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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Your story is heart-breaking; ... will pray for you.
  2. The lady dude doth protest too much, methinks. Move to Singapore.?
  3. B18,000 ~$550. Would cost $everal thousand in USA.
  4. Well... If there was a simple solution the problem would not be difficult. Would it now...? Muriatic acid would lower the pH for sure.
  5. Elemental sulfur is sulphur straight up. The yellow stuff. ////// Could take quite bit of product and considerable time thru bacterial action to change pH depending on your soil type. A soil sample to a chemist/agronamist. would be most definitive.
  6. Eastern National Indoor Sports Stadium on Soi Chaiyapruek 2.
  7. Hey Chrissables Thanks a lot for the thread. We all enjoyed it bigly. You da man. ????
  8. Yes he should be kicked off and an honest truth-telling person like Adam Schiff should replace him.
  9. USA 45 cops / yr killed by guns in line of duty. [Some shot by other cops] Cops kill ~1200 civilians; 1/2 of whom were not criminals. Like this young man.
  10. He saw two men on a motorcycle. Both had full face helmets. Maybe not men. How to tell.?
  11. ... thinking ... touching them with or without apple would not be risky.
  12. Maybe someday Hondog will make a 170cc Click/ADV/PCX.? That would be really awesome....
  13. So is sudden catastrophic failure the fear.? Has this phenomenon ever been documented.?
  14. So Chris, was it tube failure, or tire explosion.?
  15. You think.? You think.? Based on you yourself never getting involved.? LOL Next time, please devote at least 3 minutes of thought to your reply.
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