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Posts posted by marcusd

  1. if these donkeys really want to boost the economy AND improve peoples lives ..its very very simple ..SCRAP VATw00t.gif

    VAT is insignificant really when most other countries charge more.

    What would improve peoples lives is actually taking away lots of extra taxes, stopping greed and corruption (choke choke as if that will happen) and place the money that is allocated to where it is meant to go without the 30% plus siphoning off at the top before funds get allocated.

  2. Does anybody actually understand what all this is about? If so you are smarter than me.

    Stripped of all distraction it would seem the base is the procedurial aspects of how an amendment to the Administrative Court was proposed to the NLA.

    The contents of the amendment seems only in doubt as some suggested a 'hidden' agenda'

    too many COURTS and all ruled over by the same Judges so why so many courts?

  3. it would have to find other principal fuels such as clean coal and nuclear power to be added

    Please, please never nuclear.

    Not because Thais cant do it right, but because it just isn't safe and when it comes down to disposing of the spent fuel rods and shutting down at the end of life it turns out not to be such a cheap option of producing power as it is cracked up to be.

    With all the corruption and lust for profits who could believe a nuclear plant here would be actually built to the most exacting specs ?

    The Thais invested Nuclear fission did they not? OF COURSE it would be sfe and of course the waste which could be turned to Plutonium for Weapons is not going to disappear lie those 500 expensive cars is it?

  4. So why are these concerns all focused on the "Dreamliner" and not on the other models currently in production at Boeing!

    Stinks of publicity seeking by disgruntled employees -- hopefully EX employees.

    Sure there were/are teething problems like any new model introduced by any manufacturer, this is not uncommon and I would not hesitate to fly on the B787.

    Why not the same checks on the A380? they had engines drop off but all that has gone quiet.

    And I do not know of a place that can fly without engines.

    BOEING has made a marvelous plane in the 747. One of the greatest marvels in flight and one of the largest in service for over 40 years.

    Now they are redefining again and everyone has an agenda wherever there is a camera and a few dollars.

  5. just slept at the airport waiting for a friend and here is my airport census

    Coming... into thailand

    1000-10000 chinese at night

    1000- 10000 indians in the morning.

    50 caucasians in the day

    10-100 etc ect races

    Amazing that you could take a census while asleep.

    Did you count how many morons were sleeping at the airport?

    How can you count 1000 - 10,000 of any persons? This is a very generalized count in any event. Do you work for the UN doing Afghan polling by any chance?

  6. Walk the Talk by all means , putting Thailand first is the step all the generals men must acknowledge , however I have my doubts that Thailand will be any better in the longer term than what it was twelve months ago , lets face it most Thai rules covering Immigration, Mining ,environment , law and so forth are back in the dark ages, most of the Thai establishment live in yester- year and most alarming is that quite a few dream of the return of the junta days , having confidence in a stacked bench full of yes men doesn't instil much enthusiasm,, prove me wrong General. coffee1.gif

    Exactly, so much to be done and it's a massive task. A lot is being asked of the general and his junta.

    Let's not forget he took this on himself, he didn't seek election.

    You're correct, he didn't seek election he just simple elected himself. It was obviously and transparently his goal from the start. It's not that a lot is being asked of him and his chums, he set out his plans, nobody else, he now has to follow through and implement his plans. So far I've seen changes to visas, freedom of speech curtailed, press under wraps, martial law, motorbike taxis having to wear same coloured vests, beaches now devoid of facilities such as shade, water and toilets, talk that BKK city planning is rubbish and do something about it, installation of his military cronies in the new "government", accusations by amnesty of torture and re-education camps, taxis taken off the streets of Phuket with no viable alternative and the PM and his mates having a government meeting where the main focus of interest was the clothes they were wearing. A few people re-organized such as corrupt police being moved to different areas but not penalised...

    Alwyn seem life is so bad here for you. The airports are still open... roads and access points at border crossings are still open. pensions await you. Bye Bye.

