is accurate. READ IT and you can then see. Britons MURDERED. Danes accused of rape and held for months and only released after pay offs. Australians murdered on the beach in Patong and Australasian Prime Minister had to intervene. Cameron had to intervene here. And the list goes on.

    Enough is enough don't you think?

    So where is the apology due?

    Do you really think Thailand is the safe haven IT WAS years ago? Look after the Tsunami? IT WAS SAFER then and tourists appreciated for coming. Now we are no longer appreciated and before you say anything - yes I am reconsidering options here. As I always say there is an airport so use it and will. The options are endless and the scams going on here are now out of control as tourists are no longer protected.

    As i stated before and I will state again.... I DO NOT KNOW of any other head of State that has to intervene to get fairness done in the west. But its the only way something is done here.

  13. My two cents reply can be found on Tripadvisor on Thailand ...


    I have had enough and only making waves will things change as they have in every other country that protested. Thailand only understand MONETARY LOSSES as a protest . They must learn to be more open. What is wrong with being fair?

  14. I like Antarctica - but I do not want to visit there.

    I like Saturn and I do not want to go there either.

    What is really troubling is the way people want to look at people saying out of context. I believe they will use this to propogandarise the situation to say Thailand is great visitors are flocking when in fact this is stating 39% are RECONSIDERING plans.

    Now if 39% of my clinical patients were reconsidering another GP then I would be really worried!

    This says a lot about how this case has really come to the fore that people are now fed up with being exploited. When you have no end of money to throw around you take risks.

    When you have to really consider your money, as many do now, then you really look at options.

    39% Thailand. 39% That is worrisome.

    • Like 1
  15. Japanese want to eat whales. Thai want to eat digs.

    We have civil obedience and that I why we have defined do's and don'ts. Animals eaten in Africa have caused EBOLA and other serious concerns.

    We have domesticated dogs who we as humans are close to.

    Eating humans was decried and officially finalized many years ago.

    As a supposed civil society we don't. Eat certain animals because we do not breed them for food.

    It is far more complicated than just stating intelligence or being cute.

    Eating dogs is not right in many contexts of which this is not the forum to announce the reasons why or why not.

    Many of the posters here don't even have the intelligence for supportive discussion

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