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papa al

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Everything posted by papa al

  1. Sickening !
  2. She will kick you out after the house is done.
  3. Scrambler. Good idea. Will prolly sell well enough. The CL is way cheaper than the 500X
  4. How can one defend his family if unarmed.? & Thanks for not being judgmental.
  5. Allegedly, tinted windows. Crime of the century. Cops are predators. Citizens are prey. That's the system. Trump being arrested over Stormy Daniels.? Gimme a break. Top to bottom, corrupt.
  6. Yes. They wrongfully take kids away all the time. They never get in trouble for it. The more they take away the more money the govt gives them. Simple. America.
  7. You are correct sir.! Tinted windows was the probable cause for the traffic stop. It's called a pretexual stop. So how could the cops see faces inside.? Reality: Out of state plates. Policing for profit. Cops harass poor white folks all the time too. Cops in USA are totally out of control. They violate the Constitution routinely. A true police state. Amen.
  8. Ask [or better, have gf ask] mocy taxi guy.
  9. Not sure. Can't make out the sticker on the tank. Looks like YA.... -something.
  10. Purchased new 1967 US $427. A lot of money. Mow lawns for $2. 100cs twin. 2T
  11. Need photo for sure. pls.
  12. In for 3: 1991 Aprilia Climber, modified bigly 1985 & 1986 Yamaha TY350s.
  13. Prolly could keep the existing guard, just habit mounted high, as depicted. That white one seems like it wouldn't protect the engine much.
  14. Noticed the ceeber rolled 60,000,000 meters. She is running perfect. Maybe treat to new plug.?
  15. Honda's CT125 recommended oil specs: ● JASO T 903 standard*1: MA ● SAE standard*2: 10W-30 ● API classification*3: SG or higher ///////// Amsoil Metric SAE 10W-30 tics all of Honda's specs
  16. Unclear why this engine failed, but, papa's resolve to use the best oil Amsoil, 2x better, not expensive at B300/liter, in all 5 motos is reinforced. .
  17. Does CT125 have tachometer.?
  18. Had the KMK mech install a new throttle to replace the battered one. Smoother B480. +tip.
  19. Summer’s dust lies there… since the exit of the rains. Gullies reveal truth.
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