  7. Heard on BBC & CNN this morning that Amnesty International has accused the junta with serious abuses of human rights. These include torture, unlawful detentions, re-education camps for anyone who voices different opinions and general terror campaigns throughout the country. Very, very damning.

    MARTIAL law... same rules apply in any country. Wooppee dooo

  8. Walk the Talk by all means , putting Thailand first is the step all the generals men must acknowledge , however I have my doubts that Thailand will be any better in the longer term than what it was twelve months ago , lets face it most Thai rules covering Immigration, Mining ,environment , law and so forth are back in the dark ages, most of the Thai establishment live in yester- year and most alarming is that quite a few dream of the return of the junta days , having confidence in a stacked bench full of yes men doesn't instil much enthusiasm,, prove me wrong General. coffee1.gif

    Thailand is NOt as backward in the dark ages as you think. In Fact they are very lenient on Visa and Immigration rules enabling most of us to STAY here with apparent ease. LOOK AT WESTERN countries. Hard as hell to stay long term.

    A country evolves and policies must continually change as they are. He will make mistakes and he will do good. All Governments do some good and some bad.

    Nothing will be different but at least things are happening to evoke national interest again

  9. All patents on medical drugs and medical equipment should be revoekd and made free for all and all governments should set aside substantial budgets for drug research firms.

    Socialism fails because it has no incentive. What you are proposing is socialism. It is a novel idea but remember PEOPLE run these ideas in Government and look at the mess it creates.

    Better keep incentive and profit there so we get medical breakthroughs.

  10. 85% of political protest-affected people recover

    BANGKOK, 12 September 2014 (NNT) - The Ministry of Public Health has rehabilitated 473 people who were affected by political protests. 85% of them can now live a normal life but 28 other are under surveillance. Public health officers have been sent to continue rehabilitating them.

    Deputy Director-General of the Department of Mental Health MD Phanphimon Wipulakorn on Friday announced the results of the ministry’s rehabilitation for political protest-affected people nationwide over the past four months.

    She said 13% of them still suffered from stress and some of them were diagnosed with depression, partly due to economic problems and their disabilities.

    The ministry would conclude the rehabilitation project on 15 September but would continue following up on the affected people until their mental health improved, the official said.

    MD Phanphimon added that the all units should work together in reforming the country in order to reduce conflicts and create a happier society.


    -- NNT 2014-09-12 footer_n.gif

    The protests bankrupted two of my friends' businesses, and dealt a possibly mortal blow to two more. What is needed is not "mental health rehabilitation", but for Suthep to pay compensation for all of the business they lost.

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    What about The Reds Thaksin who caused all this in the first place. Say he did not cause this? Well he stole the money disrupted the country and turned Thai against thai. (It is their land not ours). Now there is NONE of the crap that was going on for years under the Red Government and it is NOT all Military <artial law stopping it. the country is getting back to NORMAl and people again live sliling at each other.

    Look at your own mates not Suthep. yes he may not be very nice either but don't blame on man for changing the country for what is obviously now a better place. Look at the bunch of rogues that tried to destroy it before.

    • Like 1
  11. Sorry to say this ( I'm saying that as I know I will have comeback from dogooding tripe ) But this idiot could have caused a mass panic and in this day and age its not allowed, he should be charged as if it was real. And shame on CM airport for letting him through plastic or not, a discrase in my mind !

    What is the point of having security? To smile and say Sawasdee? They are there to STOP this type of thing. Imagine if it was a Muslim kid with his Muslim parents on board? There would be massive panic with everything in the news at present!

    This fool needs to do a few months behind bars. he is NOT oblivious to the news either!

    • Like 1
  12. How about teaching Thais how to manage money?

    And i suppose you believe in FAIRIES too.

    Most of us learn to save as children. thias have been living day to day for years slowly moving up to a better level of earnings now.

    YES learning and teaching CHILDREN to manage money would make a better future for all.

    Don't go off at people with no education such as you may have been fortunate enough to have.

