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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. Some peoples stolen pets in amongst that lot no doubt.

    Depends on what you describe as a pet, some soi dog you lay claim to but leave on the street or the dog you look after and keep in the house or back garden, there is no need to to go robbing dogs out of peoples back gardens, to many easy picking running wild up every sio.

    I think this guy was doing a public service.

    Perhaps getting rid of people who have less empathy for their fellow humans would be of more benefit than getting rid of dogs, who for the most part only want to please humans, whether they are their pets or not. You might think your statement was cute and witty, but it is a statement of those whose breeding is more suspect than that of a soi dog.


    I'm very concerned about people who put the value of a soi dog's life above that of a hungry human. You pontificate about the evils of the dog meat trade while glibly stating you think 'getting rid of people' is a good idea. Hypocritical, much?

    Look at the evils people wreak on this planet? Do not say to me that we should not be reducing some of them. Look at Africa? Over the last 50 years the population has increased proportionate to direct foreign aid. LOOK UP THE UN statistics so do not ask me to do that for you. You can search as I had.

  2. So, the army and police actually raided a butcher's shop specializing in dog meat.

    Perhaps he should start selling hot dogs?

    No pictures of the slaughterhouse. I wonder where the suppliers were killing the dogs?

    I don`t want to see pictures of a dog slaughterhouse and I don`t want to know how and where the suppliers were killing the dogs.

    Those who are dog lovers, including myself, are horrified as to what`s happening to man`s best friend all over south east Asia. This is a cruel and disgusting practice, evil beyond belief.

    I would rather see a trade in HUMAN CARCASSES because humans are the most despicable creatures on this planet.

    Dogs wag their tails and always love you even when an owner is cruel.

    Is it LEGAL to sell dog meat or slaughter dogs in Thailand? So much for BUDDHISM and their loving respectful ways. HYPOCRYTES the lot of them

    okay right, you obviously haven't walked or cycled anywhere in Thailand

    packs of dogs bark chase snarl and try to bite, when your just passing.

    go ask a hospital how many mocy accidents are caused by roaming packs?

    have you seen the condition of some of the dogs roaming, pure cruelty to not put them down they are in serious pain

    people like you make me sick as you prefer animals welfare to human but would never lift a finger to help either.

    talk about despicable hypocrites

    You have shown yourself to be as ignorant as anyone can be. As rude as anyone can be. YOU KNOW NOTHING about me nor what i do. Sir I am a Doctor and have helped MANY MANY Thai and foreigners WITH NO MONEY at my expense whilst here over 3 years. I have provided my time free in many hospitals education on better treatments for CANCER and HIV patients. I continue to do so and MY INVOLVEMENT not the bloody Thai Doctors, has DIRECTLY saved about thirty lives of people who would have otherwise died. They now live healthy lives with better prospects. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??????

    I have helkped many orphans and continue to provided financial assistance to many people in several countries. My donations would amount to a staggering fortune for many WESTERN well off people.

    So how can you make these false accusations knowiojng NOTHING about me? Your are so vile and the type of person I described earlier.

    Killing and using SOI DOGS as an acceptable form of being rid of noisy barking dogs is really ignorant and why I feel many people should have COMPULSORY EUTHANASIA. Would you like to be my first patient?

  3. 11.45 Mbps download is that OK?


    In 2012, Internet users in Panama represented 45.2% of the country’s population, growing 91.6% over the prior 5 years. Speed test results for 2013 showed an average of 3.11 Mbps download

    Drummondville (Quebec)

    Speed test results for 2013 showed an average of 11.45 Mbps download and 6.36 Mbps upload speeds across all mobile, tablet, and desktop devices tested.

    11.45 would be superb if it were international, but it isn't - even those with 50Mb Business Fibre packages only get 2Mbps international, which is awful in this day and age.

    The INTERNATIONAL GATEWAY speeds from my little understanding are controlled once they leave Thailand by wherever the lines connect through.

    I have LEASED Line 75% guaranteed speed of 3.5mbs to Australia via SINGAPORE with TOT and 2mb guaranteed with another leased line through 3BB through HONG KONG as a redundancy. The speeds are set when they REACH Hog Kong and Singapore to Australia.

    If you are going to the USA or Europe I pity you because when I did some testing I want through JAPAN which was fast and once it hit USA it SLOWED way way down. So Snowdon could read each line I guess... :) JOKING LADS JOKING

    Anyway the speeds on ORDINARY internet through an international gateway get thrown in with everything else from everywhere else so you will get hammered.

  4. I don't think the thai police have the brains to play this game with the British. They will shoot themselves in the foot with every answer they give, every excuse/piece of evidence they produce & they won't even know they've done it until the British inquest is complete.

    I hope the THAI authorities have access to cable television. Then they can watch CSI and actually LEARN that in other nations we do things with PROPER evidence and science and not a thump in the head and a gun in the face.

    The boom gates of their incompetence are about to be revealed.

  5. <Quote> The prime minister proposed three strategies for cooperation - expansion of the partnership, risk management, and more free-trade agreements.

    This was initiated by Yinluck and she did a great job on that, until she was stopped.

    Remember many poster calling her trips to Europe shopping trips, while she was meeting top ministers in order to achieve this tree goals.

    So this is part of the reforms ?

    He can and anyone can PROPOSE anything at all. It is what is DONE by any party person or organistion that really counts.

    I can propose to give away 1 million US dollars to everyone in the world.

    Hollow talk

  6. Must not effect tourism at any cost. Even if it means a pandemic....

    And on top of this EBOLA is so serious truly ... Only a total quarantine of effected nations... Restricted travel and cessation of flights is the only way to minimize this horrific disease.

    This is extreme but we have no cure and this plague is evil in rapidly thus the increased number of deaths and lower survival numbers.

    I too have flown to a few Asian nations and it I only talking not action.

  7. Everything cannot be subsidised. Subsidies mean someone else has to pay for that subsidy or the money for it.

    As unfortunate as this is, there is an oversupply of almost everything on the planet. Rubber rice, wool Wheat coal Iron Ore. So China being the main purchaser of raw material selling at el cheapo prices to the west who buy most of this find themselves not wanting any more product?

    Why? the western nations who are the driving force of the world economy, NOT CHINA as many think, do not want or need more products as their own economies are STUFED and they do not have the cash.

    Why do I say the west is the driving force of the world economy and not China? CHINA produces, just like Thailand and if no one buys then CHINA does not sell. It is the buying nations that make things happen.

    And right now, the only thing they are buying is guns for stupid wars.

  8. as soon as someone with a camera get this on tape it will stop for a while, why don't you record it yourself? wink.png

    Because there are signs saying no photography! Ever noticed the lack of CCTV cameras (in the Phuket office)? The police are always asking business and house owners to install them, yet they don't on their own premises. LOL

    make sure they dont know who you are or you won't need their services ever again
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