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Everything posted by Confuscious

  1. I read this kind of behavior so many times. Looks to me that the "standard procedure" to punish these perpetrators, ie. jailterm, is not deterrent at all. Something seems to be missing by these criminals that defines them as "Once a criminal, always a criminal" and other ways of punishment needs to be found ungently.
  2. Yes Ralf, the RTP has different departments. - The department who went up-and-down Walking Street and came to the conclusion that there are no prostitutes working there. - The department who are every day in their Air-Conditioned boots playing with their cellphones 1 meter away from the traffic and can see thousands of motorbike drivers without a helmet, but are too lazy to come out of their boot and make an arrest. And there is the department that houses the most Police in the world, "the non-active duty department" where all the police are moved once they are catched with corruption. Welcome to Thailand, Ralf.
  3. 65+ deaths/day (on the spot) in traffic accidents, but the first priority of the RTP is fixed on (not existing in Thailand) prostitution on Songkran? Amazing Thailand indeed ...
  4. Thailand is still at the Stone Age in such matters. For the extension of a marriage visa, a proof of marriage is required every year (Korat immigration). This proof of marriage can ONLY be provided by the Ampur where the marriage was done. I needed a few years ago a birth certificate for my child and was sent to Chaiyaphum to collect this certificate. Korat was not able to do it. This is Thailand.
  5. According to her I'd card, my wife was not married. You can not divorce if you are not married.
  6. I had pretty much the same problem when I wanted to divorce my Thai wife. After months of discussion and threaten her with a divorce by the Courth, she agreed to divorce at the "Thatsabaan". When we finally arrived at the Thetsabaan, the Mair could not handle the divorce because my ex-wife still had her maiden name in her ID-Card. She needed to change her maiden name on all the documents (birth certificate of the child, etc.) before a divorce could be processed.
  7. I have a sportscam Worldtech WT-DVR1005h, which I purchased in 2017 and is still in use as a dash camera in my car. Unfortunatly, I lost last week the mobile phone which was used to control the camera. I don't have the original box anymore and can not remember the name of the Android application. Does somebody know the name of the Android application, or has the QR-Code of the Android application for this camera? TIA
  8. If you follow the news elsewhere, the same court decisions are the same in many countries. Not just Thailand.
  9. UPDATE: I went today to Immigration in Korat to etend my Visa and here are my experiences: 1. Immigration (Korat) has new people. New people = New rules. 2. I have a Foreign Currency Account with UOB. UOB does not suppy a Bank Book with the FCA but send every month an overview of your account. So, it is impossible to give an overview for the ongoing month as this paper will be send next month. In the past, the Immigration officials were aware of this and accepted the statements as the letter from the Bank director showed the amount Foreign Currency on the date that the extension was made. The new Immigration officials didn't accept that and wanted to see a statement for the current month. After a long discussion and talking with the Bank Director, the UOB Bank would produce a statement of the month March. Drive back to UOB, get the statement and driveback to Immigration (in the HOT sun). 3. Due to a stroke, my writing is not clear anymore and I type the documents were possible. PDF-files are easy to edit and to print out. I used the Immigration PDF-file to fill in and print out. For an unknown reason, the PDF-file was printed in Grayscale and was rejected by immigration. Everything had to be filled in with a BLUE pen. 4. The last 5 Visa extensions, I presented every time a map with the direction from my house to Immigration. Every time I got the answer that that was not needed. Today, I didn't had this document and Immigration wanted to have that document. They would settle with a Google Maps printout instead of a "hand drown" document. 5. Special for the "barstool wisdom" replies in this thread about the document I provided every year, Immigration Korat have now their own document that needs to be filled in with the revenue per month and per year and the source of the income. Sort like the Affidavit from the Embassy. Despite that this is already written in the letter of the bank. See copy attached. 6. The amount of fotocopies asked by immigration from every single person is UNBELIEVABLE!!! People were running up and down to the copy shop all the time for every signle s...t. What does immigration do with this IMMENSE paperwork? This is certainly not helping the environment. 7. Most of the employees at Immigration had the knowledge of a 5 year old kid at the best. They even had problems with understand Thai language. How are they selected? Dumbest first? Many people were disgruntled with this change at immigration.
  10. So, the PM is more concerned with a few people catching Covid than the 65+ people who will die on the Thai roads with Songkrahn. Excellent Prime Minister. By all means, wear your masks with Songkrahn and keep social distance. Forget the driving helmet, drunk and dangerous driving, etc... Sad to have such a government ...
  11. I guess that "Chemical Castration" will not help in this case ..... unless it's applied to his mouth
  12. National Cancer Institute Warns of Rising Breast Cancer Cases Among Thai Women Why only woman? A lot of foreigners in Thailand have more breasts tham Thai woman. Should the National Cancer institute no be concerned about them?
  13. Why should I mention that? I asked what the actual requirements where ( for BOTH options). Geeez, thaivisa has more than their fair share of barstool wisdom guys.
  14. From the immigration website : Each official is entitled to ask other documents as the mentioned ones.
  15. For all the "barstool wisdom" replies to my post: Korat immigration started to ask in 2018 a proof that I had an income coming from abroad (despite that fact that I had 800,000 seasoned in a Thai bank). The "Affidavit of income" from the Thai Embassy was not sufficient proof as it was I who declared to have the income on the Affidavit and not who paid my pension. The Embassy was only stating proof that it was me who signed the Affidavit. I presented at Immigration the declaration from my Pension funds (for tax purposes), but as it was in Dutch, Immigration asked a legal translation of the document. Thus, I let a translator translate it into Thai. Since that day, I provide (together with the other documents), the declaration of the Pension Funds to Immigration together with the seasoned 800,000 Baht. Note to the Moderators: The replies about supplying a proof of income have totally nothing to do with the original post and are not asked for.
  16. I use money in the bank, IE 800,000 Baht method. NOT income. I get a certificate of my yearly income from the pension fund of my country, which is translated into Thai by an official translator. NOT from the embassy. Thanks for your information.
  17. Using money in Bank. No income letter needed for "Money in Bank", but I supply every year a signed and stamped document from my pension funds about my yearly income (with a translation into Thai) and that letter was accepted every year.
  18. What are the latest requirements for a Visa extension based on "Retirement"? TIA (Visa extension will be in Korat)
  19. What he does in his life does not matter to me. End of the line is that he made beautiful music which we can enjoy listening to.
  20. A friend of mine (in Belgium), bought 2 years ago a new kitchen for his Thai restaurant at a fair. Price: more than 25,000 Euro. When the fair was over, the company was declared "broke" was dissolved. He never saw his new kitchen nor the 25,000 Euro. Cowboys are everywhere. Also, every day, another nutter is born.
  21. Well, that's a lesson for all Thais medling with the son/daughter of a foreigner.
  22. OK, she paid for the canned fish. But did she pay for the centipede? Otherwise she will be billed by the company for the centipede.
  23. "Chonburi police, as of now, proceeded to request the footage of the accident and questioned the injured for further investigation and legal charges." Here is the whole problem with Thai justice. If the pickup driver gets to buy the injured person (or his family) with some "hush money" there will never be any legal charges. In the mean time, the RTP can delay the case as long as they feel the need before going to the court. In most "civilised" countries, the case will be taken over immediatly from the police by a "Public Prosecutor" and will always and up in the Courts.
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