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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. Child killers are the lowest of the low. He should never taste freedom ever again.
  2. Monday to Friday - Toast and coffee. The weekend - Toast and slightly more expensive coffee.
  3. Get yourself a corset. And after a while you'll get used to having skimmed milk in tea, I did.
  4. It's a bold and dangerous statement to say "I never get sick". Nobody can predict what will happen in the future.
  5. Fake news? We will know for sure if people vaccinated with MRNA vaccines start to glow in the dark.
  6. The expression "sitting on a small fortune" now has a whole new meaning...
  7. Is that fun guy or fungi? If it's the latter then is more about him being kept in dark and fed on BS.
  8. Before the pandemic, I never really complained about anything here, with the exception of the general standard of driving which is an utter disgrace. That all changed when the vaccine rollout began simply because it really looked like us non Thais would be firmly at the back of the queue. This is something that pretty much no other country in the world was doing with their vaccine rollout, singling people out because of their nationality. In my book this is completely unforgivable. Interestingly, now I'm fully vaccinated my opinion hasn't changed at all because the reason I'am now vaccinated has nothing what so ever to do with the Thai government. It is due to the US donated Pfizer (thanks by the way), and all the foreign volunteers who helped organize it.
  9. He must be chuffed now that all of us unclean Brits who never shower and are solely to blame for Covid being in Thailand in the first place can now go home...
  10. Somebody actually talking sense at last and willing admire and emulate what other countries have done. Learning to live with this virus is the only way forward. In the long term, lockdowns just create more problems than they solve.
  11. Controversial!!! He is potentially going to get into trouble for not recommending vaccines produced by Thailand's puppet masters.
  12. Well, I'm now double vaccinated with Pfizer but have no intentions of dropping my guard and will continue to live my life for the foreseeable future the same way I have been doing for the last 18 months.
  13. A good colour for a Fortuner considering the reputation of many of the people who drive them here ....Red means danger! Keep out of my way or else....!
  14. Dmaxdan

    Thai Food - ?

    So we are definitely not entitled to our own opinion then. Good to know!
  15. Recently, my wife tried to send some longan from Chiang Mai to Bangkok for her daughter. They opened the package at the post office to check the contents and then told my wife that currently in Thailand you cannot send fruit of any kind via mail.
  16. Dmaxdan

    Thai Food - ?

    Are we not entitled to our own opinion?
  17. They will certainly be fined. Blamed for a storm and all it's damage? I think even in Thailand the courts would find that a hard one to make stick...
  18. You seem to forget that there are plenty of scumbags around the world that have so far not been arrested for anything and therefore don't have a criminal record. You can't vet everyone who arrives in Thailand, dangerous criminals don't generally have the fact tattooed on their foreheads.
  19. If he has any sense he will hand himself in to the cops sooner rather than later. Better than then risk some Thai vigilante group finding him first...
  20. You know the locals aren't happy when they are prepared to waste their beloved pla ra! If he doesn't buck his ideas up then next time they will probably be throwing canned fish...ouch!!
  21. I can't answer your question, but I'm due to go tomorrow (30th) for my second shot. One would presume that this time they know who is due to turn up and everyone arriving will already be registered so the process should be quicker... For example, I'm guessing you won't need to fill in the consent form again. I plan to get there about 8am which is about to same time I arrived for my first jab.
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