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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Hey Chrissable, question: Does the CT125 have auto-clutch or regular. ...thinking auto-clutch. Does that rule out compression braking on the down-hills.? papa very fond of compression brake.
  2. Lying seems to the the core of the left wing playbook these days. It's been normalised. Sad.
  3. They say two routes go north to Wiang Haeng. The mountain way and the river way. Thinking the road you describe ain't it. The river way is well signed at the NE corner of town. Mountain way prolly no stream crossing. Guessing.
  4. Coolio. Did you make it to the first of the two stream fords.? Maybe 20km more on tame dirt road links to 1095 and could loop back to CM
  5. Honda Phantom will sell easier than the off-brands. EZ rider look for big guy.
  6. World-wide papa owns 9 crappy motorcycles. 8 w/ proper crutch 1 cvt scooty. Love all long time. Willing to fight anyone who disagrees.
  7. Have him deliver to Land Transport Office and hire an agent there. Agents set up shop there. Otherwise no-go. You will need a certificate of residency from Immigration. That's it.
  8. Prolly all decent bikes. None going to be overly comfortable. Twin would be cool. & able to attach rear rack.? Are you buying from dealer or looking online.?
  9. Cool up in the high country. Green everywhere.
  10. What brand / model / size tires did you get.?
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