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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. 1. I guess various Ukranians have various opinion. 2. Russians have been trying to resolve the situation since 2014/Minsk Accord was defaulted on by the west. The west does not want peace. They want to suppress Russia. "Allowed"? Doubtful they can be stopped militarily. But hey, what does papa know.
  2. ...are you kidding bro... They are mercenaries fighting w/ Russia vs. Ukraine. dafug ...
  3. Don't let the door hit you on the bitt on the way out.
  4. Hire some Thai guys to dig it out. Labor cheap here.
  5. Just fill her with a bunch of old tire inner-tubes inflate them and she pops right up. E-Z P-Z Week-end project.
  6. Honda Click--- Automatic no chain no rear chain sprocket. // Cool side-stand. Maybe some lock-tite. // ????
  7. Structural aluminum is also very suited to this type repair.
  8. It is made of steel. Which does not just fail. No cracks. Good. Farang think too mutt.
  9. Just have the boys straighten it out...' be fine.
  10. Hire an agency to handle the transfer to your name. Not expensive. Don't mess around and make problems for yourself..
  11. 100cc 110. 125cc 135 150 155... 160cc. OMB, where will it end.>\?!
  12. If every politician who lies were prosecuted, Guantanamo Bay would be full.
  13. Projection being firmly planted on the left. // see how that works.? //
  14. Hey Chrissable, question: Does the CT125 have auto-clutch or regular. ...thinking auto-clutch. Does that rule out compression braking on the down-hills.? papa very fond of compression brake.
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