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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. World-wide papa owns 9 crappy motorcycles. 8 w/ proper crutch 1 cvt scooty. Love all long time. Willing to fight anyone who disagrees.
  2. Have him deliver to Land Transport Office and hire an agent there. Agents set up shop there. Otherwise no-go. You will need a certificate of residency from Immigration. That's it.
  3. Prolly all decent bikes. None going to be overly comfortable. Twin would be cool. & able to attach rear rack.? Are you buying from dealer or looking online.?
  4. Cool up in the high country. Green everywhere.
  5. What brand / model / size tires did you get.?
  6. No one would accuse you of having much of an imagination.
  7. saw one of these beasts parked at 7-11 near Sukumvit last week maybe it was dark
  8. papa al

    Cargo Shorts

    Thanks for clarifying.
  9. yup Mityon main service center on Pattaya Thai, no worries.
  10. Lighter CVT weight/rollers do make a diff.
  11. A residency certificate from Immigration is a required duck.
  12. Not necessarily. My 2nd-hand scooter still has BKK plates, but 9-yrs Pattaya now.
  13. ...or consider using an agent. Are you buying from individual or dealer.?
  14. If the failure was intermittent or transient, then H2O prob more likely than dirt. Look in the tank w/ a flashlight to see if a blob of water/Etol in solution is separated on bottom of tank. If so have mech remove it. Normally would expect this prob only with a bike that has been stored. Don't worry. ... unless your karma is the prob.
  15. I'm fat. I'm old. I had covid 2x. Delta & omicron. Not bad. Mild & fleeting. Should I rely on natural immunity, or should I now risk the provisional vaccine.?
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