    Remember education is powerful

    • Like 1
  13. If I were a bank, I also wouldn't let them borrow one single baht of me, why? coz they're a

    flight risk... tongue.png

    By crikey thats a good one.

    Thanks mate for making me laugh out loud.

    I am an Australian and when I want to fly to Australia Thai Air have the direct flights.

    Bkk to Brisbane direct. Bkk to Perth direct.

    It seems to me that every one else has to stop off at KL or round a bouts to get from Bkk to an Australian capital.

    I like Thai Air and want them to survive their incompetent management.


    I could not agree MORE! I see everyone stating terrible things about Thai is overpriced. blah blah blah.

    MY GOD! All I see is people willing to spend hours on a layover on a cheap flight on a terrible airline with no extras such as WATER, drinks blankets food tvs.

    THAI IS WONDERFUL and reasonable on international legs.

    DOMESTIC they need to lift their game.

    I agree with you that layovers at KL on Air Asia flights to save $100. GOD ALMIGHTY how pitiful of people to the lengths they go to save a few lousy dollars on a long flight!

    • Like 1
  14. What a coward, POS scumbag. Let's hope this hits the Thai social media rounds and then the Army decide to make a poster boy out of this POS by giving him a nice long sentence where there is no sand.

    Wont happen. Look at that British guy who exposed the Pineapple fruit juice slave labour scam. HE IS IN TROUBLE in court facing Gaol. Now why would they ruin a NICE BEACH scene for all those Russians and Chinese?

  15. someone already posted this on ThaiVisa much earlier today in the 'best of Thailand videos' (irony?) section . . . posing a question something like, 'do they own the beach?'

    answer = yes . . . they do (unfortunately)

    I do not understand. So the little arse holes can do what that guy did in the video LEGALLY?

    How do they own the beach?

  16. Well Pattaya being corrupt? NAH NEVER> Passports used illegally obtained from Pattaya on that missing Malaysian Plane. Motor Bikes with tourists. Sex. Drugs. Police always in the news. ATM Scams. I am missing heaps but I do know that many people there from other Asian nations are On "Holidays" and earning a living from other things. (i have met a few OK so don't ask for elaborations.)

    So why would there not be Police involved?

    My Thia friends always say when the Bangkok Police come down to Pattaya the Pattaya Police get scared.

    Why would they if they were doing everything - or most things - right and correct?

    The place is a cesspit of corruption. Look at who the main stays are there? RUSSIAN MAFIA and they are known the world over for being what Pattaya has become.

  17. This is THAILAND. Where it floods is FLAT. What do we expect? No water will sit around and all evaporate?

    There is a,lot of water that falls from those clouds.

    I wish we had some in my country of Australia in many parts where we could use JUST ONE DAYS worth of what they get here.

    But this is the TROPICS and each years the same.

    So why do we get upset? It will rain and sometimes too much too fast and it will flood. And soon thereafter it will dry and people will lose everything but they will be there next time it floods too.

    As people live near waterways people will continually get wet. END of story.

    Sad fgor those who flood but if you sit on the mouth of a volcano one day it may erupt.

  18. Thats the problem with politica here, when you dont get your own way, kick up a fuss, start rallying and it escalates from there. IMHO the coup happened because no one was willing to compromise for the sake of the country. The Junta have been in power for about 4 months, they say there will be elections in just over a years time, thats not long in politics, the Reds should give them that time, that another problem here, cant wait must have it now and now is never soon enough, part of the culture, its the way Thais live and buy / get into debt etc. This circle needs to be broken or history will go on repeating itself and Thailand never remembers ( they dont teach history).

    I hope that it is false alarm and the Junta can fulfill what they said they would do, change the political landscape, rules/constitution etc and in a years time we will maybe, just maybe, see a new Thailand emerging, I am optimistic, although there are plenty here who are not.

    Unfortunately the people of EVERY country are like this. They all want it now. Look at how votes are BOUGHT in the West - TAX DEDUCTIONS money for cvhildren etc.

    Thailand is no different except corruption is more rampant and open

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