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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. In reading the full blog posting, it seems that everyone who could produce a passport with a valid visa or current visa-exempt status was left alone. And perhaps a misunderstanding that the people were working (employed by) PunSpace.

    So, I wonder if it's really an exercise in harassing digital nomads, or just an opportunity to check visa status for a group of foreigners who are congregated together. I wonder what's next? Will they storm the next Expats Ladies Lunch and ask to see that we all have our passports with valid retirement visas?

    I now carry my passport with me at all times. Yeah, I know it's a hassle. I put it in a plastic bag and hopefully it won't get stolen or trashed out.

    This is the latest incident in the long running controversy regarding the question: do foreigners have to carry their passports with them at all times?

    It would be nice to know whether or not a law exists that says so.

    . NancyL... They said passport or valid identification
    • Like 1
  2. Dilution of the Chinese business money and influence here is badly needed, any investment by Japan helps to balance that somewhat.

    Its easy to dilute chinese investment. All western factories move out and stop manufacturing there - after all they are still COMMUNIST and isn't that what our troops fought agi8anst in Korea Vietnam oh and ...

    And you pay a bit more. But Chinese influence is diluted.

    NONE OF YOU will pay more and that is the key issue!

  3. 2 or 3 patsies found then , no doubt hand picked by the owners etc

    All this been rushed up due to 1 person spilling the beans, Sean McAnne, who in my opinion is telling the truth and is found out to be lying as at least got the casemoving

    Patsies with matching DNA? They are going to fake those results too?

    I know the girl had sex with MONGOLS - Asian people but this does not mean she was raped by them Girls come here for Thai men too... I think this is having international pressure on Thailand and this is why they need to be doing something or at least seen to be.

    A case like this is ALWAYS hard and people can swing this way and that with opinions but WE DO NOT have the evidence in front of us so we should await the outcome and keep our opinions just that. OPINIONS.

    • Like 1
  4. I am looking to get to Teesside in the North East of England. Darlington / Middlesbrough. Now called Durham valley airport. Eithiad don't go there. I did find one KLM flight from London to Teeside at 865 Pounds and that was even with a stop. I thought the internet was supposed to make this type of thing a breeze whistling.gif

    the internet does not take you. Airlines di. You must go via an aitlrport not a virtual gateway
  5. Still trying to pin it on the Brits and now the rhoyinga. If they would not rule out the Thais they might get somewhere. But as everyone knows a Thai wouldn't do it, so why even consider them. Eventually this will go away anyway, at least that's the hope.

    . This is a very western styled killing.

    It is such an amazement to me why mist of you stay here with the intolerable attitudes you hold.

    This death is tragic in every event an we must let police do the job. Not unskilled old has been sitting ata keyboard counting their pensions

  6. You think these are bad? I did practice Medicine once a long life ago :) I had a man come in with a bottle jammed up his rear and he said HE FELL ON IT - lubed up with KY jelly and all.

    And there are more. And my IT friend.. YES those sad tales of why the computer screen is dead - ALL TRUE

    People like this waste our oxygen!

  7. so true, impossible to get an answer to any emails you send to thai businesses, they simply ignore them. When you try to lodge complaints or queries from a website they continually delete it or keep requiring more information that cant be supplied or they switch it all to thai so if you cannot read thai you are unable to do anything at all.

    This is not just small companies but big ones such as Fujifilm(thai branch), Samsung(thai branch) etc, they simply will not follow through with anything at all, I put it down to a face thing, if they dont answer then they are right and your wrong.

    Have you ever tried just VISITING their offices and Not VISITING their websites? websites are not people and of course not personal either.

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