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Everything posted by Andrew65

  1. Agreed. In a similar way alcohol is no problem for most, but turns a small minority into monsters or alcoholics (or both). It's said that cannabis can have a bad effect if taken during adolescence.
  2. Many people drink and get drunk and never cause any problems. A small minority always cause problems when they drink.
  3. Sounds like a similar thing to British accents/dialect!? Many years ago I was in a bar in BKK, a geordie guy announced that he was having one more drink, and then he was "Gannin' Yam for a ******* kip!". One of the Thai girls enquired which language he was speaking!????
  4. Yes, very true. Thailand is 'exotic' and a "million miles" from our normal existence.
  5. It depends which part of the UK you're in. If you're in Henley on Thames or Esher (wealthy areas), it can be quite nice. If you're in the arse-end of one of the big cities it is depressing (in the winter anyway). Weather-wise, and old Irish friend who had lived in London assured me that the Irish weather is far worse than the British weather. Also, I assume that you've spent time in every country in Europe to make your assessment?
  6. There are plenty of good looking women in the UK. It's just that they're not on the game/accessable (even if many look/dress like they are????). Also, what you describe would be true of most countries in northern Europe.
  7. No, in QLD at least a durrie is a cigarette IIRC. PNG stands for Papua New Guinea, in this context.
  8. After 20 years of living there, (and 3 visits in the 80's, when I was 20/21), I speculate that it's often the 'unholy-trinity' of booze, illicit drugs, plentiful supply of easy-to-get tarts????, that puts some guys "off the tracks". If the same things were as available in their home countries they would have the same effect. Although as you say, women are the thing. also the fact that for many of us our experience with women there is of a 'transactional-nature' , they wouldn't give us a second look, if not for money.
  9. I quite often hear slang words from the north of England, Scotland etc that I've never heard before, and I'm 58????
  10. No, but there were probably lots of other Ozzie slang words that I never heard too. gronk Australian Slang, (noun) A person that is totally lacking in fashion sense, motor skills and/or social skills. Usually a total moron, an extremely unpleasant person or an unwanted guest. Sometimes: A likeable idiot or Bogan (especially in Queensland) 1. No wonder he can't get a girlfriend, he is such a gronk! 2. Why would you "steal my car for the weekend," you gronk!
  11. Yes, I worked there for 2 years 'all over' Oz. Also PNG. (I know what a durrie is????).
  12. It must be a very common surname. Maybe it's a regional thing? S*** TOWN POWER RANKINGS 30/7/23 1. Blacktown, NSW - Epic gronk jailed after breaking into high school 3 times to **** sheep, goats and cows, before r*oting the mattress in his cell 2. Dalby, QLD - Woman jailed after carjacking and assaulting 94-year-old man, falsely alleging kidnap and biting two cops while hep C-positive; gronk sentenced for biting off his elderly uncle’s ear
  13. Here's a recent report from Oz???? 7. Gold Coast, QLD - Gronk ordered to pay $10k in compensation for drunkenly bashing men outside kebab shop after State of Origin.
  14. I would never smoke it, although I have a few times in the past (I gave up smoking tobacco 3 years ago). One good thing to be said for it is that it makes me sleep. It would have to be eaten in the future. I've often heard people say such things when they're trying to make a case for it's legalisation. They're all peace-loving hippies, apparently!
  15. I look at a page on Facebook called "S*** Towns Of Australia", quite often there will be a report of a "Gronk" doing unspeakable things in public in Port Pirie (Which usually heads the list of the most s*** towns). Some of it is quite funny too!????
  16. He can't possibly have been smoking that stuff?! We're told that in the history of humanity no person has ever caused any problem whatsoever after smoking pot!
  17. Well done that man! I think the previous longest overstay that I had heard about was 12 years.
  18. Thailand has never executed a farang anyway. It will be commuted to life imprisonment, then they serve 8 years in a Thai prison, before being transferred to a prison in their home country.
  19. Apparently The Mob used to dump bodies in the garbage dump just outside NYC? Just guessing that there was a money-angle to this crime?
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