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Everything posted by Dmaxdan

  1. You can normally copy and paste the specs and reviews from Lazada into Google translate.
  2. The window tint that is on my car is one way. So when you look out from the inside it is like looking through normal glass but when you look in it has quite a dark tint. It's exactly the same as what is on the windows in my house.
  3. From my experience, your passport is all that you will need. However, I always take my bank book with me just in case... It is best to be prepared for every eventuality when dealing with immigration!
  4. Serious question, do you actually need the washing machine and tumble dryer plugged in at the same time? Logic suggests that you would use the washing first, then the tumble dryer so therefore only one at a time needs to be plugged in. You could buy one of those surge protection plug socket extension leads. Then plug one machine into a completely different wall socket?
  5. Do what the Thais do, just add some whiskey to it to take the taste away.
  6. Whilst it is important that all motorists have to abide by the rules, pedestrians have to play their part as well. For example, when crossing a road you should keep looking right and left at all times paying particularly attention to the direction the traffic is supposed to be coming from. You never just stare straight ahead or as many do these days, at their phone.
  7. I wonder if we will ever learn the outcome of this? Or will it be swept under the proverbial carpet?
  8. Because if they drove any quicker they would be in serious danger of avoiding the accident, and that would never do.
  9. And they also need missile launchers at intersections that are triggered when someone runs a red light.
  10. This accident looks like it may have occurred at a set of traffic lights. So I'm willing to bet that the lights were changing from green to red and the truck a the rear was trying to force the other truck through the red light by tailgating. Only the truck in front chose to abide by the law, brake sharply and stop.
  11. Good on them but I fear their demands will fall on deaf ears. Because for things to change for the better, the government will have to get off their backsides and actually do something constructive rather than just it's normal proposals that never reach fruition.
  12. In my humble opinion, the only way to really improve driving safety in the future is to start at grass roots level. The adult population are too set in their ways to change their bad habits. The kids need to be made aware that all roads are incredibly dangerous places. The use shock tactics to make them really sit up and take notice is essential in this. Things like wearing a seat belt or a crash helmet could save their life have to be ingrained into their heads a very early age. This needs to be done in school using specially trained teachers. They especially need to learn that wearing an amulet or getting your vehicle blessed by a monk counts for nothing when it comes to staying safe on the roads. There is no such thing as divine intervention. But most important of all. the kids need to know that there is a very strong chance that their parents will have very poor driving skills and under no circumstances should they emulate them in anyway.
  13. The other side of the coin with this is drivers slamming on their brakes stopping in highly dangerous situations just to answer their phone.
  14. Oh that old chestnut... "It wasn't me officer, just someone who looks like me and lives at the same address".
  15. For the record, the Bangkok bank app has now updated itself again this morning and the problem appears to be is solved. Thanks for everyone's replies.
  16. Interestingly, I have just looked at the reviews for the Bangkok bank app on the Google play store starting from today other people have highlighted the same problem that I'm having. Good to know I'm not alone at least.
  17. I have also scanned my phone using the Kaspersky app and it finds nothing wrong. It's built-in security that is finding finding the "problem". I believe that this uses Avast as it's antivirus.
  18. My phone runs Android version 11 which updated itself earlier this year.
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