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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. I do hope once this is all over and tourism returns, that the powers at be realise it is in spite of the p1ss poor handling of this case and not because of it.

    Jeremy I really think that tourism will NOT return as powerful as it was. Thailand has competition without these scandals elsewhere in cheaper places.

    Thailand and people thinking this is going to blow over may see something else over the horizon. The actual Europeans coming here - these that spend lots of money - are dropping each year.

    People have had enough and in these harsh economic times, people are really looking at options.

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  2. Had a similar problem with expedia (the dates were changable as confirmed by the airline). Sorry our servers are down, so we can't do anything. Call back in two hours. When I got tired of calling back, I gave up.

    I have used edreams.com and made changes but usually much easier with airlines directly. Usually airline sites offer same prices.

    If it seems a good deal, think why before you buy

  3. I think with the 100,000 signatures on a petition in England, Cameron actually INVOLVED and the REQUEST for the English police to be involved...hmmm... I do not think this one is going to be brushed aside so fast even with THAINESS and a smile.

    Same number of people signed a petition in the US to Obama to have Justin Bieber deported.


    ah yes, but he did not commit murder and there have been many other situations in Thailand raising eyebrows overseas. This is not something these poor people can turn up at court to argue. Their young lives are lost.

    The situation with Beiber is trivial in comparison

  4. I would rather see a trade in HUMAN CARCASSES because humans are the most despicable creatures on this planet.

    Dogs wag their tails and always love you even when an owner is cruel.

    Is it LEGAL to sell dog meat or slaughter dogs in Thailand? So much for BUDDHISM and their loving respectful ways. HYPOCRYTES the lot of them

    okay right, you obviously haven't walked or cycled anywhere in Thailand

    packs of dogs bark chase snarl and try to bite, when your just passing.

    go ask a hospital how many mocy accidents are caused by roaming packs?

    have you seen the condition of some of the dogs roaming, pure cruelty to not put them down they are in serious pain

    people like you make me sick as you prefer animals welfare to human but would never lift a finger to help either.

    talk about despicable hypocrites

    You have shown yourself to be as ignorant as anyone can be. As rude as anyone can be. YOU KNOW NOTHING about me nor what i do. Sir I am a Doctor and have helped MANY MANY Thai and foreigners WITH NO MONEY at my expense whilst here over 3 years. I have provided my time free in many hospitals education on better treatments for CANCER and HIV patients. I continue to do so and MY INVOLVEMENT not the bloody Thai Doctors, has DIRECTLY saved about thirty lives of people who would have otherwise died. They now live healthy lives with better prospects. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??????

    I have helkped many orphans and continue to provided financial assistance to many people in several countries. My donations would amount to a staggering fortune for many WESTERN well off people.

    So how can you make these false accusations knowiojng NOTHING about me? Your are so vile and the type of person I described earlier.

    Killing and using SOI DOGS as an acceptable form of being rid of noisy barking dogs is really ignorant and why I feel many people should have COMPULSORY EUTHANASIA. Would you like to be my first patient?

    His profile below and notice the threat he made to me above. Isnt it funny my posts received likes, his have only drawn rebuttals.

    Bloody Grumpy disillusioned old bastard

    Business man (and other professions not all listed here as this is not a life story) owing Medical Clinics and employing lots of lazy people who want too much money stiopping me retiring even richer more early than death.

    Very opinionated because I worked with Government agencies in the past and life is just one big wheel and we are all going round and round as the little cogs. Been around long enough to see same shit different people another day.

    oh cry cry sob sob. Get a life.
    • Like 1
  5. So many things here illegal but the Police ride on by.

    So many things here just so wrong as CHILDREN WANT TO do it

    So many things wrong here as parents sending their children. Where is the love? Take the children away and sterilise the parents!

    But as usual we are the only ones who care, the only ones who do anything and the only ones who pay for anything.

    Thailand and most other Asian nations are full of hot air and bull dust! Nothing will change except the venue of the next meeting

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  6. Well the brain storming session could start with using ingredients and materials that are not riddled with chemicals, grown and packaged in hygienic circumstances although that may never be achieved and pricing things realistically.

    As for returning happiness? Who stole it anyway? If they mean MONEY then that should be returned.

    Thailand is pricing itself out of every market world wide.

    How come I can holiday and buy almost anything in Australia CHEAPER than Thailand and the prices here do not come as a reflection of salaries. BRAIN STORM that one !

  7. I am reading the article in full for some amusement

    Boonlert, the astrologor, was a staunch supporter of the 2013-2014 protests aimed at toppling the government that was eventually ousted in the 22 May coup. In January, he predicted that Yingluck would lose her premiership, and that the protesters calls for "national reforms" would be achieved.

    Now you would not have to be the possessor of too much grey matter in the head to have made this prediction

  8. I recently looked into this at Bangkok Bank Kad Suan Keaw in Chiang Mai where the Manager is proficient in English.

    he told e there are many ways of mortgaging a property in Thailand and many ways are just scams.

    he says BKK bank offers flexible mortgages like back in Australia which is similar to England. You must hold the mortgage for 3 years but after that you can pay it out with no penalty interest - as you pay on the number of DAYS you borrow the funds.

    I would suggest staying with reputable lenders and as another poster stated Siam Commercial is also good.

  9. Tiramisu and dulce de leche don't strike me as something that would be popular with Thais.

    I don't know about Tiramisu not appealing to Thais, the icecream man tells the Tiramisu Cornetto is one of his best sellers.

    I love Neenish Tarts and the sweet cream filling might appeal to Thais. Speaking of things Italian Cannoli might also appeal to the Thai palate.

    Now you've started what will be an unfilled yearning for things missed from back home. Please send a rescue package of sweet delights to Chiang Mai.

    I must agree. I know an Italian restaurant that makes Cannoli and the thais LOVE THEM. My Thai staff LOVE Tiramisu - a true one.

    I have 12 Thai staff so thats a small selection I know but the gobble the stuff when I get it for them and my Thai partner ALWAYS insists on me bringing hi some home from the restaurant

  10. "THAI SAVER ADVANTAGE Economy Class, Flight/Date Changeable, refundable with fee, Mileage Accrual, Valid 3 months more details $406.10"

    I would go with this one. I have had many occasions to change flights for my Australian partner. Now the Immigration MAY or may not want to see return flights. It is up to the actual officer on the day.

    TO BE SAFE I would have a return flight booked WITHIN the original visa timeframe to show if requested.

    THEN change the return ticket when you go to LAOS . Otherwise it will cost you about $100 to make the change so the second airfare is really cheaper considering you will need to change it.

    Make sense? I hope this helps.

  11. Vietnam gained most from the coup, with international tourists up 21% in the first 6 months of 2014.

    Too early to have exact statistics about investments, but these will be up too.

    Asia is riddled with idiots (oops I guess the west is too) running the countries. But at least in the west they are more educated and voters have more control. AND THIS FOOL CHALERM is definitely sending signals to business to run and leave or we will take your money.

    I was reenlty in Vietnam sourcing a new venture. $1million AUD that would have been invested in Thailand but now COMMUNIST Vietnam looks safer and better. Whilst I was there, and I was only there 6 months ago also on business, I saw HEAPS of foreign investment. English, Australian, Chinese and USA. I do not see them running to Thailand any more.

    even my own Thai partner and staff are hoping for ASEAN so they can leave this corrupt place

    It is the legacy of THAKSIN, CHALERM the yellows and all of them. GREED GREED GREED

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